Yesterday Steve Jackson
Games announced that GURPS Online has been cancelled. Worlds Apart was
doing all the work so it was probably more on their end than on the SJG
end. Apparently it was going to be more of a text based MMORPG which is
what Worlds Apart makes and I should have remembered since they're also
in partnership with Skotos.
Frankly I'm a bit relieved. It's unfortunate that there won't be a
GURPS Online game and that SJG loses a bit of potential revenue. But
it's not like I wanted to spend $13 (which is what Skotos charges,
though that's for all their games) a month to play online. Still, it
might have been quite interesting as a text-based game.
Dave showed me this web service he's been working on. I guess it uses
Javascript. You can move objects around then submit your changes to a
central server. Everyone accessing that page sees the changes when the
page updates periodically. Sort of a slow whiteboard application. But
relatively platform and resource neutral. It's interesting and has a
You know I'm usually pretty negative about Dave's creations. I'm a
negative person and I guess I take it out on Dave. I really should be
more supportive. It's just that being supportive takes more work than
dismissing an idea. That and Dave tends to come up with quirky
solutions to problems. People can agree on the problem, it's the many
different possible solutions that is the real difficulty.
Right now I'm sort of
depressed. Maybe that's too strong a word. Indifferent. Although I did
a lot of things today, they're just little things. And there's this big
mountain of things left to do and it seems like I'm never going to be
done. I'm just not in and enthusiastic mood right now. Usually I'll
feel better after I get a good night's sleep (all too rare nowadays). A
new day is like a fresh start, at least for a few hours.
Right arm hurts too. I think I've been typing too much. Getting caught
up on my journal entries. Also redoing some of my catalogs which
requires a lot of mousing around. My right leg hurts too, especially
when I've been sitting for a while or when I'm lying down trying to
sleep. It seems like no matter what sleeping position I try some part
of my body hurts. It might be my bed.
I've been neglecting my body for too many years. I think I'm sore or a
little bit in pain almost all the time. I keep thinking I have to start
taking care of myself, exercise and eat better. But I never seem to do
it. I can do it for a day or two or a week and then I get depressed or
I want a reward for hard work and fall off the wagon. Oh well.
Tomorrow I need to get work done. Stop goofing off, nose to the
grindstone, all that good stuff. Probably won't happen but I think
every Sunday night as I've wasted a whole weekend that I was planning
to get a bit of work done in. Work work work. Grr grr grr. Just
psyching myself up. :-)