16. Did not
encourage Congress to extend ban on assault weapons.
B. Both parties were against that particular Bill.
B. Best way to protect citizens is to prosecute gun-related crimes.
K. Failure of Presidential leadership is why Bill was not passed.
17. Is there a need for affirmative action programs?
K. Yes. We've made progress.
B. Aggressive effort to make sure people are educated.
B. Unbundle government contracts so small businesses can bid.
B. Help minorities own homes.
18. What part does faith play in policy decisions?
B. Faith plays a big part of my life.
K. Also religious.
K. (And then he starts attacking Bush)
19. Country is polarized. Priority to bring nation back together?
K. Of course. (Blames President as a divider.)
K. I'm a uniter.
K. Campaign finance reform.
B. I had a good record of working with both parties as Governor.
B. Disappointed with Washington politics.
B. Entrenched special interests.
B. (Brings up Iraq)
20. What's most important thing you've learned from wife/daughters?
B. To listen to them. (Lots of compliments to wife and daughters)
K. (Also lost of compliments to wife, daughters, and mother)
K. We need to be united. I'm bipartisan.
K. (Has to keep correcting "Global Test" mistake)
B. (Standard speech stuff)
- Constitutional Amendment to prevent gay marriage. I'm
against Constitutional Amendments. Bush -1.
- Pro-choice. Kill more people. Kerry +1.
- Take over Medicare from states. I'm against taking
power from states. Kerry -1.
- Allow people to not contribute to Social Security.
Our generation must pay for SS yet realize that we won't benefit. Bush
- Against amnesty for illegal immigration. Ironically,
I support this. Bush +1.
- Education solves problems. Very true. Bush +1.
- Add two active duty army divisions. Kerry +1.
- Style: Kerry seemed to attack more than before. It
was kind of annoying. Bush is about the same as previous debates. Tie.
Total Score: Bush +0, Kerry +1.
Final Score: Bush +2, Kerry +1.
It was close and Kerry had a real chance except he became annoying and
he does sound like he wants the Federal Government to do everything.
You need to let the states handle their own affairs.