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Wednesday I had dinner with Stephanie. She bought a couple of salmon (cajun style and lemon) and oven baked them. There was also asparagus and bit of leftovers and eggnog. It was good and a lot of food. Also watched half of the Kings-Sonics game where the Sonics just beat up the Kings.

Steph finally gave up on reading Bill Clinton's autobiography. She only read the first 150 or so pages and had stalled. So I took the book and have been steadily reading it. It's about 950 pages and it is slow reading. I hope to finish it in a couple of months. I've already read the first 100 pages and it is quite interesting.

Thursday night was the ebMUG meeting. The head organizer for MacWorld conferences presented giving a spiel on why the conferences are attractive. People seemed to be interested and some of the free sessions were highlighted. But since I never go more than a day it's kind of moot for me.

Apparently I was promoted to the ebMUG leadership board. Really, I'm barely contributing but hopefully I'll do more as I get more comfortable. Meanwhile we might have recruited another member and one who can lead the first hour or so when we have the Q&A session. Which reminds me that this month's Q&A had this loud know-it-all in the back. I mean, it's nice to be helpful but you need to do it without overwhelming the helpee or coming out as being condescending.
Friday we ran through the last three acts of Diablo at Hell difficulty and finished the game in about 2-1/2 hours. At that point I probably should have stopped but Woo and I tried to do the Infernal Pit and it took a good hour and a half to get most of it done before we were kicked off.

Saturday morning I finally replaced my car battery. I was getting pretty worried by then because I could tell it was dying. Everytime I started my car the engine just barely turned over. And of course unless I let the car sit for a couple of hours it wouldn't start up again so I had to get a jump to get from the parking lot to the back of the Sears Auto Center.

It was quite simple. They tested the system to make sure it was the battery which was dead. Then I went in and paid for it and they installed the new battery. The whole thing took less than an hour, half of which you can skip by just driving to the battery replacement section in the first place.

I bought groceries and the ingredients for Woo's spaghetti recipe. Also bought next week's groceries -- I'm trying to go every other week and spending $80 each time instead of $40 each week. Actually I ended up making the sauce and spaghetti and it came out all right, though I don't have a big pot so I had to make more spaghetti.

We didn't have a day game this week. Dave came by and slept for a few hours. I had an hour nap then watched my tape of the CMA Awards. Donald came by and was quietly reading downstairs. The GURPS BattleTech session went fairly well. We had a short combat and with weapons the guys did much better than last week.
Copyright (c) 2004 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: November 14, 2004
Page Last Updated: November 14, 2004