This is an HLML version of
the CRS. So Leicky is filling in for
Bello for Chief Jeff, etc. Apologies to Leicky, Trancer, Bello, and
for using you without permission (I wrote this from 00:00 to 02:30 --
the story wouldn't let me go to sleep :) [Oops, almost forgot Autumn.
apologies. Although it's only in reference. I'm getting incoherent...]
I actually wrote this
story as an introduction to an Ars Magica game
going to run for my friends this Saturday. This is a complete skit.
No part 2. Now I have to go research some more (after I sleep).
At Melissa's Temple Apartment (Last Monday Night):
GC: Hurry up bard! It's going to start in 2
LK: Yes Goddess, popcorn's almost done.
GC: And put extra butter on it.
LK: ((hrrmph))
GC: I'll have none of that hrrmphing around
Now hurry up and turn on the TV!
Leicky comes in with the bowl of popcorn. She turns on
the TV and
sits down on the couch next to the Goddess. Show comes on, teaser.
GC: ((Smiling)) Oh, that Ally is such a
LK: ((Looks at Goddess)) ((Thinks: no
one uses that expression anymore.))
GC: I heard that.
LK: ((Thinks: sorry Goddess.))
GC: Apology accepted. Now be quiet and let me
the show.
LK: ((Thinks: How does Melissa put up with
GC: ((Blank stare))
LK: ((In horror)) I didn't just think
did I?
GC: Yes you did. ((Zap!))
It took Trancer and two firefighters 45 minutes to
revive Leicky.
As long as she's here, Trancer watches TV with the
GC: Shouldn't you be reviving Leicky?
TR: My assistants can do it. It's not like
GC: Oh, I see.
They watch Act 1 to Act 3. By then Leicky's up and
about. Trancer
Commercial break. Goddess takes her Slinky out and
starts playing with
LK: You've been playing with that toy for months.
Shouldn't you use your other presents -- I mean, just so that the
others don't feel offended.