1. Each Round is about 5 seconds.
2. Round Sequence
a. Initiative
b. Execute Actions
3. Initiative
Dice = Coordination + Reaction + Tactical Genius. Add Planetary Tactics
(Small Unit). Highest initiative goes first.
4. Execute Actions
In initiative order, each combatant declares and executes their
actions. In general, you can do one action without any penalties. If
you do multiple actions, there will be a penalty to all actions that
require a test.
5. Multiple Action
The following penalties assume the primary action is an attack.
Change Phaser Setting +1
Movement (one direction) +1 per 2 meters
+3 (+2 move, +1 sight penalty)
+1 per second, minimum +2
Talking (up to 5 seconds) +1
In general the penaties for other actions are:
Can be done with almost no
concentration or physical action
Takes some concentration or
+1 per second
Takes a lot of concentration or
complex physical action
+2 per second
6. Aiming
Characters can aim for a round and get a +3 bonus on their next attack
roll. If the character does anything else before he can fire (dodge,
move more than a meter) then the bonus is only a +1.
7. Dodging/Parrying
Combatants can always dodge or parry attacks. Make a Dodge roll and
check the following table:
Roll Modifier
4 +1
7 +2
10 +3
13 +4
15+ Automatic Dodge
All Out Defense as an action (instead of attacking) gives an extra +2
modifier in addition to the roll. Note that you can't defend against
attacks you don't see (with "looking around" you can see attacks coming
from behind you).
8. Opportunity Actions
Combatants can delay their declarations/actions to later in the round.
Whenever someone finishes their declarations, delayers have a chance to
go, but they must dice off (Coordination + Reaction) against the
current combatant scheduled to go.