kcw | star trek: the next generation campaign
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Scenario Info

Author - Dave Biggins
Source - TrekRPG.net
Players - Med
Action - Low

Roll Call

Shannon Appelcline (Clancy Evans)
Donald Kubasak (Krystal Evensong)
Dave Pickering (Venor Pertham)
Eric Rowe (Jon Cabote)
Dave Sweet (John Kalhoun)
Kevin C. Wong (Game Master)
Dave Woo (Gonar)


Section 01 (47:04, 5.3 MB, 01/27/01)
Section 02 (47:09, 5.3 MB, 01/27/01)
Section 03 (47:05, 5.3 MB, 01/27/01)
Section 04 (47:05, 5.3 MB, 01/27/01)


After the big mid-season climatic space battle, Homecoming was a chance to play a small episode with low pressure. There is a race (and I forgot what they're called so we'll call them the Altarans) who almost wiped themselves out in a biological war. The few remaining survivors fled on a ship, but they were plague carriers so were shunned by their neighbors. The Enterprise met them and one of the Enterprise crewmen fell in love with one of the aliens and joined the plague ship. Luckily he was some sort of medical genius.

A year later they've found a cure and want to return to their world. But one of their more aggressive neighbors doesn't want that, and is willing to blow them out of the sky to prevent their return. I changed the aggressor race to the Kzinti and changed their motive to protecting a research station that they've set up on Altar. The players get involved as their ship is sent to Altara to perform maintenance on a quartet of surveillance satellites which are there to warn people away from Altar.

Clancy is in charge of the still damaged Discovery. They reach Altara without incident and Gonar is placed in charge of the maintenance work. Gonar takes Venor and John and someone else as they each man a satellite. Whilst there John discovers that something has tampered with the satellite recorders. Meanwhile the Altarans arrive and explain their situation. It's all tragic of course, but before Clancy can decide on a course of action, three Kzinti ships are detected approaching the system.
Copyright (c) 2001 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: January 22, 2004
Page Last Updated: January 22, 2004