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A momentous day and another strike for the just cause of Cold! It started out the previous night as I slipped away from my guard post and made my way. My squad would not miss me for hours yet, and I had to get to town to warn the chosen ones. My dear Da's poleaxe balanced over my shoulder was my only company as I trudged onwards through the night.

I did not want this Quest. Help the Underworlders! That is sheer insanity, or so I thought. But Frostor, the clan elder, explained to me once again, like he had ever since I was a wee one, that the cause of Cold had been subverted by Chaos. How our clan and a few other like us had to fight against the Chaos, to free our Cold brethren from its evil influence. How the Underworlders' Holy Quest would help achieve these aims.

Oh, we knew the Underworlders would be arriving soon. But not exactly when. There are so few of our clan left that it was fortunate indeed that one of us was nearby when word reached us of the Underworlders' arrival. The irony being that I was in one of the squads assigned to capture the Underworlders and sacrifice them to our Chaotic masters.

The town was not particularly large, but then again no town is all that large anymore. Still in my uniform, I explained to the guards that I was here to scout for my squad. I would go incognito to gauge the Underworlders' strength and disposition. They were a motley group of Vikul, with a Mok leading them. Timroth is the leader's name, a short little blue-skinned fellow who moves like quicksilver. Once alone with him I warned him that they were all in a trap, and that two of the Vikuls had already been captured.

Dismayed, he left to inform his men while I took a badly needed nap. A few hours later I awoke, somewhat refreshed. Timroth introduced me to his group, which consisted of the aforementioned Vikul plus a Jiliroth, Lapader, and a Gabter (hangers on I assume, or perhaps Quest groupies). Their plan was to gather their supplies and make a break for it, stopping long enough to free their two comrades.
I suggested that I could get the two out, since I was still a soldier. Then we could meet at the big hill (where all the sacrifices ended up, but they didn't need to know that). With that part of the plan ironed out, I headed off, retrieving my armor, then talking to the Chief. The village Chief was none the wiser as I explained to him that it would be better if I took the prisoners so that the Underworlders wouldn't suspect anything.

Back at the hill I waited there, having a perfect view of the whole town. It wasn't long before the main event started, as a fight broke out in the Underworlders' hut. The Gabter battered a hole through one wall and they streamed out, with guards approaching them on two sides. I relunctantly provided cover fire, surprisingly managing to down two guards. The ferocity of that groupies astounds me. The Gabter, Lapader, and Jiliroth showed a savage ferocity -- a terrifying blood lust as they fought to the death, willing to kill downed opponents if they had the time.

They all made it out though. And after stopping long enough to patch up their wounds we were on our way. Most of the Vikul split off, presumably they had their own missions to accomplish. Meanwhile, I would accompany the remains of Timroth's party as well as the groupies, leading the inevitable pursuit away from the others.

As we make a brief respite in our flight, I can write down my thoughts and wonder. Already I have doubts about my decision, forsaking hearth and home for an ideal, however ingrained it may be in me. It's too late to go back now; I only hope that my dear old Da would approve of my actions. I'd like to think that he would.
Copyright (c) 2001 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: December 10, 2003 Page Last Updated: December 10, 2003