Kevin C. Wong

GURPS Collection

Steve Jackson Games


1204 1985              Man to Man

5401 2002 3.0   CD     GURPS Character Builder
5403 2003 1.0   CD     GURPS Vehicle Builder

6000 1986       Box    GURPS Basic Set
6000 1987 2E    Box    GURPS Basic Set
6001 1986 1P           GURPS Fantasy
6002 1985              GURPS Orcslayer
6003 1986              GURPS Autoduel
6003 1996 2E1P         GURPS Autoduel
6004 1987              GURPS Horror
6004 1990 2E2P         GURPS Horror
6004 2002 3E1P         GURPS Horror
6005 1988 1P           GURPS Space
6005 1990 2E1P         GURPS Space
6005 1999 3E1P         GURPS Space
6006 1988 1P           GURPS Japan
6006 1999 2E1P         GURPS Japan
6007 1987              GURPS Horseclans
6008 1989 1P           GURPS Witch World
6009 1987              GURPS Humanx
6010 1990 1P           GURPS Aliens
6011 1988 1P           GURPS Bestiary
6011 1994 2E2P         GURPS Bestiary
6011 2000 3E1P         GURPS Bestiary
6012 1989 1P           GURPS Conan
6014 1989 1P           GURPS Ice Age
6015 1990 1P           GURPS Fantasy Folk
6015 1995 2E1P         GURPS Fantasy Folk
6016 1992 1P           GURPS Illuminati
6017 1989 1P           GURPS Supers
6017 1991 2E1P         GURPS Supers
6018 1988 1P           GURPS High-Tech
6018 1992 2E1P         GURPS High-Tech
6018 1998 3E1P         GURPS High-Tech
6019      1P           GURPS Swashbucklers
6019      2E1P         GURPS Swashbucklers
6019 1999 3E1P         GURPS Swashbucklers
6020 1991 1P           GURPS Time Travel
6021 1997 1P           GURPS Mecha
6022 1991 3E5P         GURPS Basic Set
6022 1994 3ER1P        GURPS Basic Set
6023 1989 1P           GURPS Magic
6023 1994 2E2P         GURPS Magic
6024 1989 1P           GURPS Update
6025 1988 1P           GURPS Player's Book
6026 1989 1P           GURPS Wild Cards
6027 1989 1P           GURPS Cliffhangers
6027 2002 2E1P         GURPS Cliffhangers
6028 1989 1P           GURPS Riverworld
6029 1989 1P           GURPS Special Ops
6029 1999 2E1P         GURPS Special Ops
6029 2002 3E1P         GURPS Special Ops
6030      1P           GURPS The Prisoner
6031 1989 3E4P  HdC    GURPS Basic Set
6031 1999 3ER4P HdC    GURPS Basic Set
6032 1989 1P           GURPS Ultra-Tech
6032 1991 2E2P         GURPS Ultra-Tech
6032 1996 2ER1P        GURPS Ultra-Tech
6033 1990 1P           GURPS Cyberpunk
6034 1990 2E2P         GURPS Fantasy
6035 1990 1P           GURPS Uplift
6035 2003 2E1P         GURPS Uplift
6036 1990 2P           GURPS Martial Arts
6036 1996 2E1P         GURPS Martial Arts
6037 1991 1P           GURPS China
6038 1990 1P           GURPS Magic Items
6039 1991 1P           GURPS Terradyne
6040 1991 3P           GURPS Psionics
6041 1991 1P           GURPS Camelot
6042 1991 1P           GURPS Vikings
6042 2002 2E1P         GURPS Vikings
6043 2003 1E1P         GURPS Faerie
6044 1991 1P           GURPS Old West
6044 2000 2E1P         GURPS Old West
6045 1991 1P           GURPS Scarlet Pimpernel
6046 1992 1P           GURPS Robin Hood
6047 1992 1P           GURPS Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
6048 1992 1P           GURPS Imperial Rome
6048 2000 2E1P         GURPS Imperial Rome
6049 2001 1E2P  HdC    GURPS Steampunk
6050 1992 1P           GURPS Middle Ages 1
6050 2002 2E1P         GURPS Middle Ages 1
6051 1993 1P           GURPS Cyberworld
6053 1993 1P           GURPS War Against the Chtorr
6054 1993 1P           GURPS Aztecs
6055 1992 1P           GURPS Espionage
6060 1992 1P           GURPS Bunnies and Burrows
6061 2001 1P           GURPS Discworld Also
6062 1993 1P           GURPS Arabian Nights
6063 1992 1P           GURPS Fantasy II
6064 2003 1E1P         GURPS SWAT
6065 1993 1P           GURPS Atomic Horror
6065 2001 2E1P         GURPS Atomic Horror
6066 1993 2P           GURPS Creatures of the Night
6067 1993 1P           GURPS Lensman
6067 2001 2E1P         GURPS Lensman
6068 1994 1P           GURPS Mage: The Ascension
6069 1994 1P           GURPS Vampire Companion
6070 1995 1P           GURPS CthulhuPunk
6071 1995 1P           GURPS Voodoo: The Shadow War
6072 1995 1P           GURPS Illuminati University
6073 1995 1P           GURPS Blood Types
6074 1995 1P           GURPS Celtic Myth
6075 1995 1P           GURPS Greece
6076 1993 1P           GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade
6077 1993 1P           GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse
6078 1996 1P           GURPS Goblins
6079 1997 1E1P         GURPS Reign of Steel
6080 1997 1E1P         GURPS Planet Krishna
6081 1997 1E1P         GURPS Black Ops
6082 1998 1E1P         GURPS Russia
6083 1998 1E1P         GURPS Egypt
6084 1998 1E1P         GURPS Discworld
6085 1999 1E1P         GURPS Warriors
6086 1998 1E1P         GURPS Undead
6087 1998 1E1P         GURPS Technomancer
6088 1999 1E1P         GURPS Who's Who 1
6089 1999 1E2P  HdC    GURPS Discworld
6090 1999 1E1P         GURPS Y2K
6093 2000 1E1P         GURPS In Nomine
6094 2000              GURPS Lite
6095 1999 1E1P         GURPS Myth
6096 1999 1E1P         GURPS New Sun
6097 2000 1E1P         GURPS Ogre
6098 2000 1E1P         GURPS Steampunk
6099 2000 1E1P         GURPS Castle Falkenstein

6100 1988 1P           GURPS Horror - The Old Stone Fort
6101 1988 1P           GURPS Fantasy - Harkwood
6103 1988 1P           GURPS Horr/Autoduel - Zombietown USA
6105 1988 1P           GURPS Space - Unnight
6106 1989 1P           GURPS Fantasy - Tredroy
6107 1988 1P           GURPS Supers - School of Hard Knocks
6108 1989 1P           GURPS Horror/Space - Flight 13
6109 1989 1P           GURPS Space - Stardemon
6110 1989 1P           GURPS Horr/Cliff - Chaos in Kansas
6111 1989 1P           GURPS Supers - Super Scum
6112 1989 1P           GURPS Supers - Deathwish
6114 1991 1P           GURPS Fantasy Adventures
6115 1991 1P           GURPS Wild Cards - Aces Abroad
6116 1992 1P           GURPS Supers Adventures
6121 1992 1P           GURPS Cyberpunk Adventures
6123 1992 1P           GURPS Time Travel Adventures
6127 1993 1P           GURPS Martial Arts Adventures
6128 1993 1P           GURPS Operation Endgame
6129 2001 1E1P         GURPS Best of Pyramid Volume 1
6130 2001 1E1P         GURPS Best of Pyramid Volume 2
6199 1991 1P           GURPS Space Adventures

6201 1988 1P           GURPS Conan-Beyond Thunder River
6202 1988 1P           GURPS Horseclans - Bili the Axe
6203 1989 1P           GURPS Humanx - Love of Mother-Not
6204 1989 1P           GURPS Conan/Queen ot Black Coast
6205 1988 1P           GURPS Conan the Wyrmslayer
6206 1989 1P           GURPS Conan - Moon of Blood

6301                   AADA Road Atlas 1: East Coast
6302 1987              AADA Road Atlas 2: West Coast
6303 1987              AADA Road Atlas 3: The South
6304 1987              AADA Road Atlas 4: Australia
6305 1988 1P           AADA Road Atlas 5: The Midwest
6306 1988 1P           AADA Road Atlas 6: Free Oil States
6307 1989 1P           AADA Road Atlas 7: Mountain West

6401 1987       Acc    GURPS Blank Maps
6402 1987 1P    Acc    GURPS Autoduel - Car Warriors
6403 1988 1P    Acc    GURPS Reference Screen
6404 1989       Acc    GURPS Blank Character Sheets
6405 1990       Acc    GURPS Space GM's Pack
6406 1990 1P           GURPS Supers - Supertemps
6407 1991       Acc    GURPS Fantasy GM's Pack
6409            Acc    GURPS Reference Screen
6410 1992 1P           GURPS Supers - Mixed Doubles
6411 1998 1P           GURPS Wizards
6412 1993 1P           GURPS Supporting Cast
6413 2003 1E1P         GURPS Rogues
6414 1999       Acc    GURPS GM's Screen
6416 2000 1E1P         GURPS Villains
6417 2001       Acc    GURPS Horror GM's Screen
6418 2001 1E2P         GURPS Monsters
6420 2001 1P    Acc    GURPS Char Sheets (Summer of Horror)
6421 2004 1E1P         GURPS All-Star Jam 2004
6422 2001 1E1P         GURPS Steam-Tech
6423 2002 1E1P         GURPS Modern Firepower

6500 1988 1P           GURPS Space - Space Atlas
6501 1988 1P           GURPS Space - Space Atlas 2
6502 1990 1P           GURPS Space - Space Atlas 3
6503 1990 1P           GURPS Space Bestiary
6504 1990 1P           GURPS Fantasy Bestiary
6505 1993 1P           GURPS Vehicles
6505 2000 2E3P         GURPS Vehicles
6506 1991 1P           GURPS International Super Teams
6508 1996 1P           GURPS Dinosaurs
6509 1991 1P           GURPS Space - Space Atlas 4
6510 1994 1P           GURPS Religion
6511 1995 1P           GURPS Robots
6512 1991 1P           GURPS Magic Items 2
6513 1992 1P           GURPS Timeline
6514 1994 1P           GURPS Grimoire
6519 1996 1P           GURPS Compendium I
6520 1996 1P           GURPS Places of Mystery
6521 1996 1P           GURPS Alternate Earths
6522 1996 1P           GURPS Compendium II
6523 1997 1P           GURPS Warehouse 23
6524 1997 1P           GURPS Bio-Tech
6525 1997 1P           GURPS Ultra-Tech 2
6526 2001 1E1P         GURPS Low-Tech
6528 1999 1E1P         GURPS Who's Who 2
6530 1999 1E1P         GURPS Alternate Earths 2
6531 2003 1E1P         GURPS Magic Items 3
6533 2003 1E1P         GURPS Shapeshifters
6534 2001 1E1P         GURPS Cops
6536 2001 1E1P         GURPS Atlantis
6537 2001 1E1P         GURPS Spirits
6538 2001 1E1P         GURPS Screampunk
6539 2003 1E1P         GURPS Age of Napoleon
6540 2004 1E1P  HdC    GURPS Dragons
6541 2002 1E1P  3/5    GURPS Vehicles Expansion 1
6542 2002 1E1P  3/5    GURPS Vehicles Expansion 2
6546 2002 1E1P  3/5    GURPS Vehicles Lite
6549 2003 1E1P         GURPS Covert Ops

6600 1998 1E1P         GURPS Traveller
6600 1999 2E1P         GURPS Traveller
6601 1998 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Behind the Claw
6602 1998 1E1P  HdC    GURPS Traveller
6602 2002 2E2P  HdC    GURPS Traveller
6603 1998 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Alien Races 1
6604 1999 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Star Mercs
6605 1999 1E1P         GURPS Trav - First In
6606 1999 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Far Trader
6607 1999 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Alien Races 2
6608 2000 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Alien Races 3
6609 2001 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Alien Races 4
6610 2000 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Starports
6613 2003 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Starships
6614 2000 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Ground Forces
6615 2000 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Rim of Fire
6616 2001 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Modular Cutter
6617 2000 1P    Acc    Deck Plan 1: Beowulf Free Trader
6618            Acc    GURPS Trav - Droyne Coyns
6619            Acc    GURPS Trav - GM's Screen
6620 2001 1P    Acc    Deck Plan 2: Modular Cutter
6621 2001 1P    Acc    Deck Plan 3: Empress Marava Far Tradr
6622 2001 1P    Acc    Deck Plan 4: Assault Cutter
6623 2003 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Humaniti
6624 2004 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Nobles
6628 2002       Bndl   GURPS Trav - 25th Anniversary Set
6631 2004 1E1P         GURPS Trav - Sword Worlds

6700 2002 1E1P         Transhuman Space
6701 2002 1E1P         TS - Fifth Wave
6702 2003 1E1P         TS - In the Well
6703 2003 1E1P         TS - Deep Beyond
6704 2003 1E1P         TS - High Frontier
6705 2002 1E1P  3/5    TS - Orbital Decay
6706 2002 1E1P  3/5    TS - Spacecraft of the Solar System
6707 2003 1E1P         TS - Broken Dreams
6708 2002 2E1P  HdC    Transhuman Space
6709 2003 1E1P         TS - Under Pressure
6710 2002 1E1P  4/5    TS - Personnel Files
6712 2004 1E1P         TS - Toxic Memes

6714 2001 1E1P         GURPS Cabal
6715 2002 1E1P         GURPS Mars
6716 2003 1E1P         GURPS Planet of Adventure
6717 2002 1E1P         GURPS Alpha Centauri
6721 2003 1E1P         GURPS Blue Planet
6722 2002 1E1P         GURPS Castle Falk - Ottoman Empire
6760 2001 1E1P         GURPS Deadlands: Weird West
6761 2002 1E1P  4/5    GURPS Deadlands: Hexes
6762 2003 1E1P         GURPS Deadlands: Varmints
6781 2001 1E1P  3/5    Dime Novel 1: Aces and Eights
6782 2001 1E1P  3/5    Dime Novel 2: Wanted Undead or Alive

6801 2001 1E1P  3/5    GURPS Trav - Survey 1: Kamsii
6802 2001 1E1P  3/5    GURPS Trav - Survey 2: Denuli
6803 2001 1E1P  3/5    GURPS Trav - Survey 3: Granicus
6804 2001 1E1P  3/5    GURPS Trav - Survey 4: Glisten
6805 2001 1E1P  3/5    GURPS Trav - Survey 5: Tobibak
6806 2001 1E1P  3/5    GURPS Trav - Survey 6: Darkmoon
6880 2002 1E1P  3/5    GURPS Trav - Heroes 1: Bounty Hunters

7505 2001 1P    Acc    Deck Plan 5: Sulieman Scout/Courier
7506 2002 1E1P  Acc    Deck Plan 6: Dragon System Def Boat

8001 2001 1E1P         GURPS WWII
8002 2002 1E1P  3/5    GURPS WWII - Hand of Steel
8003 2002 1E1P         GURPS WWII - Iron Cross
8004 2003 1E1P  3/5    GURPS WWII - Return to Honor
8005 2003 1E1P         GURPS WWII - Dogfaces
8008 2003 1E1P  3/5    GURPS WWII - Frozen Hell
8009 2004 1E1P         GURPS WWII - All the King's Men
8010 2003 1E1P  3/5    GURPS WWII - Grim Legions
8011 2004 1E1P         GURPS WWII - Motor Pool
8019 2003 1E1P         GURPS WWII - Weird War II
8020 2002 1E2P  HdC    GURPS WWII

8111 2002 1E1P  4/5    Hellboy Sourcebook and RPG
8112 2002 1E1P  4/5-HC Hellboy Sourcebook and RPG
8121 2002 1E3P  HdC    Discworld RPG

Roleplayer Magazine (Steve Jackson Games)

      02/1986 Newsletter   Issue #1
      06/1986 Newsletter   Issue #2
      11/1986 Newsletter   Issue #3
      02/1987 Newsletter   Issue #4
      04/1987 Newsletter   Issue #5
      08/1987 Newsletter   Issue #6
      11/1987 Newsletter   Issue #7
      01/1988 Newsletter   Issue #8
      03/1988 Newsletter   Issue #9
      05/1988 Newsletter   Issue #10
      08/1988 Newsletter   Issue #11
      12/1988 Newsletter   Issue #12
      02/1989 Newsletter   Issue #13
      06/1989 Newsletter   Issue #14
      08/1989 Newsletter   Issue #15
      10/1989 Newsletter   Issue #16
      11/1989 Newsletter   Issue #17
      02/1990 Newsletter   Issue #18
      04/1990 Newsletter   Issue #19
      06/1990 Newsletter   Issue #20
      08/1990 Magazine     Issue #21
      11/1990 Magazine     Issue #22
8323  05/1991 Magazine     Issue #23
8324  06/1991 Magazine     Issue #24
8325  08/1991 Magazine     Issue #25
8326  10/1991 Magazine     Issue #26
8327  02/1992 Magazine     Issue #27
8328  04/1992 Magazine     Issue #28
8329  11/1992 Magazine     Issue #29
8330  01/1993 Magazine     Issue #30


Far Future Enterprises

----- ---- ----- CDROM Traveller GURPS 1 - People (got PDFs from Bundle of Holding)
----- ---- ----- CDROM Traveller GURPS 2 - Ships (got PDFs from Bundle of Holding)
----- ---- ----- CDROM Traveller GURPS 3 - JTAS (got contents from my JTAS sub)

Guns! Guns! Guns! Blacksburg Tactical Research Center (BTRC)

3G-02 1989 2E1P         Guns! Guns! Guns!
4001  1991 3E2P         Guns! Guns! Guns!
4002  1993 1E1P         More Guns!

Modern Myth Publishing

0101 1994              IST Kingston

The Primal Order (Wizards of the Coast)

0001  1992 1P    Print  The Primal Order
0001  1995 2P    P+PDF  The Primal Order
0400  1992 1P    P+PDF  Pawns: The Opening Move
0401  1993       PDF    Knights: Strategies in Motion
0403  1993       PDF    Chessboards: The Planes of Possibilities


Core Books

30-1204 1985       PDF    Man to Man
30-6002 1985       PDF    GURPS Classic: Orcslayer
30-6003 1986       PDF    GURPS Classic: Autoduel
30-6003 1996 2E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Autoduel
30-6004 2002 3E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Horror
30-6005 1988 1P PDF GURPS Classic: Space

30-6005 2002 3E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Space
30-6006 1999 2E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Japan
30-6007 1987 PDF GURPS Classic: Horseclans

30-6010 1990 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Aliens
30-6011 2000 3E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Bestiary
30-6012 1989       PDF    GURPS Classic: Conan
30-6014 1989 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Ice Age
30-6015 2000 2E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy Folk
30-6016 2000 3P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Illuminati
30-6016 2018 1E4P PDF GURPS Classic: Illuminati
30-6017 1996 4P PDF GURPS Classic: Supers

30-6017 2000 5P PDF GURPS Classic: Supers
30-6018 1998 3E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: High-Tech
30-6019 1999 3E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Swashbucklers
30-6020 2020 v3.0 PDF GURPS Classic: Time Travel

30-6021 1999 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Mecha
30-6023 2000 1E4P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Magic
30-6024 2004 1.0   PDF    GURPS Update (3E to 4E)
30-6027 2002 2E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Cliffhangers
30-6029 2002 3E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Special Ops
30-6031 2004 3ER7P PDF    GURPS Basic Set
30-6031 2021 3ER8P PDF    GURPS Basic Set
30-6032 1999 2ER2P PDF    GURPS Classic: Ultra-Tech
30-6033 1990 3P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Cyberpunk
30-6034 1995 2E3P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy
30-6036 1998 2E3P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Martial Arts
30-6037 1991 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: China
30-6038 1999 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Magic Items 1
30-6039 1991 1P PDF GURPS Classic: Terradyne

30-6040 2003 1E5P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Psionics
30-6041 1991 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Camelot
30-6042 2002 2E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Vikings
30-6043 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Faerie
30-6044 2000 2E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Old West
30-6045 1991 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Scarlet Pimpernel
30-6046 1992 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Robin Hood
30-6048 2000 2E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Imperial Rome
30-6050 2002 2E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Middle Ages 1
30-6051 1993 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Cyberworld
30-6054 1993 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Aztecs
30-6055 1992 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Espionage
30-6060 1992 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Bunnies & Burrows
30-6061 2022 1E2P PDF GURPS Classic: Discworld Also

30-6062 1993 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Arabian Nights
30-6063 1992 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy II
30-6064 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: SWAT
30-6065 2001 2E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Atomic Horror
30-6066 1993 2P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Creatures of the Night
30-6071 1995 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Voodoo: The Shadow War
30-6072 2000 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: IOU
30-6073 1995 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Blood Types
30-6074 2000 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Celtic Myth
30-6075 2004 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Greece
30-6078 2020 1E2P PDF GURPS Classic: Goblins

30-6079 2003 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Reign of Steel
30-6081 1999 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Black Ops
30-6082 1998 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Russia
30-6083 2004 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Egypt
30-6085 1999 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Warriors
30-6086 2001 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Undead
30-6087 1998 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Technomancer
30-6088 1999 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Who's Who 1
30-6090 1999 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Y2K
30-6093 2000 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: In Nomine
30-6094 2003 3E    PDF    GURPS Lite (3th Ed)
30-6097 2000 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Ogre
30-6098 2000 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Steampunk
30-6099 2000 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Castle Falkenstein

30-6100      1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Horror: The Old Stone Fort
30-6101 1988 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy: Harkwood
30-6103 1988       PDF    GURPS Classic: Horror: Zombietown, U.S.A.
30-6105 1988 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Space: Unnight
30-6106 1989 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy: Tredroy
30-6107 1989 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Supers: School of Hard Knocks
30-6109 1989 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Space: Stardemon
30-6110 1989 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Horror: Chaos in Kansas
30-6111 1989 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Supers: Super Scum
30-6112 1989 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Supers: Deathwish
30-6114 1991 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy Adv [37-2109 to 37-2112]
30-6116 1992 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Supers Adventures
30-6121 1992 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Cyberpunk Adventures
30-6127 1993 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Martial Arts Adventures
30-6128 1993 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Operation Endgame
30-6129 2001 1E1P PDF GURPS Classic: Best of Pyramid 1

30-6130 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Best of Pyramid 2
30-6199 1991 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Space Adventures

30-6201 1988       PDF    GURPS Classic: Conan Beyond Thunder River
30-6204 1989       PDF    GURPS Classic: Conan & the Queen o/t Black Coast
30-6205 1989       PDF    GURPS Classic: Conan the Wyrmslayer
30-6206 1989       PDF    GURPS Classic: Conan - Moon of Blood

30-6301 1987       PDF    AADA Road Atlas V1: The East Coast
30-6302 1987       PDF    AADA Road Atlas V2: The West Coast
30-6303 1987       PDF    AADA Road Atlas V3: The South
30-6304 1987 1P    PDF    AADA Road Atlas V4: Australia
30-6305 1988 1P    PDF    AADA Road Atlas V5: The Midwest
30-6306 1988 1P    PDF    AADA Road Atlas V6: The Free Oil States
30-6307 1989 1P    PDF    AADA Road Atlas V7: Mountain West

30-6402 1987 1P PDF GURPS Classic: Autoduel: Car Warriors
30-6406 1990 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Supers: Supertemps
30-6410 1992 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Supers: Mixed Doubles
30-6411 1998 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Wizards
30-6412 1993 1P PDF GURPS Classic: Supporting Cast

30-6413 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Rogues
30-6414 2003 PDF GURPS Classic: GM's Screen
30-6416 2000 1E1P PDF GURPS Classic: Villains
30-6417 2001 PDF GURPS Classic: Horror GM's Screen

30-6418 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Monsters
30-6421 2004 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: All-Star Jam 2004
30-6422 2001 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Steam-Tech (v2.0)
30-6423 2002 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Modern Firepower

30-6500 1988 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Space Atlas
30-6501 1988 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Space Atlas 2
30-6502 1990 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Space Atlas 3
30-6503 1990 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy Bestiary
30-6504 2003 1E3P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Space Bestiary
30-6505 2000 2E3P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Vehicles
30-6506 1991 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Supers: International Super Teams
30-6508 1996 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Dinosaurs
30-6509 1991 1P PDF GURPS Classic: Space Atlas 4

30-6510 2002 1E3P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Religion
30-6511 2000 1E3P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Robots
30-6512 1999 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Magic Items 2
30-6513 1992 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Timeline
30-6514 1994 1P PDF GURPS Classic: Grimoire

30-6519 2002 1E4P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Compendium I
30-6520 1996 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Places of Mystery
30-6521 1996 1P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Alternate Earths
30-6522 1996 2P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Compendium II
30-6523 1999 2P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Warehouse 23
30-6524 1997 2P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Bio-Tech
30-6525 1999 2P    PDF    GURPS Classic: Ultra-Tech 2
30-6526 2004 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Low-Tech
30-6528 1999 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Who's Who 2
30-6530 1999 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Alternate Earths 2
30-6531 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Magic Items 3
30-6533 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Shapeshifters
30-6534 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Cops
30-6536 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Atlantis
30-6537 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Spirits
30-6538 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Screampunk
30-6539 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Age of Napoleon
30-6540 2004 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Dragons (v2.0 Nov 2022)
30-6541 2002 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Vehicles Expansion 1
30-6542 2002 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Vehicles Expansion 2
30-6546 2002 1E1P PDF GURPS Classic: Vehicles Lite

30-6549 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Covert Ops

30-6714 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Cabal
30-6715 2002 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Mars
30-6722 2002 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Classic: Castle Falk - The Ottoman Empire
30-6760 2001 1E1P PDF GURPS Deadlands: Weird West
30-6761 2002 1E1P PDF GURPS Deadlands: Hexes
30-6762 2003 1E1P PDF GURPS Deadlands: Varmints
30-6781 2001 1E1P PDF GURPS Deadlands Dime Novel 1: Aces and Eights
30-6782 2001 1E1P PDF GURPS Deadlands Dime Novel 2: Wanted Undead or Alive


37-2101 2004 1.0   PDF    GURPS Classic: Mars: Grendel
37-2102 2004 1.0   PDF    GURPS Classic: Technomancer: Funny New Guys
37-2103 2004 1.0   PDF    Caravan to Ein Arris (GURPS 3E)
37-2105 ---- ----- ------ GURPS Cl: Black Ops: A Minor Emergency (P#28)
37-2106 ---- ----- ------ GURPS Classic: IOU: It's Not Just a Game (P#22)
37-2107 2004 1.0   PDF    GURPS Classic: Mars: Rescue Mission
37-2108 2004 1.0   PDF    GURPS Classic: Temple of the Lost Gods
37-2109 2005 1.0   PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy: Fighters ot Purple Rage
37-2110 2005 1.0   PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy: Lost Inheritance
37-2111 2005 1.0   PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy: Sahudese Fire Drill
37-2112 2005 1.0   PDF    GURPS Classic: Fantasy: Mordag's Little Finger


30-8301 to 30-8330 PDF    Roleplayer #01 to #30

Transhuman Space

30-6701 2002 1E1P  PDF    Transhuman Space Classic: Fifth Wave
30-6702 2003 1E1P  PDF    Transhuman Space Classic: In The Well
30-6703 2003 1E1P  PDF    Transhuman Space Classic: Deep Beyond
30-6704 2003 1E1P  PDF    Transhuman Space Classic: High Frontier
30-6705 2002 1E1P  PDF    Transhuman Space Classic: Orbital Decay
30-6706 2002 1E1P  PDF    THS Classic: Spacecraft of the Solar System
30-6707 2003 1E1P  PDF    Transhuman Space Classic: Broken Dreams
30-6708 2002 2E1P  PDF    Transhuman Space Classic
30-6709 2003 1E1P  PDF    Transhuman Space Classic: Under Pressure
30-6710 2002 1E1P  PDF    Transhuman Space Classic: Personnel Files
30-6712 2004 1E1P  PDF    Transhuman Space Classic: Toxic Memes

37-1140 2004 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Singapore Sling
37-1141 2004 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Polyhymnia

37-6701 2006 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Changing Times (updates TS to 4E)
37-6702 2007 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Shell-Tech
37-6703 2009 1.0   PDF    THS: Personnel Files 2 - The Meme Team
37-6704 2009 1.0   PDF    THS: Personnel Files 3 - Wild Justice
37-6705 2009 1.0   PDF    THS: Personnel Files 4 - Martingale Security
37-6706 2009 1.0   PDF    THS: Personnel Files 5 - School Days 2100
37-6707 2010 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Teralogos News: 2100, 4Q
37-6708 2010 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Teralogos News: 2101, 1Q
37-6709 2010 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Teralogos News: 2101, 2Q
37-6710 2010 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Teralogos News: 2101, 3Q
37-6711 2011 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Cities on the Edge
37-6712 2011 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Transhuman Mysteries
37-6713 2011 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Martial Arts 2100
37-6714 2014 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Wings of the Rising Sun
37-6715 2015 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Bioroid Bazaar
37-6716 2015 1.0   PDF    Transhuman Space: Bio-Tech 2100


30-6601 1998 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Behind the Claw
30-6602 2002 2E2P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic
30-6603 2001 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Alien Races 1
30-6604 2004 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Star Mercs
30-6605 1999 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: First In
30-6606 2004 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Far Trader
30-6607 1999 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Alien Races 2
30-6608 2000 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Alien Races 3
30-6609 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Alien Races 4
30-6610 2000 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Starports
30-6613 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Starships
30-6614 2000 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Ground Forces
30-6615 2000 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Rim of Fire
30-6616 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Modular Cutter
30-6617 2000 1P    PDF    GURPS T: Deck Plan 1: Beowulf Free Trader
30-6619            PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: GM's Screen
30-6620 2001 1P    PDF    GURPS T: Deck Plan 2: Modular Cutter
30-6621 2001 1P    PDF    GURPS T: Deck Plan 3: Empress Marava Far Trader
30-6622 2001 1P    PDF    GURPS T: Deck Plan 4: Assault Cutter
30-6623 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Humaniti
30-6624 2004 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Nobles
30-6631 2004 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller Classic: Sword Worlds

30-6801 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS T: Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii
30-6802 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS T: Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli
30-6803 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS T: Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus
30-6804 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS T: Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten
30-6805 .... ..... ...... GURPS T: Planetary Survey 5 - Tobibak
30-6806 .... ..... ...... GURPS T: Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon
30-6880 .... ..... ...... GURPS T: Heroes 1 - Bounty Hunters

30-7505 2001 1P    PDF    GURPS T: Deck Plan 5: Sulieman Scout/Courier
30-7506 2002 1E1P  PDF    GURPS T: Deck Plan 6: Dragon System Def Boat

37-1150 2004 1.0   PDF    GURPS Traveller: Flare Star
37-2501 ---- ----- ------ GURPS Traveller: The Best of JTAS, Volume 1
37-6601 2005 1.1   PDF    GURPS Traveller: Psionics Institutes

World War II

30-8001 2001 1E1P  PDF    GURPS WWII Core Rulebook
30-8002 2002 1E1P  PDF    GURPS WWII Classic: Hand of Steel
30-8003 2002 1E1P  PDF    GURPS WWII Classic: Iron Cross
30-8004 2002 1E1P  PDF    GURPS WWII Classic: Return to Honor
30-8005 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS WWII Classic: Dogfaces
30-8008 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS WWII Classic: Frozen Hell
30-8009 2004 1E1P  PDF    GURPS WWII Classic: All the King's Men
30-8010 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS WWII Classic: Grim Legions
30-8011 2004 1E1P  PDF    GURPS WWII Classic: Motor Pool
30-8019 2003 1E1P  PDF    GURPS WWII Classic: Weird War II

37-8001 2005 1.0   PDF    GURPS WWII: Michael's Army
37-8002 2004 1.0   PDF    GURPS WWII: Doomed White Eagle
37-8003 2004 1.0   PDF    GURPS WWII: Leyte Gulf
37-8004 2006 1.0   PDF    GURPS WWII: Their Finest Hour
37-8007 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS WWII: Red Tide

37-2104 2004 1.0   PDF    GURPS WeirdW2: The Secret of the Gneisenau


01-0001 2016 4E6P  HdC    GURPS Basic Set: Characters
01-0002 2016 4E6P  HdC    GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns
01-0003 2004 4E1P  HdC    GURPS Basic Set - Deluxe Edition
01-0004 2004 4E    Stpld  GURPS Lite
01-0005 2004       Acc    GURPS GM's Screen

01-0101 2004 3E1P  HdC    GURPS Magic
01-0102 2005 1E1P  HdC    GURPS Powers
01-0103 2006 2E1P  HdC    GURPS Bio-Tech
01-0104 2007 3E1P  HdC    GURPS Ultra-Tech
01-0105 2007 3E1P  HdC    GURPS Martial Arts
01-0106 2007 4E1P  HdC    GURPS High-Tech
01-0107 2008 1E1P  HdC    GURPS Thaumatology
01-0108 2010 1E1P  HdC    GURPS Low-Tech

01-1001 2004 3E1P  HdC    GURPS Fantasy
01-1002 2006 4E1P  HdC    GURPS Space
01-1003 2011 4E1P  HdC    GURPS Horror
01-1004 2013 1E1P  HdC/BW GURPS Zombies
01-1005 2017 1E1P  Box    Dungeon Fantasy RPG
01-1005 2019 1E2P  Box    Dungeon Fantasy RPG
01-1006 2017 1E1P  Acc    Dungeon Fantasy GM Screen
01-1007 2019 1E1P  PoD    Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2
01-1008 2019 1E1P PoD Pyramid Dungeon Collection (Printed 20191231)

01-1009 2019 1E1P PoD Dungeon Fantasy Magic Items 2 (Printed 20191103)
01-1010 2020 1E1P PoD Dungeon Fantasy Companion 2 (Printed 20200130)
01-1013 2020 2E1P Acc GURPS Combat Cards
01-1015 2023 1E1P 1/2 Dungeon Fantasy Monster Seeds

01-2001 2005 1E1P  HdC    GURPS Infinite Worlds
01-2002 2005 1E1P  HdC    GURPS Banestorm

01-2401 2006 1E1P  HdC    GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars
01-2480 2022 1E1P HdC Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game
01-2490 2009 1E1P  HdC    Vorkosigan Saga Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game
01-2500 2016 1E1P  HdC    Discworld Roleplaying Game
01-2510 2016 1E1P  HdC    GURPS Mars Attacks

01-4001 2005 4.0   CD     GURPS Character Assistant
31-4001 2022 5.0 ZIP GURPS Character Assistant v5 (Windows)

GURPS On Demand - Amazon/Createspace PoD

01-6001 2016 1E2P  PoD    GURPS Thaumatology
01-6002 2016 3E3P  PoD    GURPS Ultra-Tech
01-6003 2016 3E4P  PoD    GURPS Magic
01-6004 2017 2E2P  PoD    GURPS Bio-Tech
01-6005 2017 1E2P  PoD    GURPS Infinite Worlds
01-6006 2017 4E2P  PoD    GURPS High-Tech
01-6007 2017 1E4P  PoD    GURPS Mysteries
01-6008 2017 1E3P  PoD    GURPS Spaceships
01-6009 .... ..... ...... GURPS Rogues
01-6010 .... ..... ...... GURPS Warriors
01-6011 .... ..... ...... GURPS Powers
01-6012 .... ..... ...... GURPS Martial Arts
01-6013 .... ..... ...... GURPS Horror
01-6014 .... ..... ...... GURPS Mass Combat
01-6015 .... ..... ...... GURPS Supers
01-6016 .... ..... ...... GURPS Banestorm
01-6018 .... ..... ...... GURPS Compendium I
01-6019 .... ..... ...... GURPS Dragons
01-6022 .... ..... ...... GURPS Basic Set

Print on Demand

01-6098 2017 1E1P  PoD    Dungeon Fantasy Companion (37-8101, 8102, 8181)
01-6099 2017 1E1P  PoD    How to Be a GURPS GM

01-6196 2011 1E1P  PoD    GURPS Tactical Shooting
01-6197 2011 1E2P  PoD    GURPS Mass Combat
01-6198 2009 1E1P  PoD    GURPS Psionic Powers
01-6199 2008 1E2P  PoD    GURPS Spaceships

01-7998 2008 3E2P  PoD    GURPS Supers
01-7999 2008 1E3P  PoD    GURPS Mysteries


1523    2015 1E1P  Game   Mars Attacks: Ten-Minute Takedown
5222 2021 1E1P Acc GURPS 4E Dice Bag (+3 dice)


For Dummies (Wiley Publishing)

     2006 1P           GURPS For Dummies

Gaming Ballistic

Dungeon Fantasy RPG

GBL0005 2018       Prt+PDF Hall of Judgment
GBL0007 2019           Citadel at Nordvörn
GBL0008 2019 2E    Prt+PDF Hall of Judgment
GBL0009 2019 Prt+PDF Fantastic Dungeon Grappling
GBLBM25 2019       Acc    Dungeon Fantasy Grappling Bookmarks (sheet of 5)

GBL0023 2020 Prt+PDF The Dragons of Rosgarth
GBL0024 2020 Prt+PDF Forest's End
GBL0025 2020 Prt+PDF Nordlondr Folk
GBL0026 2020 Prt+PDF Hand of Asgard
GBL0029 2020 Map+PDF Nordlond Area Map poster

GBL0055 2021 Prt+PDF Delvers to Grow
GBL0056 2021 Prt+PDF Delvers to Grow: Fast Delvers
GBL0057 2021 Prt+PDF Delvers to Grow: Smart Delvers
GBL0058 2021 Prt+PDF Delvers to Grow: Strong Delvers
GBL0059 2021 Prt+PDF The Crypt of Krysuvik
GBL0060 2021 Prt+PDF Delvers to Grow Omnibus

GLB0063 2022 HdC+PDF Nordlondr Ovinabokin: Bestiary and Enemies Book
GBL0065 2022 Acc+PDF Nordlond Quick Combo Pack (Core+Expansion)

GBL0076 2022 Prt+PDF Shields Up!
GBL0077 2022 Prt+PDF Serpents of Legend: A Nordlondr Bestiary Expansion
GBL0078 2022 Prt+PDF The Bugstiary: A Nordlondr Bestiary Expansion
GBL0079 2022 Prt+PDF Garden of Evil: A Nordlondr Bestiary Expansion
GBL0081 2022 Prt+PDF Nightmare Fuel Quick-Reference Card Deck

GBL0087 2023 Prt+PDF Artifacts of Legends
GBL0088 2023 Prt+PDF Artifacts of Saga

GBL0094 2024 Prt+PDF Saethor's Bane
GBL0098 2024 Prt+PDF Saethor's Bane Quick Reference Card Deck

The Path of Cunning, a GURPS fanzine

Sep 2019 PDF #01. Infinite Cabal p1; Vehicle Modification; Timescales in GURPS
Feb 2020 PDF #02. Infinite Cabal p2; Introducing Irresponsible and Right; Dogfighting
Nov 2020 PDF #03. Infinite Cabal p3; Starting a Monster Hunters Campaign; Naval Dogfighting
Jun 2023 PDF #04. Infinite Cabal p4; Libraries for GURPS: Stats and Staff



Core Books

31-0001 2008 4E7P  PDF    GURPS Basic Set: Characters
31-0001 2024 4E10P PDF    GURPS Basic Set: Characters
31-0002 2011 4E7P  PDF    GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns
31-0002 2024 4E10P PDF    GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns
31-0004 2004 4E    PDF    GURPS Lite
31-0005 2008       PDF    GURPS GM's Screen

31-0101 2006 3E4P  PDF    GURPS Magic (v4.1 Nov 2022)
31-0102 2005 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Powers
31-0103 2006 2E2P  PDF    GURPS Bio-Tech (v2.0 Nov 2022)
31-0104 2009 3E3P  PDF    GURPS Ultra-Tech (v3.0 Nov 2022)
31-0105 2007 3E2P  PDF    GURPS Martial Arts (v2.0 Nov 2022)
31-0106 2007 4E2P  PDF    GURPS High-Tech (v2.0 Nov 2022)
31-0107 2008 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Thaumatology (v2.0 Nov 2022)

31-0108 2010 2E2P  PDF    GURPS Low-Tech (v2.0 Nov 2022)

31-1001 2004 3E4P  PDF    GURPS Fantasy (v4.1 Nov 2022)
31-1002 2006 4E3P  PDF    GURPS Space (v3.0 Nov 2022)
31-1003 2011 4E1P  PDF    GURPS Horror
31-1004 2013 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Zombies
31-1005 2017       PDF    Dungeon Fantasy RPG
31-1006 2017       PDF    Dungeon Fantasy GM Screen
31-1007 2019 1E1P  PDF    Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2
31-1008 2019 1E1P PDF Pyramid Dungeon Collection
31-1009 2019 1E1P PDF Dungeon Fantasy Magic Items 2
31-1010 2020 1E1P PDF Dungeon Fantasy Companion 2
31-1011 2020 1E1P PDF Dungeon Fantasy Dungeon Planner
31-1014 2022 1E1P PDF Dungeon Fantasy Companion 3
31-1015 2022 1E1P PDF Dungeon Fantasy Monster Seeds

31-2001 2005 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Infinite Worlds (v2.0 Nov 2022)
31-2002 2005 1E2P  PDF    GURPS Banestorm (v2.0 Nov 2022)

31-2401 2006 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars
31-2480 2022 1E1P PDF Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game

31-2490 2009 1E1P  PDF    Vorkosigan Saga Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game
31-2500 2015 2E1P  PDF    Discworld Roleplaying Game
31-2510 2016 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Mars Attacks


37-0031 2006 1.0   PDF    Caravan to Ein Arris (GURPS 4E)
37-0032 2009 0.8   PDF    GURPS Ultra-Lite

37-0131 2009 1.2   PDF    GURPS Mass Combat (print 01-6197)
37-0133 2023 1.1   PDF    GURPS Gun Fu
37-0134 2023 2.0   PDF    GURPS Tactical Shooting
37-0138 2010 1.0   PDF    GURPS City Stats
37-0144 2013 1.2   PDF    GURPS Underground Adventures
37-0153 2022 1.2 PDF    GURPS Adaptations (1E1P)
37-0159 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Boardroom and Curia: Tomorrow Rides
37-0161 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Realm Management

37-0201 2005 1.0   PDF    GURPS Skill Categories
37-0202 2006 1.1   PDF    GURPS Fourth Edition Combat Cards
37-0203 2005 2.0   PDF    GURPS Magic Spell Charts
37-0204 2006 1.0   PDF    GURPS Space: Planetary Record and Worksheet
37-0206 2009       PDF    GURPS Range Ruler
37-0207 2014 1.0   PDF    GURPS Ultra-Tech: Weapon Tables

37-0301 2008 1.5   PDF    GURPS Mysteries [print 01-7999]
37-0302 2007 1.0   PDF    GURPS Supers [print 01-7998]
37-0365 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Furries
37-0376 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Future History

37-0601 2005 1.0   PDF    GURPS Casey and Andy
37-0602 2006 1.0   PDF    GURPS Lands Out of Time
37-0603 2007 1.0   PDF    GURPS SEALs in Vietnam
37-0604 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Tales of the Solar Patrol
37-0608 2010 1.0   PDF    GURPS Crusades
37-0609 2011 1.0   PDF    GURPS Reign of Steel: Will to Live (updates RoS to 4E)
37-0651 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Space Atlas: Grissom

37-1101 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Lair of the Fat Man
37-1102 2010 1.0   PDF    GURPS Big Lizzie
37-1103 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS The Green Madonna

37-1121 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Alphabet Arcane
37-1122 2010 1.0   PDF    GURPS Alphabet Arcane: Lost Serifs
37-1120 2007 1.0   PDF    GURPS MacGuffin Alphabet
37-1161 2017 1.0   PDF    GURPS Encounters: The Harrowed Hearts Club
37-1162 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Encounters: The Mysterious Airfield
37-1191 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Reign of Steel: Read the Sky

37-1540 2010 1.0   PDF    GURPS Supporting Cast: Age of Sail Pirate Crew

37-1680 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Banestorm: Abydos
37-1683 2015 1.0.1 PDF    GURPS Zombies: Day One
37-1684 2015 1.0   PDF    GURPS Aliens: Sparrials
37-1691 2017 1.0   PDF    GURPS Fantasy: Portal Realms

37-1710 2016 1.0   PDF    GURPS Disasters: Meltdown and Fallout
37-1711 2019 1.0 PDF GURPS Disasters: Hurricane

37-6602 2006 1.1   PDF    GURPS Trav: IW Combat Counters


37-0307 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Action 1: Heroes
37-0308 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Action 2: Exploits
37-0312 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Action 3: Furious Fists
37-0331 2015 1.0   PDF    GURPS Action 4: Specialists
37-0348 2019 1.0 PDF GURPS Action 5: Dictionary of Danger
37-0358 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Action 6: Tricked-Out Rides
37-0359 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Action 7: Mercenaries
37-0371 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Action 8: Twists
37-0377 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Action 9: The City

37-0375 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Action Adventure 1: Templar's Gold

After the End

37-0335 2023 1.4   PDF    After the End 1: Wastelanders
37-0336 2023 1.2   PDF    After the End 2: The New World

Boardroom and Curia

37-0151 2015 1.0.1 PDF    GURPS Boardroom and Curia

37-0162 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Boardroom and Curia: The Sospital Group

Creatures of the Night

37-1560 2007 1.0   PDF    GURPS Creatures of the Night, Vol. 1
37-1561 2007 1.0   PDF    GURPS Creatures of the Night, Vol. 2
37-1562 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Creatures of the Night, Vol. 3
37-1563 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Creatures of the Night, Vol. 4
37-1564 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Creatures of the Night, Vol. 5

Dungeon Fantasy

37-0303 2008 1.2   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers
37-0304 2008 1.1   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 2: Dungeons
37-0305 2008 1.1   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 3: The Next Level
37-0306 2008 1.1   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 4: Sages
37-0309 2008 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 5: Allies
37-0310 2009 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 6: 40 Artifacts
37-0311 2009 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics
37-0313 2011 1.1   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables
37-0314 2010 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 9: Summoners
37-0315 2010 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 10: Taverns
37-0316 2010 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 11: Power-Ups
37-0321 2010 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 12: Ninja
37-0323 2011 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 13: Loadouts
37-0324 2011 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 14: Psi
37-0326 2017 1.2   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 15: Henchmen
37-0327 2014 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures
37-0333 2015 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 17: Guilds
37-0334 2016 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 18: Power Items
37-0340 2017 1.1   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic
37-0350 2019 1.0 PDF Dungeon Fantasy 20: Slayers
37-0356 2020 1.0 PDF Dungeon Fantasy 21: Megadungeons
37-0373 2021 1.0 PDF Dungeon Fantasy 22: Gates
37-0369 2021 1.0 PDF Dungeon Fantasy 23: Twists

37-2581 2016       PDF    Pyramid Special Issue: Dungeon Fantasy Collected
37-0361 2020 1.0 PDF Dungeon Fantasy Career Guide: 2020 Edition


37-0325 2022 1.2   PDF    DF Adventure 1: Mirror of the Fire Demon
37-0345 2018 1.0   PDF    DF Adventure 2: Tomb of the Dragon King
37-0355 2020 1.0 PDF DF Adventure 3: Deep Night and the Star
37-0372 2021 1.0 PDF DF Adventure 4: Two-Page Dungeons


37-0330 2015 1.0   PDF    DF Denizens: Barbarians
37-0341 2016 1.0   PDF    DF Denizens: Swashbucklers
37-0378 2023 1.0 PDF DF Denizens: Thieves


37-0342 2017 1.0   PDF    DF Encounters 1: The Pagoda of Worlds
37-0362 2020 1.0 PDF DF Encounters 2: The Room
37-0363 2020 1.0 PDF DF Encounters 3: The Carnival of Madness
37-0370 2021 1.0 PDF DF Encounters 4: Ring Fort


37-0322 2017 1.1   PDF    DF Monsters 1
37-0329 2015 1.1   PDF    DF Monsters 2: Icky Goo
37-0338 2016 1.1   PDF    DF Monsters 3: Born of Myth & Magic
37-0346 2018 1.0   PDF    DF Monsters 4: Dragons
37-0367 2021 1.0 PDF DF Monsters 5: Demons


37-0343 2022 1E1P  PDF    DF Setting: Caverntown (v1.2)
37-0353 2020 1.0 PDF DF Setting: Cold Shard Mountains


37-0332 2015 1.0   PDF    DF Treasures 1: Glittering Prizes
37-0337 2016 1.0   PDF    DF Treasures 2: Epic Treasures
37-0351 2019 1.0.1 PDF DF Treasures 3: Artifacts of Felltower
37-0364 2020 1.0 PDF DF Treasures 4: Mixed Blessings

Dungeon Fantasy RPG

31-6098 ---- ----- ------ Dungeon Fantasy Companion (37-8101, 8102, 8181)

37-8101 2017 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Traps (in 01-6098)

37-8102 2017 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Magic Items (in 01-6098)
37-8181 2017 1.0   PDF    Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Against the Rat-Men (6098)

Fantasy Folk

37-1751 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Fantasy Folk: Elves
37-1752 2023 1.0 PDF GURPS Fantasy Folk: Goblins and Hobgoblins
37-1753 2023 1.0 PDF GURPS Fantasy Folk: Kobolds
37-1754 2023 1.0 PDF GURPS Fantasy Folk: Winged Folk


37-1664 2010 1.0   PDF    GURPS Fantasy-Tech 1: The Edge of Reality
37-1669 2017 1.0   PDF    GURPS Fantasy-Tech 2: Weapons of Fantasy


37-0205 2007 1.0   PDF    GURPS High-Tech: Weapon Tables
37-1631 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS High-Tech: Pulp Guns, Volume 1
37-1632 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS High-Tech: Pulp Guns, Volume 2
37-1633 2014 1.0   PDF    GURPS High-Tech: Adventure Guns
37-1634 2019 1.0 PDF GURPS High-Tech: Electricity and Electronics

37-1580 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Loadouts: Monster Hunters


37-1192 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Horror: Beyond the Pale

37-1682 2022 1.2   PDF    GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier

Hot Spots

37-0660 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Hot Spots: Renaissance Florence
37-0661 2012 1.0   PDF    GURPS Hot Spots: Constantinople, 527-1204 A.D.
37-0662 2017 1.0   PDF    GURPS Hot Spots: The Silk Road
37-0663 2019 1.0.1 PDF    GURPS Hot Spots: Renaissance Venice
37-0664 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Hot Spots: The Incense Trail
37-0665 2021 1.1 PDF GURPS Hot Spots: Sriwijaya

37-0681 2021 1.0 PDF Renaissance Venice: Spies of Venice
37-0682 2023 1.0 PDF Renaissance Venice: Merchants of Venice

How to Be a GURPS GM

37-0034 2014 1.01  PDF    How to Be a GURPS GM (print 01-6099)
37-0357 2020 1.0 PDF How to Be a GURPS GM: Ritual Path Magic
37-0366 2021 1.1 PDF How to Be a GURPS GM: Managing Expectations
37-0374 2021 1.0 PDF How to Be a GURPS GM: High-Powered Origins

Infinite Worlds

37-0605 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Infinite Worlds: Britannica-6
37-0606 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Infinite Worlds: Collegio Januari
37-1671 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Infinite Worlds: Lost Worlds
30-1672 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Infinite Worlds: I.S.T.
37-1673 2011 1.0   PDF    GURPS Infinite Worlds: Worlds of Horror
37-1674 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Infinite Worlds: The Osiris Worlds
37-1675 2022 1.1 PDF GURPS Infinite Worlds: Nightreign
37-1676 2023 1.0 PDF GURPS Infinite Worlds: Worlds of Atomic Horror


37-1411 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Locations: Metro of Madness
37-1412 2008 1.1   PDF    GURPS Locations: The Tower of Octavius
37-1413 2012 1.0   PDF    GURPS Locations: Hellsgate
37-1414 2012 1.0   PDF    GURPS Locations: Worminghall
37-1415 2013 1.0   PDF    GURPS Locations: St. George's Cathedral


37-1661 2010 1.0   PDF    GURPS Low-Tech Companion 1: Philosophers & Kings
37-1662 2010 1.1   PDF    GURPS Low-Tech Companion 2: Weapons and Warriors
37-1663 2011 1.0   PDF    GURPS L-T Companion 3: Daily Life and Economics
37-1666 2011 1.0   PDF    GURPS Low-Tech: Instant Armor

37-1581 2013 1.0.1 PDF    GURPS Loadouts: Low-Tech Armor


37-0136 2010 1.0   PDF    GURPS Magic: Plant Spells
37-0148 2014 1.1   PDF    GURPS Magic: Death Spells
37-0154 2019 1.0.1 PDF    GURPS Magic: Artillery Spells
37-0160 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells

Martial Arts

37-1641 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Martial Arts: Fairbairn CCS
37-1642 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Martial Arts: Gladiators
37-1643 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Martial Arts: Techniques Cheat Sheet
37-1644 2013 1.2   PDF    GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling
37-1681 2013 1.0   PDF    GURPS Martial Arts: Yrth Fighting Styles

Monster Hunters

37-0317 2022 1.1   PDF    GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions 
37-0318 2022 1.1   PDF    GURPS Monster Hunters 2: The Mission
37-0319 2022 1.1   PDF    GURPS Monster Hunters 3: The Enemy
37-0320 2011 1.0   PDF    GURPS Monster Hunters 4: Sidekicks
37-0328 2015 1.0.1 PDF    GURPS Monster Hunters 5: Applied Xenology
37-0347 2018 1.0   PDF    GURPS Monster Hunters 6: Holy Hunters

37-0360 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Monster Hunters Encounters 1
37-0352 2019 1.0 PDF GURPS Monster Hunters Power-Ups 1


37-0128 2008 1.1   PDF    GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements
37-0129 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Power-Ups 2: Perks
37-0141 2011 1.0   PDF    GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents
37-0142 2012 1.0   PDF    GURPS Power-Ups 4: Enhancements
37-0143 2012 1.0   PDF    GURPS Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys
37-0145 2014 1.0   PDF    GURPS Power-Ups 6: Quirks
37-0146 2014 1.0   PDF    GURPS Power-Ups 7: Wildcard Skills
37-0149 2014 1.0   PDF    GURPS Power-Ups 8: Limitations
37-0157 2019 1.1 PDF GURPS Power-Ups 9: Alternate Attributes


37-0139 2011 1.0   PDF    GURPS Powers: Divine Favors
37-0150 2015 1.1   PDF    GURPS Powers: Enhanced Senses
37-0152 2016 1.0   PDF    GURPS Powers: The Weird
37-0155 2019 1.1 PDF GURPS Powers: Totems and Nature Spirits

Psionic Powers

37-0132 2009 1.1   PDF    GURPS Psionic Powers (print 01-6198)
37-0135 2010 1.0   PDF    GURPS Psionic Campaigns
37-0137 2010 1.0   PDF    GURPS Psis
37-1665 2011 1.0   PDF    GURPS Psi-Tech

Social Engineering

37-0140 2022 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Social Engineering (v2.0)
37-1667 2014 1.0   PDF    GURPS Social Engineering: Pulling Rank
37-1668 2015 1.0   PDF    GURPS Social Engineering: Back to School
37-1692 2019 1.0 PDF GURPS Social Engineering: Keeping in Contact


37-0120 2008 1.31  PDF    GURPS Spaceships (1E2P)
37-0120 2017 3.0  PDF    GURPS Spaceships (1E3P)
37-0121 2008 1.0   PDF    Spaceships 2: Traders, Liners, and Transports
37-0122 2009 1.1   PDF    Spaceships 3: Warships and Space Pirates
37-0123 2009 1.0   PDF    Spaceships 4: Fighters, Carriers, and Mecha
37-0124 2009 1.0   PDF    Spaceships 5: Exploration and Colony Spacecraft
37-0125 2010 1.1   PDF    Spaceships 6: Mining and Industrial Spacecraft
37-0126 2010 1.0   PDF    Spaceships 7: Divergent and Paranormal Tech
37-0127 2010 1.0   PDF    Spaceships 8: TransHuman Spacecraft


37-0339 2023 1.1   PDF    GURPS Steampunk 1: Settings and Style
37-0344 2018 1.0   PDF    GURPS Steampunk 2: Steam and Shellfire
37-0349 2019 1.0 PDF GURPS Steampunk 3: Soldiers and Scientists
37-0354 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Steampunk Setting: The Broken Clockwork World

Template Toolkit

37-0147 2022 1E1P  PDF    GURPS Template Toolkit 1: Characters (v1.1)
37-0156 2019 1.1 PDF GURPS Template Toolkit 2: Races
37-0158 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Template Toolkit 3: Starship Crew


37-0130 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Thaumatology: Urban Magics
37-0607 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Thaumatology: Alchemical Baroque
37-1651 2008 1.0   PDF    GURPS Thaumatology: Age of Gold
37-1652 2009 1.0   PDF    GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles
37-1653 2023 1.1   PDF    GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic
37-1654 2013 1.0   PDF    GURPS Thaumatology: Chinese Elemental Powers
37-1656 2015 1.1   PDF    GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery

37-1655 2014 1.0   PDF    GURPS Magical Styles: Dungeon Magic
37-1659 2021 1.0 PDF GURPS Magical Styles: Horror Magic

37-1657 2016 1.0   PDF    GURPS Sorcery: Protection and Warning Spells
37-1658 2019 1.0 PDF GURPS Sorcery: Sound Spells


37-1731 2017 1.0   PDF    GURPS Vehicles: Steampunk Conveyances
37-1732 2020 1.0 PDF GURPS Vehicles: Transports of Fantasy
37-1733 2022 1.0 PDF GURPS Vehicles: War Galleys


37-2598 2008       PDF    Pyramid Volume 2 HTML Archive: The Full Collection (my local copy)


37-2601 2008       PDF    Pyramid v3#001/Nov: Wizards
37-2602 2008       PDF    Pyramid v3#002/Dec: Superheroes
37-2603 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#003/Jan: Post-Apocalypse
37-2604 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#004/Feb: Magic on the Battlefield
37-2605 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#005/Mar: Horror & Spies
37-2606 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#006/Apr: Space Colony Alpha
37-2607 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#007/May: Urban Fantasy
37-2608 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#008/Jun: Cliffhangers
37-2609 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#009/Jul: Space Opera
37-2610 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#010/Aug: Crime and Grime
37-2611 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#011/Sep: Cinematic Locations
37-2612 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#012/Oct: Tech and Toys
37-2613 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#013/Nov: Thaumatology
37-2614 2009       PDF    Pyramid v3#014/Dec: Martial Arts
37-2615 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#015/Jan: Transhuman Space
37-2616 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#016/Feb: Historical Exploration
37-2617 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#017/Mar: Modern Exploration
37-2618 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#018/Apr: Space Exploration
37-2619 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#019/May: Tools of the Trade: Clerics
37-2620 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#020/Jun: Infinite Worlds
37-2621 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#021/Jul: Cyberpunk
37-2622 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#022/Aug: Banestorm
37-2623 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#023/Sep: Action Adventures
37-2624 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#024/Oct: Bio-Tech
37-2625 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#025/Nov: Epic Magic
37-2626 2010       PDF    Pyramid v3#026/Dec: Underwater Adventures
37-2627 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#027/Jan: Monsters in Space
37-2628 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#028/Feb: Thaumatology II
37-2629 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#029/Mar: Psionics
37-2630 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#030/Apr: Spaceships
37-2631 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#031/May: Monster Hunters
37-2632 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#032/Jun: Fears of Days Past
37-2633 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#033/Jul: Low-Tech
37-2634 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#034/Aug: Alternate GURPS
37-2635 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#035/Sep: Aliens
37-2636 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#036/Oct: Dungeon Fantasy
37-2637 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#037/Nov: Tech and Toys II
37-2638 2011       PDF    Pyramid v3#038/Dec: The Power of Myth
37-2639 2012       PDF    Pyramid v3#039/Jan: Steampunk
37-2640 2012       PDF    Pyramid v3#040/Feb: Mecha Operations
37-2641 2012       PDF    Pyramid v3#041/Mar: Fantasy World-Building
37-2642 2012       PDF    Pyramid v3#042/Apr: Noir
37-2643 2012       PDF    Pyramid v3#043/May: Thaumatology III
37-2644 2012 v1.1.1PDF    Pyramid v3#044/Jun: Alternate GURPS II
37-2645 2012       PDF    Pyramid v3#045/Jul: Monsters
37-2646 2012 v1.0.1PDF    Pyramid v3#046/Aug: Weird Science
37-2647 2012       PDF    Pyramid v3#047/Sep: The Rogue's Life
37-2648 2012       PDF    Pyramid v3#048/Oct: Secret Magic
37-2649 2012       PDF    Pyramid v3#049/Nov: World Hopping
37-2650 2012 v1.1  PDF    Pyramid v3#050/Dec: Dungeon Fantasy II
37-2651 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#051/Jan: Tech and Toys III
37-2652 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#052/Feb: Low-Tech II
37-2653 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#053/Mar: Action
37-2654 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#054/Apr: Social Engineering
37-2655 2013 v1.1  PDF    Pyramid v3#055/May: Military Sci-Fi
37-2656 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#056/Jun: Prehistory
37-2657 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#057/Jul: Gunplay
37-2658 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#058/Aug: Urban Fantasy II
37-2659 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#059/Sep: Conspiracies
37-2660 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#060/Oct: Dungeon Fantasy III
37-2661 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#061/Nov: Way of the Warrior
37-2662 2013       PDF    Pyramid v3#062/Dec: Transhuman Space II
37-2663 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#063/Jan: Infinite Worlds II
37-2664 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#064/Feb: Pirates and Swashbucklers
37-2665 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#065/Mar: Alternate GURPS III
37-2666 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#066/Apr: The Laws of Magic
37-2667 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#067/May: Tools of the Trade: Villains
37-2668 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#068/Jun: Natural Magic
37-2669 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#069/Jul: Psionics II
37-2670 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#070/Aug: Fourth Edition Festival
37-2671 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#071/Sep: Spaceships II
37-2672 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#072/Oct: Alternate Dungeons
37-2673 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#073/Nov: Monster Hunters II
37-2674 2014       PDF    Pyramid v3#074/Dec: Wild West
37-2675 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#075/Jan: Hero's Jackpot
37-2676 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#076/Feb: Dungeon Fantasy IV
37-2677 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#077/Mar: Combat
37-2678 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#078/Apr: Unleash Your Soul
37-2679 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#079/May: Space Atlas
37-2680 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#080/Jun: Fantasy Threats
37-2681 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#081/Jul: Horrific Creations
37-2682 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#082/Aug: Magical Creations
37-2683 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#083/Sep: Alternate GURPS IV
37-2684 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#084/Oct: Perspectives
37-2685 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#085/Nov: Cutting Edge
37-2686 2015       PDF    Pyramid v3#086/Dec: Organizations
37-2687 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#087/Jan: Low-Tech III
37-2688 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#088/Feb: The End is Nigh
37-2689 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#089/Mar: Alternate Dungeons II
37-2690 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#090/Apr: After the End
37-2691 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#091/May: Thaumatology IV
37-2692 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#092/Jun: Zombies
37-2693 2016 v1.1  PDF    Pyramid v3#093/Jul: Cops and Lawyers
37-2694 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#094/Aug: Spaceships III
37-2695 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#095/Sep: Overland Adventures
37-2696 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#096/Oct: Tech and Toys IV
37-2697 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#097/Nov: Strange Powers
37-2698 2016       PDF    Pyramid v3#098/Dec: Welcome to Dungeon Fantasy
37-2699 2017       PDF    Pyramid v3#099/Jan: Death and Beyond
37-2700 2017       PDF    Pyramid v3#100/Feb: Pyramid Secrets
37-2701 2017       PDF    Pyramid v3#101/Mar: Humor
37-2702 2017       PDF    Pyramid v3#102/Apr: Epic
37-2703 2017 v1.1  PDF    Pyramid v3#103/May: Setbacks
37-2704 2017 v1.2  PDF    Pyramid v3#104/Jun: Dungeon Fantasy RPG
37-2705 2017       PDF    Pyramid v3#105/Jul: Cinematic Magic
37-2706 2017       PDF    Pyramid v3#106/Aug: Dungeon Fantasy RPG II
37-2707 2017       PDF    Pyramid v3#107/Sep: Monster Hunters III
37-2708 2017       PDF    Pyramid v3#108/Oct: Dungeon Fantasy RPG III
37-2709 2017 v1.1  PDF    Pyramid v3#109/Nov: Thaumatology V
37-2710 2017       PDF    Pyramid v3#110/Dec: Deep Space
37-2711 2018 v1.1  PDF    Pyramid v3#111/Jan: Combat II
37-2712 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#112/Feb: Action II
37-2713 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#113/Mar: Dungeon Fantasies
37-2714 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#114/Apr: Mind Over Magic
37-2715 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#115/May: Technomancer (adapts T to 4E Monster Hunters)
37-2716 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#116/Jun: Locations
37-2717 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#117/Jul: Hot Spots
37-2718 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#118/Aug: Dungeon Trips
37-2719 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#119/Sep: After the End II
37-2720 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#120/Oct: Alternate GURPS V
37-2721 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#121/Nov: Travels and Tribulations
37-2722 2018       PDF    Pyramid v3#122/Dec: All Good Things


37-2751 2021 PDF Pyramid v4/1 Feb: Fantasy/Magic I
37-2752 2021 PDF Pyramid v4/2 Feb: Modern/Action I
37-2753 2021 PDF Pyramid v4/3 Feb: Sci-Fi/Tech I
37-2754 2022 v1.1 PDF Pyramid v4/4 Sep: Fantasy/Magic II
37-2755 2022 PDF Pyramid v4/5 Sep: Modern/Action II
37-2756 2022 PDF Pyramid v4/6 Sep: Sci-Fi/Tech II


5931    2019 1E1P  Acc    DF Monsters 2 Pocket Journal

9513               Poster GURPS: Interstellar Wars Sector Map Poster

13-0000 2003       Mini   Special Ops Miniatures
13-0300 2003       Mini   Transhuman Space Miniatures x2
13-0600 2003       Mini   Uplift Miniatures


Cardboard Heroes

30-2101 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 01 - PCs
30-2102 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 02 - Brigands, Orcs, and Goblins
30-2103 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 03 - Half-Orcs, Reptile Men, Kobolds
30-2104 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 04 - Animals
30-2105 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 05 - Undead
30-2106 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 06 - Monsters I
30-2107 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 07 - Monsters II
30-2108 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 08 - Giants
30-2109 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 09 - Dungeon Dangers
30-2110 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 10 - Traps and Treasures
30-2111 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 11 - More Player Characters
30-2112 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 12 - Japanese Characters
30-2113 2008 1.0   PDF    Fantasy Set 13 - Dragons

30-2118 2016       PDF    Set 18 - Car Warriors
30-2119 2017 1P PDF Dungeon Floors
30-2121 2017 1P PDF Cavern Floors

30-2150 2017 1P PDF Castles - Walls and Towers

30-2151 2017 1P PDF Castles - The Keep

30-7301 2001 1P    PDF    Floor Plan 1 - Haunted House
30-7302 2001 2P    PDF    Floor Plan 2 - The Great Salt Flats
30-7303 2001 1P    PDF    Floor Plan 3 - Underground Lab
30-7304 2002 1P PDF Floor Plan 4 - Mall of the Dead

37-2219 2010 1.0   PDF    Cowboys and Indians