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BS: Whatever. Why don't we ever get invited to those parties.

HE: Dunno. Maybe Melissa didn't like us?

DM: What's not to like? We're lean, mean, party machines! ((Starts dancing))

BS: (Now I know why Dave doesn't get invited)

HE: (Dave's not a bad dancer)

DM: (Rick Dees, eat your heart out!)

GC: ((Still talking to Amanda)) Wasss ittt thosshheee meeeaaannn booyyysss? Theeyy'll paaayy fooorr thhiiss.

AH: No Goddess, wait!

GC: ((Throws a fireball at the trio, but misses by a mile))

BS, HE, DM: ((Looking up)) ((In unison)) Oh, oh. Here comes trouble!

GC: (Miissshheedd!) ((Throws another fireball and blows up Brian's tent))

BS: Scatter! ((Runs away))

HE: ((Dives for cover))

DM: ((Frozen in fear))

AH: Goddess, stop!

GC: (Whyyy issshh thiisshh sooo haarrddd?) ((Throws another fireball and hits Dave)) Gottt hiimmm! ((Hiccup)) ((Passes out))

AH: ((Runs to Dave)) Oh, no! He's awfully hurt! What'll I do?

Meanwhile, Approximately 30000 feet above the tragic scene, on a commercial airliner...

Trancer (TR): ((Standing next to the exit hatch with a parachute strapped to her)) Tartarus! The things I do for these people! ((Opens door and jumps out))

A little over 45 minutes later...

DM: Ouch, ouch, ouch.

TR: Stop whining, you crybaby. It's not like this hasn't happened to you before.

BS: So, what do we do with the Goddess?

GC: ((Snore. But it's a cute little snore))

HE: Leave her with Trancer. We gotta get moving.

AH: Yup. I don't want to explain what happened when the Goddess wakes up.

TR: Why, what happened?

AH, BS, HE, DM: Nothing.

Meanwhile, out in space. In the New Cirran Space Station...

Leicky (LK): All I get is one line? I gotta read my contract again...

[End Part 11]

Copyright (c) 1998 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: March 11, 2004
Page Last Updated: March 11, 2004