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Encounter 3 (Part 1): Dolphin Mania

Ghost Girl

"After you finish your looking at the second accident site, you and Carlotta look at each other uncomfortably. She clearly doesn't know what to do now and suddenly blurts out 'Hey! You want to see the dolphins?'

If Penelope declines skip to Encounter 4.

Carlotta shows Penelope the Dolphin Discovery Classroom (#23) where Christine is currently working with the dolphins. Carlotta gushes about the dolphins and oohs and ahhs as Christine gets the dolphins to do some spectacular stunts. She says how good Christine is, especially with Flipper, the smartest dolphin in the world, or so say the Water World promos. Those two are as close as a woman can be with a fish and still not get arrested. It's too bad that Chris can't have the same success with men. She only seems to date losers...

If Penelope asks how Flipper got here from the other side of the park, Carlotta will explain that the park water areas are connected via underwater tunnels so that the dolphins can move around.

Carlotta introduces Christine and notes the rose left on her chair. Christine: "Now where did that come from? You guys didn't see Raoul leave it, did you?"
And with that Raoul and Andre enter, arguing. Raoul is dressed in a leather jacket and has a classic (albeit futuristic) bad boy biker look. Andre and he are arguing because Raoul, since he doesn't work at Water World, should not even be in the park. In truth it's a minor offense that Andre would normally overlook but he doesn't like Raoul and thinks that he's bad news for Christine. They break off and Raoul goes to Christine while Andre meets up with Penelope, but not before Carlotta gives him a big hug. Raoul wants to know if Penelope has found out anything.

Go To Encounter 4.

Encounter 4 (Part 1): A Talk With Andre

Now is the chance for Penelope to ask Andre about the note. Andre will look at Raoul then say that they should talk "outside". He tells Carlotta to check the fish tank and then takes Penelope outside the area.

Andre will show Penelope the note. He explains that he didn't show her the note because he had ignored its warnings and bad things happened. He doesn't want to look bad to Mr Bridge and hoped that Gilmore's Agency could find out that Raoul (for Andre is convinced that Raoul is behind this) did it. Andre doesn't have any evidence againt Raoul but he knows that Raoul is a "bad kid, no good can come from his kind".

Go To Encounter 5.
Copyright (c) 2003 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: December 8, 2003 Page Last Updated: December 8, 2003