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Year:    2005
Studio:  Universal Studios
Feature: 4/5
DVD:     2/5

I thought this was a pretty good movie. It's based on Doom 3 and as far as I can tell (not having played Doom 3) it has all the right elements. It's a simple plot: something has gone wrong on a Mars outpost and a Marine Rapid Response Team is sent in to investigate. They find monsters, Marines die, monsters die, leading up to a final confrontation.

The RRT is led by Sarge (The Rock) and trusted lieutenant Reaper aka John Grimm (Karl Urban). While the 7-man team investigates they also have to protect outpost scientist Samantha Grimm (Rosamund Pike) who happens to be John's sister. Actually we learn that John's parents were scientists on Mars and died there in an accident, hence why he left.

In any case, it's a very atmospheric movie. Dark and creepy with only a few monsters lurking about (which I guess is like Doom 3 more than the previous versions). There is a bit of mystery if you aren't familiar with the game and there's a cool 5-minute first-person-shooter segment. Special effects are really good and it was nice that the RRT members die off slowly -- I don't appreciate movies where the elite team is decimated in the first few minutes, leaving the hero to soldier on alone.
The DVD has about 10 minutes more footage. There is a scene with a naked woman monster that was totally cut out. Some stuff with people backgrounds. Some scenes that are a bit longer or a bit more graphic. I did find that the additions improved the movie.

Overall I think this a good science fiction horror action film.


Basic Training (11 min): actors with the military trainers.
Rock Formation (6 min): The Rock getting monster makeup.
Master Monster Makers (11 min): creating the monsters.
First Person Shooter Sequence (6 min): how it was shot.
DOOM Nation (15 min): about the Doom games and history.
Game On! (7 min): basic tips for playing Doom 3.
Doom 3 Xbox Demo: one level demo.

Copyright (c) 2006 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: March 22, 2006
Page Last Updated: March 22, 2006