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By this time, Leicky was way inside the Goddess' personal space. The next thing she knew, Trancer was administering CPR to her.

LK: What The?!? Get off me Trancer! She's not getting off that easy!

TR: ((Talking to herself)) Why thank you Trancer for the time and effort you put in every day to save miserable Cirrans such as myself. I don't know how New Cirra would cope without you. You're a real hero. ((Walks off, still talking to herself))

[Once again, having Gene around would help.]

GC: ((Sitting on her couch, where she has been thinking for the last 45 minutes)) You're right bard. You've been doing a good job. I've been unfairly comparing you to Melissa. Thank you for being my bard.

LK: ((Teary-eyed)) Oh, I'm so happy to hear you say that! ((Hugs the Goddess))

[Talk about a Kodak moment.]

GC: Augh, that enough! ((Pushes Leicky away hard, who falls down on her rump))

[Well, it couldn't last long.]

GC: Here, take this. ((Hands Leicky an object))

LK: ((Looks at object)) What's this?

GC: It's a rolly tape lint picker-upper, of course. Be a dear and get all the lint off of my clothes. We can't have a Goddess who is all linty, now can we?

LK: No, of course not. ((Heads off to the bedroom))

[Talk about a dysfunctional relationship. Though I love the rolly tape lint picker-upper quote so much that I had to work it into the skit.]

Later that day...

LK: Goddess, it's time to go to the Temple.

GC: ((Watching Oprah)) What for?

LK: The Talent Contest, remember?

GC: Oh, right! Let's go bard!

At the Temple. The Goddess sits on her throne with Cal to her right and Leicky to her left.

CL: The first contestant is Clix, who will display her prowess at Zen Juggling.

CX: ((Enters room)) Greetings ladies and germs. A funny thing happened on my way here...

[In Clix's own words: "all i ask is that when I come out I have at least 50 (real) eyes and many toothpix sticking out of my head to I look like a female Hellraiser...with hair"]

GC: ((Sees Clix)) SWEET MOTHER OF ZEUS!! NOT YOU AGAIN!! ((Starts throwing fireballs at Clix))

Copyright (c) 1998 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: February 22, 2004
Page Last Updated: February 22, 2004