Little kid disappears.
HA: ((Chuckling)) I love that show!
GC: ((Blank stare))
HA: You know? South Park?
GC: ((Blank stare))
HA: Don't you get cable?
DM: Actually, we don't. [I couldn't find a CRS
Company listed.]
HA: ((Incredulous)) What kind of
town do you live in?
GC: Well, there's no reason to stay here. ((Teleports
out with Dave))
HA: Goodbye to you too. Sheesh! Women!
Persephone: I heard that Mr. Lord of the
Are you done taking out the garbage already?
HA: I'm doing it now dear.
Back on New Cirra. The Goddess and Dave appear...
GC: Home sweet home.
DM: ((Playing with the slinky)) (Boing
boing boing)
GC: Give me that back! ((Grabs slinky))
Slinky Groupies: There he is!
DM: Not again! ((Runs off chased by
GC: There's something you don't see every day.
CL: ((Runs up to the Goddess)) Goddess!
GC: What is it High Priestess?
CL: It's terrible, these death rays have been
down from the sky and incinerating everything in their path!
GC: Oh really?
CL: Yes Goddess! It's the truth! I saw it
GC: So what has been destroyed?
CL: Well, nothing.
GC: Come again?
CL: Well, you see, the death rays keep missing
Cirra. It's destroyed several trees, killed a few cows, and toasted a
car full of Amway salesmen.
GC: ((Suspicious)) Are you intoxicated?
CL: No Goddess! I would never drink any alcoholic
GC: I find this all hard to believe.