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Magic wielders do not include heroes who were given powers through magical means, since that is treated just like a normal super-hero.

In general, think of a hero who is not totally helpless if he's the only one on the mission. At the very least you have to have an offensive power or carry a gun, be somewhat smart, and be at max human or better in almost every attribute. Your hero will probably have 3-6 Powers and Skills (skills are very general and encompassing).

For now think of the concept and these three things:

1. Background: how did you get your powers and cool items? What do you do in your day job (assuming you're not a 24x7 hero)? Do you have any family or close friends? Why are you a hero?

2. Description: what does your costume look like (and is it made out of anything special)? What about your body (height, weight, body type)? Hair and eye colors? How old are you? Any distinguishing mannerisms or catch phrases?

3. Personality: how do you deal with your family, friends, super hero buddies, strangers, villains? What makes you happy, what makes you sad, what would you like to change about the world? Introvert, extrovert, easy going, worrywort, excitable, quiet, angers easily, etc.

Now, write all that stuff down: hero name, concept, background, description, personality. Then proceed to step 2.
[2] Attributes

[2a] The Attributes

There are nine attributes:

Dexterity (DEX)    Strength (STR) Body (BODY)
Intelligence (INT) Will (WILL)    Mind (MIND)
Influence (INFL)   Aura (AURA)    Spirit (SPIRIT)

The first row is Physical, the second row is Mental and the third row is Mystical. The first column is used for Action or Opposed Values (AV/OV), the second column is used for Effect Values (EV) and the third column is used for Resistance Values (RV) and "hit points". If any RV attribute drops to 0 you are unconscious. If any RV attribute drops to double-negative (in the Runequest sense), you are dead.

DEX, STR, BODY are as usual except that Stamina/Endurance is attached to STR. INT is the ability to think rapidly and remember facts. WILL is the ability to draw conclusions and represents mental endurance. MIND is just mental hit points. INFL represents your strength of personality and presence. AURA represents your magical power and the ability to make people do what you want. SPIRIT is magical hit points.

INT/WILL is used for perception, look for clues and put things together. INFL/AURA is used to influence and interrogate people.
Copyright (c) 2003 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: December 2, 2003 Page Last Updated: December 2, 2003