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555/2/20: The morning before a battle is a time to contemplate and reflect, to make peace with my God, to steady myself before the coming conflict. This morning was no different as I woke up and looked out over our encampment. Some thirty-score warriors from two factions, Phad's blue and our own Orgal's yellow, waking up to sack yonder castle, which as yet does not suspect our intentions.

And that gets me to wonder. Why are the greens being so lackadaisical? Surely they must know that a large force camps just over this here hill. I can only think that they must believe we are allies, and therefore don't suspect the foul treachery we are about to commit. A foul treachery that causes me to wonder why we joined the army in the first place. Sure, we wanted protection and assurances of safety in this land. But getting involved in an internecine struggle is just asking for something bad to happen to us.

Some two hours ready and our force was ready for battle. Our little group had been given a ladder for scaling the outer walls with the instructions to only take the outer walls, not to continue any further. Apparently, all mercenary companies had been given the same order, which suited us fine, though it did mean that there would be less looting.

With the clarion call of the bugle we were off. Yelling and screaming, we caught the defenders surprised and ill-prepared. Once at the wall the few defenders there threw rocks down on us, but it was half-hearted and rather ineffective as Tev, Krelga and Nakaro quickly swarmed up the ladder and engaged the green-clad troops. And just like that it was over for us. One defender lay dead, the rest fleeing to the inner bailey.

We wandered around and watched as the main body assaulted the inner keep. Against our standing orders, I saw Krelga hop over and try to join some of the assault parties, but each time she was rebuffed. Nakaro came up to me dragging a large desk, saying it was a gift for me, for I was the only one of the group who had a specific item in my shopping list of things to loot. Unfortunately it wasn't a desk, but a dresses. Still a desk could do in a pinch and we hauled it back to camp and hid it on our cart.
The rest of the day was quite desultory. Bands of the victorious chasing after greens trying to escape the massacre. Scores of small fires burned unchecked throughout the day, imparting a haze to the whole field. Even Tev seemed bored as he slept next to the fire, oblivious to the hustle and bustle going on around him.

555/2/25: Surprisingly, our contract has been bought out by the Blues. One of their Captains approached Krelga, making an astute observation that she is the real leader of our party, with a highly dangerous mission. They want us to attempt to assassinate Iitee, leader of the Reds. Ok, how the heck are we supposed to do that? Easy, hire on with the Reds and with the help of some of their agents, we'll be quite close to Iitee when the Blues attack his castle. That will be our signal to strike. The hard part will be getting back out.

The Blues offered to pay us well, which should have been a sign that all was not quite right. Nakaro demanded a dresser from the war spoils, which we got. So now I have my looting goals complete. We also get as much blue cloth as we want, two Zinc coins apiece, and a salary of five silver a day. With that kind of incentive we couldn't resist.

Now we travel with a Blue insertion party. The Blue general gives me the chills, though I don't know why. Tev says he spotted a couple of obviously chaos-touched soldiers. Krelga has heard some ominous whisperings. I've started dreaming again. Pain, death, suffering. Something terrible is going to happen unless we can prevent it. But I don't know what to do. Should we continue with our mission; can we even get out of it now? Only my desk and dresser provide a comfort to me now.
Copyright (c) 2001 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: December 11, 2003 Page Last Updated: December 11, 2003