Captain Hook was dead along with almost all of his pirate band. Only
Starkey and Smee had survived, and Starkey was prisoner of the
Redskins. It was the fault of Peter Pan and his Lost Boys! Someday they
were going to pay, swore Smee. It took him years to find Peter's hidden
treasure hoard. And now with the money, he can hire a new pirate band
and implement his bloody vengeance.
This adventure takes place after the Peter Pan book by JM Barrie.
1. Boat Party
2. Ultraman Attacks!
3. Kidnapped!
4. Journey to Neverland
5. Exploring Neverland
6. Final Confrontation
1. Peter Pan: Smee and Neverland
2. Riff: Ultra-Humanite attacks in Ultraman robot
3. Rad: Sharks escape and flee to Neverland
Standard Award
Level of Opposition: Equal (20)
Area of Consequence: Personal (0)
Severity: Permanent Nonfatal (10)
Total Standard Award: 30
After Action Report
Roll Call
Peter Pan (David Sweet)
Rad (David Woo)
Riff (Eric Fulton)
Audio Log (MP3)
Tape 1 [7.0 MB] (1:02)
Tape 2 [7.0 MB] (1:02)
Tape 3 [7.0 MB] (1:02)
Tape 4 [7.0 MB] (1:02)
1. Ultra-Humanite "shown up" by Riff (Enc 2).
2. Heroes sail to Neverland. (Enc 4)
3. Heroes leave Sharks alone (Enc 5).
4. Peter Pan narrowly beats Smee (Enc 6).
5. Rad disbelieves the whole Neverland experience.