Encounter 3: "I'm Busting Outta This Joint!"
"The bus has stopped and the hijackers have made their demand. As you
discuss what to do you hear on the radio: 'All available units respond
to a prison breakout.' Uh oh, looks like you have another emergency on
your hands."
The heroes might ignore the prison breakout, which they're perfectly
free to do. In which case play out the commandos escape at the end of
encounter 2.
Should some (or all) of the heroes head to the prison, they will arrive
just after Sumo and the rest have fled, along with several other
unrelated inmates, including the Sportsmaster. In Sumo's cell they'll
find this note:
Metal Man
Smell vs OV/RV 4/4 to smell the sea water (1 RAP) and to tell they're
Japanese (4 RAPs). Postcognition (15 = 15 min: "Make sure to leave the
note.", 21 = 1 hour: "Why are we testing these heroes?" "I just follow
orders.", 28 = 4 hour: "I can't wait to be back on the submarine
tonight."). Note that the commandos are talking in Japanese: Comprehend
Languages vs OV/RV 6 (need 11).
Should some heroes have been left in reserve back at HQ, they can
respond to the emergency faster and arrive in the midst of the
breakout. Sumo and the others will have left already, but Sportsmaster
and some other inmates will try to bull past the heroes. Recapturing
Sportsmaster is worth an extra 1/2 Miscellaneous Award.
Inmates (4)
All stats at 3 (INIT 18). No Hero Points. Wielding bats [BODY 5, EV 3
(4 with STR)]. All these guys want to do is get away.
Troubleshooting The
heroes can ignore this encounter, in which case they won't be prepared
for encounters 5 and 7.
Go To Encounter 4
(Bank) and/or Encounter 5 (Mayor) and/or Encounter 7 (Yacht) and/or
Encounter 8 (Metal Hero).