Kevin C. Wong

Star Fleet Universe Collection

Task Force Games/Amarillo Design Bureau

1. Star Fleet Battles
2. Federation and Empire
3. GURPS Prime Directive
4. Star Fleet Marines

0020             Acc    Captain's Module W:Space Battle Maps
0021  2000       Acc    Miniatures Map Pack

1004  1979       1/2    Star Fleet Battles
1015  1980       1/2    Star Fleet Battles Expansion #1
1022  1982       1/2    Star Fleet Battles Expansion #2
1025  1982       1/2    Star Fleet Battles Expansion #3

2101  2012              Star Fleet Marines - Module 1: Assault
2112  2013              Star Fleet Marines - Module 2: Last Stand

2201  2015 ----- ------- For the Glory of the Empire (collected material)

3000  1986              Introduction to Star Fleet Battles
3001  1982       Acc    Battle Damage: Code Red
3002  1983              SFB Commander's Rulebook
3003  1984              Supplement #1: Fighters
3004  1983              Captain's Log #1 (Objective: Juggernaut!)
3005  1985 Rev          Commander's SSD Book #1
3006  1985 Rev          Commander's SSD Book #2
3007  1983              Commander's SSD Book #3
3008  1983              Captain's Log #2 (Refiner's Fire)
3009  1984              Commander's SSD Book #4
3010  1984              Captain's Log #3 (The First Round)
3011  1984              SFB Commander's Rulebook: Volume 2
3012  1986              Captain's Log #4 (Where Wisdom Fails)
3013  1985              Supplement #2: X-Ships
3014  1984       Acc     Reinforcements
3015  1984              Commander's Rulebook Update 1
3016  1985              Commander's SSD Book #5
3018  1985              Commander's SSD Book #6
3019  1985              Supplement #3: Fast Patrol Ships
3020  1986              Commander's SSD Book #7
3021  1986              Commander's SSD Book #8
3023  1987              Commander's SSD Book #9
3024                    Reinforcements #2
3025  1987              Tactics Manual
3026  1987              Captain's Log #5 (Day of the Eagle!)
3027  1988              Captain's Log #6 (B-10 Briefing)
3028  1989              Captain's Log #7 (What Price Victory?)
3030  1988       Acc    A: Battlecards!
3032  1988               Commander's Rulebook Update 2
3034  1989       Acc    H2: Megahex 2

3100  1992               Cadet Training Manual

3201  1986       Acc    Federation and Empire Fleet Pack
3203  1990       Acc    Deluxe F&E Fleet Pack
3204  1989       Acc    Federation and Empire Folio Pack

3201  2004              F&E Reinforcements
3203  2004              F&E Fighter Operations
3203  2016 2E            F&E Fighter Operations 2016 Edition
3204  2004              F&E Planetary Operations
3205  1993              F&E Carrier War
3206  1993              F&E Module #1: Special Operations
3207X 2003              F&E Combined Operations
3208  1995              F&E Marine Assault
3209E 2003              F&E Advanced Operations
3210  2011               F&E ISC War
3211  2007              F&E Strategic Operations
3214  2016               F&E Minor Empires
3231             Acc    Federation and Empire Fleet Pack 1
3232             Acc    Federation and Empire Fleet Pack 2
3233             Acc    Federation and Empire Fleet Pack 3
3234  2003       Acc    Federation and Empire Fleet Pack 4
3240  1989       Acc    Federation and Empire Squadron Pack
3241  2004       Acc     F&E Counter Grab Bag

3500  1991              Tournament Book 1991
3501  1991              P1: The Frax
3502  1991              P2: X-Ships
3503  1991              P3: Scenarios-1
3504  1992              P4: Marines!
3505  1992              P5: Lyran Democratic Republic
3551  1991              D1: Veteran Master Ship Chart
3552  1992              D2: Tournament Tactics
3553  1993              D3: Booms and Saucers

3601  2001              Stellar Shadow Journal #1

4501  2005       Acc    H1: Megahex 1

5001  1979 2E    Box    Star Fleet Battles
5001  1983 3E    Box    Star Fleet Battles: Volume 1
5005  1981       Box    Federation Space
5006  1986 Rev0  Box    Federation and Empire
5006  1989 2E    Box     Federation and Empire Deluxe
5006  2000 v2000 Box    Federation and Empire
5006  2010 v2010 Box    Federation and Empire (2010 Edition)
5006-36 2007     Acc    F&E Countersheet 36
5008  1984       Box    Star Fleet Battles: Volume 2
5009  1985       Box     Star Fleet Battles: Volume 3
5010  2005       Acc    F&E Large Scale Map

5401             Mini   Star Fleet 2300 Starter Set
5412  2004 Nov   Loose  SFB Master Rulebook
5412  2012 Nov   Loose  SFB Silver Anniversary Master Rulebook
5413  2004 July  Loose   Master Rulebook Update A
5414  2004       Loose  Master Rulebook Update B
5422  2005              G2: Master Annex File
5423  2009               G3: Master Annex File
5424  2009              G3A: Supplementary Annexes
5425  2010              YG3: Early Years Annexes

5501  1999 4E3P  Box    SFB Captain's Edition Basic Set
5502  1999(3E2P) Box    Star Fleet Battles Advanced Missions

5601  1991              C1: New Worlds 1
5601-4 2007      Acc    Module C1 Countersheet (New Graphics)
5602  1991              C2: New Worlds 2
5603  1993              C3: New Worlds 3
5604  1991              J: Fighters!
5605  1991              K: Fast Patrol Ships
5606  1992              R1: Bases and Auxiliaries
5607  1992              R2: Deferation, Kzinti, Orion, Andro
5608  1992              R3: Klingon, Hydran, Wyn, Lyran
5609  1992              R4: Romulan, ISC, Tholian, Gorn
5610  1992              R5: Battleships!
5611  1993              T: Tournament Book
5611  1996 (Rev)        T: Tournament Book
5612  1994               X1: The X-Ships
5614  1994              F1: The Jindarians
5614  2005              F1: The Jindarians
5615  1995              M: Star Fleet Marines
5616                    C4: Fleet Training Centers
5617  1995              R6: Fast Warships
5618  2006              C5: Magellanic Cloud
5618  2006 Rev1         C5: Magellanic Cloud (Revised Rules and SSDs)
5619  2003              J2: Advanced Fighters
5620  1996              Cadet Training Handbook
5621                    R7: Dreadnoughts at War
5622                    T: Tournament Battles
5622  2012 2012E        T: Tournament Battles (Expanded 2012 Edition)
5623                    Y1: The Early Years
5624  2001               TR: Tournament Reference
5625X 2003              A+: Captain's Yeoman
5626  2003              R10: The New Cruisers
5627  2004              R8: System Defense Command
5628  2004              R9: The Ships That Never Were
5629  2005              F2: The Vudar Enclave
5630  2007              R11: Support Ships
5631  2008              X1R: X-Ship Reinforcements
5632  2008              Y2: The Early Years II
5633  2010?             R12: Unusual Ships
5634  2010?             Y3: The Early Years III
5635  2011              C3A: Andromedan Threat File
5636  2013              C6: Lost Empires

5660  2007              Omega Master Rulebook
5661                    Ω1: The Omega Sector
5662                    Ω2: Omega Reinforcements
5663                    Ω3: The Omega Wars
5664                    Ω4: The Omega Rebellion
5665                    Ω5: Omega Flotillas
5670  2011 Rev          Omega Master Rulebook 2011

5701  1990              Captain's Log #8 (Cease Fire Collapse!)
5702  1991              Captain's Log #9 (Fighters Inbound!)
5703  2000              Tactics Manual
5704  1992              S1: Scenario Book #1
5705  1992              Captain's Log #10 (Special Tactics Issue!)
5706  1993              Captain's Log #11 (Origins of the General War!)
5707  1994              S2: Scenario Book #2
5708  1993              Captain's Log #12 (Preview: Early Years)
5709  1993              Captain's Log #13 (The Best of Nexus)
5710  1994              Captain's Log #14 (Betrayal at Oxvind V)
5711  1994              Captain's Log #15 (Too Close to the Flame)
5712  1994              Captain's Log #16 (A Sense of Obligation)
5713  1995              Captain's Log #17 (A Brief History ot General War)
5714  1999               Captain's Log #18 (A New Start)
5715  1996              SFB Campaign Designer's Handbook
5716  2009 v.4c         Galactic Conquest
5718  2010              F&E Compendium
5719  1999              Captain's Log #19 (From Another Point of View)
5720  2000              Captain's Log #20 (The Eye of the Storm)
5721  2000              Captain's Log #21 (The Art of Duty)
5722  2001              Captain's Log #22 (Fire Fight)
5723  2001              Captain's Log #23 (First Blood)
5724  2002              Captain's Log #24 (Flashpoint)
5725  2002              Captain's Log #25 (Return of the Hood)
5726  2003              Captain's Log #26 (Combat Rescue!)
5727  2003              Captain's Log #27 (Battle for Rimworld)
5728  2004              Captain's Log #28 (Wings of Terror)
5729  2004              Captain's Log #29 (A Mission of Vital Importance)
5730  2004              Captain's Log #30 (Threads of War)
5731  2005              Captain's Log #31 (Shield of the Federation)
5732  2006              Captain's Log #32 (Intro... Federation Commander)
5733  2006              Captain's Log #33 (Return of the Juggernaut)
5734  2006              Captain’s Log #34 (For the Good of the Empire)
5735  2007              Captain’s Log #35 (Duty, Honor, Empire)
5736  2008              Captain's Log #36 (Web of Deceit)
5737  2008              Captain's Log #37 (The Magnificent Panzers)
5738  2008              Captain's Log #38 (Doomward and the Vortex)
5738S 2008       Stpld  Captain’s Log #38 Supplemental File
5739  2009              Captain’s Log #39 (Burden of Duty, Debt o Revenge)
5739S 2009     Stpld  Captain’s Log #39 Supplemental File
5740  2009              Captain’s Log #40 (The Nature of the Beast)
5740S 2009     Stpld  Captain's Log #40 Supplemental File
5741  2010              Captain's Log #41 (Igneous: Glass Colonies)
5741S 2010     Stpld   Captain's Log #41 Supplemental File
5742  2010              Captain's Log #42 (Wings Over Arcturia)
5742S 2010       Stpld  Captain's Log #42 Supplemental File
5743  2011              Captain's Log #43 A Measure of Fear
5743S 2011     Stpld  Captain's Log #43 Supplemental File
5744  2011              Captain's Log #44 A Call to Arms
5744S 2012     Stpld   Captain's Log #44 Supplemental File
5745  2012              Captain's Log #45 Race to Confrontation
5745S 2012     Stpld  Captain's Log #45 Supplemental File
5746  2013              Captain's Log #46: For Duty, All Things
5746S 2013       Stpld  Captain's Log #46 Supplemental File
5747  2013              Captain's Log #47: Into the Eagle's Nest
5747S 2013       Stpld  Captain's Log #47 Supplemental File
5748  2014               Captain's Log #48: The Battle with Tribbles
5749  2014               Captain's Log #49: A Brief History Andromedan War
5750  2015               Captain's Log #50: Day of the Dragon
5751  2016               Captain's Log #51: Night Hounds

5751  1995              P6: The Galactic Smorgasbord
5752  1996              G1: Master Annex File

7101  2000              E1: The Magellanic Cloud
7102  2001              E2: The Triangulum Galaxy
7102C 2003              Special Countersheet #1
7103  2011              E3: The Borak Star League
7104  2011              E4: The Peladine Republic
7107  2012               R107: The Nicozian Concordance

      1993              MO #1: Master Ship Chart
      1993              MO #2: Captain's Commando Manual
      1993       PDF    MO #3: Captain's Starship Registry


GURPS Prime Directive 3e

8001  2002              GURPS Prime Directive

8003  2003              GURPS Klingons
8010  2013 PDF Away Team Logs (material from Captain's Log #31 to #48)

8101  2003       Prt+PDF GURPS Module Prime Alpha

8201  2004       Acc+PDF Deck Plans #1: Klingon G1 Gunboat

GURPS Prime Directive 4e

8000  2012       PDF    Introduction to The Star Fleet Universe

8401  2005 2P           GURPS 4E Prime Directive

8402  2011              GURPS 4E Federation
8403  2005 2P           GURPS 4E Klingons
8404  2005              GURPS 4E Romulans

8995  2007       Stp+PDF Planet Aldo: The Temple on Terilek Prime (G4e/d20)

8996  2010       Stp+PDF Dread Pirate Aldo (G4e/d20M)
8997  2011       Stp+PDF Starship Aldo (G4e/d20M)

GURPS Prime Directive 4e: Revised

8405 2020 Rev PDF GURPS Prime Directive 4e: Revised Edition
8406 ---- ----- ------- GPD 4e Revised, v1: Creating a Character [included in 8405]
8407 ---- ----- ------- GPD 4e Revised, v2: Playing the Game [included in 8405]

8402 2020 2P PDF GURPS Federation
8403 2021 3P PDF GURPS Klingons
8404 2021 2P PDF GURPS Romulans


Apr/May 1982 Nexus #1: Special Star Fleet Battles Issue
Jun/Jul 1982 Nexus #2: The Fourth Interstellar War (Starfire campaign)
Aug/Sep 1982 Nexus #3: Land of the Pharaohs (Heroes of Olympus extension)
Jan/Feb 1983 Nexus #4: The Savage Jungles: Combining Survival and Ultra-Warrior
Mar/Apr 1983 Nexus #5: Starboard Salvo: Reflections and Alterations on Battlewagon
May/Jun 1982 Nexus #6: Star Fleet Battles Play-By-Mail System
1984 Nexus #7: Star Fleet Universe Consolidated Errata
1984 Nexus #8: History of the Second World War: A First Look
1984 Nexus #9: SFB SN11 Frontier Patrol, Starfire: The Ophiuchi Association
1984 Nexus #10: SFB D16 Advanced Boarding Party Combat, Starfire: The Terran Federation
1985 Nexus #11: SFB UN1 The Bargantine Campaign, Starfire: The Corsairs of Tangri
1985 Nexus #12: SFB SN15/16 A Warrior's Death p1/2, Starfire: The Protectorate of Rigel
1985 Nexus #13: SFB R14 Lyran Democratic Republic, Starfire: The Arachnid Hegemony
1985 Nexus #14: SFB FD10 Advanced Drones, Starfire: Convoy story + 3 scenarios
1986 Nexus #15: America Strikes Back! An Introduction to Delta Force
1986 Nexus #16: ISC Ship Names, Tactics, Fiction; S.W.A.T. - Delta Force style
Nexus #17: SFB: WYN Ship Names and Painting Guide, Starfire: Large Fleet Battles
1987 Nexus #18: First Generation X-Ships, New Empires Fiction & Scenario

Star Fleet Times (Agents of Gaming, ADB reprints) v2 #1-50

   (newsletter) #68, 72, 78, 84-88
   (pdf) #23-24, 26, 28, 42-92
Subspace News #1-5


Paramount Pictures

      2004       DVD    Star Trek TOS Season 1
      2004       DVD    Star Trek TOS Season 2
      2004       DVD    Star Trek TOS Season 3

      2006       DVD    Star Trek TAS Season 1

      2002       DVD    Star Trek TNG Season 1
      2002       DVD    Star Trek TNG Season 2
      2002       DVD    Star Trek TNG Season 3
      2002       DVD    Star Trek TNG Season 4
      2002       DVD    Star Trek TNG Season 5
      2002       DVD    Star Trek TNG Season 6
      2002       DVD    Star Trek TNG Season 7

05645 2002       DVD    Star Trek DS9 Season 1
05893 2003       DVD    Star Trek DS9 Season 2
05894 2003       DVD    Star Trek DS9 Season 3
05895 2003       DVD    Star Trek DS9 Season 4
05896 2003       DVD    Star Trek DS9 Season 5
05897 2003       DVD    Star Trek DS9 Season 6
05898 2003       DVD    Star Trek DS9 Season 7

      2005       DVD    Star Trek: The Motion Pictures DVD Collection
                 DVD    ST: The Motion Picture Director's Edition
                 DVD    ST II: The Wrath of Khan Director's Edition
                 DVD    ST III: The Search for Spock Collector's Edition
                 DVD    ST IV: The Voyage Home Collector's Edition
                 DVD    ST V: The Final Frontier Collector's Edition
                 DVD    ST VI: The Undiscovered Country Collector's Ed 
                 DVD    ST: Generations Collector's Edition
                 DVD    ST: First Contact Collector's Edition
                 DVD    ST: Insurrection Collector's Edition
                 DVD    ST: Nemesis Collector's Edition

      2009       iTunes Star Trek (v2)
2013 iTunes Star Trek Into Darkness
2015 iTunes Star Trek Beyond

Renegade Studios

      2008       DVD    Star Trek: Of Gods and Men



2001  1983       Box    Star Trek Role Playing Game
2001..1983.2E....Box....Star Trek RPG Deluxe Game
2001  1983 2E    Box    Star Trek RPG (Deluxe Limited Ed)

2002 1983 Box The Klingons
2002  1987 2E           The Klingons
2003..1984.1E....Box....Star Trek II Starship Combat Simulator
2003  1986 3E    Box    Starship Tactical Combat Simulator
2004  1983 2E    Box    Star Trek RPG (Basic Game)
2005  1984              The Romulans
2006  1984 2E           Star Trek III Starship Combat Game
2007  1985              The Triangle
2008  1987              The Orions
2011  1986              The Federation
2012  1988              ST:TNG Officer's Manual
2014  1987              Star Fleet Intelligence Manual

2101  1983       Acc    USS Enterprise Deck Plans
2102  1983       Acc    Klingon D-7 Deck Plans

2201  1983              The Vanished
2202  1983              Witness for the Defense
2203  1983              Trader Captains and Merchant Princes
2203  1987 (2E)         Trader Captains and Merchant Princes
2204  1983              Ship Construction Manual
2204  1985 2E           Ship Construction Manual
2205  1983              Denial of Destiny
2206  1984              Termination: 1456
2207  1984              Demand of Honor
2208  1984              Orion Ruse
2209  1984              Margin of Profit
2210  1985              The Outcasts
2211  1985              A Matter of Priorities
2212  1986              A Doomsday Like Any Other
2213  1986              The Mines of Selka
2214  1984              Star Trek III Sourcebook Update
2215  1985              The Triangle Campaign
2216  1985              Graduation Exercise
2217  1985              Where Has All the Glory Gone?
2218  1986              Return to Axanar
2219  1986              Decision at Midnight
2220  1986              An Imbalance of Power
2221  1986              Old Soldiers Never Die
2222  1986              Conflict of Interests
2223  1986              The Dixie Gambit
2224  1986              ST IV: TVH Sourcebook Update
2225  1988              The White Flame
2226  1987              The Strider Incident
2227  1989              ST:TNG First Year Sourcebook

2301  1983              Ship Recog Manual: Klingon Empire
2301  1985 2E           Klingon Ship Recognition Manual
2302  1983              Ship Recog Manual: The Federation
2302  1985 2E           Federation Ship Recognition Manual
2303  1983              Romulan Ship Recognition Manual

2801  1983              Starship Combat Hex Grid
2802             Acc    ST II: TWOK Game Master's Screen (- 16 pg booklet)
2803  1984       Acc    Tricorder/Starship Sensors Display

5001  1984       Game   ST III: The Search for Spock Game
5002  1984       Game   Starship Duel 1: Enterprise vs BoP
5004  1984       Game   The Struggle for the Throne
5005  1984       Game   Starship Duel 2:USS Reliant v Kli L9

Task Force Games

5801  1993       Prt+PDF Prime Directive RPG
5802  1994       Prt+PDF Graduation Exercise
5803  1995      Prt+PDF Prime Adventures 1
5806  1994       Prt+PDF Uprising!
5811  1994       Prt+PDF The Federation

1994 PDF Prime Time: The Official Prime Directive Newsletter #1-6

Last Unicorn Games

15002 2000 1P           All Our Yesterdays

25000 1998 1P    HdC    Star Trek: The Next Generation RPG
25001 1998 1P           Star Trek TNG Narrator's Toolkit
25002 1999 1P    HdC    Star Trek: TNG Players' Guide
25100 1999 1P    HdC    The Price of Freedom
25101 1998 1P           The First Line
25102 1999 1P           Planets of the UFP
25103 1998 1P           The Way of Kolinahr
25300 1998 1P           A Fragile Peace
25301 1999 1P           Planetary Adventures
25303 1999 1P           Holodeck Adventures
25500 1999 1P    Box    The Way of D'era
25501 1999 1P    Box    Starfleet Academy
25600 1998       Mini   Federation Away Team Miniatures

35000 1999 1P    HdC    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine RPG
35001 1999 1P           Star Trek: DS9 Narrator's Toolkit
35100 2000 1P           Raiders, Renegades and Rogues

45000 1999 1P    HdC    Star Trek Roleplaying Game
45001 1999 1P           Star Trek RPG Narrator's Toolkit
45101 1999 1P           Among the Clans

Steven S. Long -
Star Trek RPG Free Supplements

Nov 2000 PDF Spacedock: The Advanced Starship Construction Manual
Dec 2000 PDF Ship Recognition Manual v1: The Ships of Starfleet
Jan 2001 PDF Ship Recognition Manual v2: Starships of the Cardassian Union
Aug 2001 PDF Ship Recognition Manual v3: Ships of the Klingon Empire
2002 PDF Ship Recognition Manual v4: Ships of the Original Series Era
2003 PDF Ship Recognition Manual v5: Ships of the Romulan Star Empire
May 2001 PDF The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon


   900 2002 1P   HdC    Star Trek RPG Player's Guide
   901 2002 1P   HdC    Star Trek RPG Narrator's Guide
   902 2002 1P   Acc    Star Trek RPG Narrator's Screen

103525 2003 1P   HdC    Starfleet Operations Manual
103527 2003 1P   HdC    Starships
103604 2003 1P   HdC    Aliens
103606 2003 1P   HdC    Creatures
103606 2005      PDF    Mirror Universe
103608 2005      PDF    Worlds

C.R. Brandon

       2015 v2.1 PDF    Far Trek RPG

Modiphius Entertainment

51060  2017      PDF+HdC Star Trek Adventures RPG: Core Rulebook
51060  2020 3p   PDF     Star Trek Adventures RPG: Core Rulebook
51062  2017      PDF+HdC These are the Voyages v1
51063  2018 v1.0 PDF+HdC The Command Division
51064 2018 PDF The Operations Division

51065  2019      PDF+HdC The Sciences Division
51066 2019 PDF+HdC Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook

51067  2018 v1.2 PDF+HdC Beta Quadrant Sourcebook
51068 2020 PDF Gamma Quadrant Sourcebook
51069 2020 PDF Delta Quadrant Sourcebook
51070 2021 PDF+HdC Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide

51071 2020 PDF+HdC The Klingon Empire Core Rulebook
51072 2017 .... ....... Dice Set: Command Division Red
51073 2017 .... ....... Dice Set: Operations Division Gold
51074 2017 .... ....... Dice Set: Sciences Division Blue
51075 2021 .... ....... Tricorder Collector's Edition Box Set
51076  2017      PDF+Acc TNG Starfleet Tile Set

51077  2017      PDF+Acc Gamemaster Screen/Toolkit (Screen and Player References)
51246  2017      PDF     Star Trek Adventures Quickstart Guide
51422  2018 v1.1 PDF     The Original Series Player Characters
51423  2018 v1.1 PDF    The Next Generation Player Characters
51426  2018 v1.0 PDF Ends and Means (Adv)

51428  2019 v1.0 PDF Nest in the Dark (Adv)
51429  2019      PDF     The Gravity of Crime (Adv)
51430  2019      PDF     Trouble on Omned III (Adv)
51431  2019 v1.0 PDF A Forest Apart (Adv)
51432 2018 v1.0 PDF Remnants (Adv)

51433 2018 PDF Call Back Yesterday (Adv)
51433 2019 .... ....... Stolen Liberty (Adv)
51434 2019 v1.0 PDF Hard Rock Catastrophe (Adv)
51435 2020 .... ....... The Prize
51436 2020 .... ....... Back to Reality
51476  2018      PDF+Acc TNG Klingon Tile Set
51564 2019 PDF+Box Star Trek Adventures Starter Set
51566  2018 v1.0 PDF A Star Beyond the Stars (part of 51564)
51665 2018 PDF Deep Space Nine Player Characters

51666 2019 PDF Voyager Player Characters
51667 2020 PDF Enterprise Player Characters
51763 2019 PDF+HdC Strange New Worlds: Mission Compendium Vol. 2
51899 2022 .... ....... Star Trek Adventures Rules Digest
51900 2022 .... ....... The Keyhole of Eternity
52130 2020 .... ....... Iconic Villains: Non-Player Characters
52131 2020 v1.0 PDF Kobayashi Maru (TOS Adv)
52184 2020 PDF The Klingon Empire Gamemaster Toolkit
52188 2023 .... ....... The Sleeping Beast
52189 2021 .... ....... Another Roll of the Dice
52200 2021 .... ....... The Burning
52201? 2022 v1.1 PDF Mission Briefs 1: Growing Pains
52202 2021 v1.1 PDF Mission Briefs 2: Disasters
52203 2021 v1.1 PDF Mission Briefs 3: TNG Anomalies
52204 2022 .... ....... Unforeseen Consequences
52205 2022 .... ....... Storms of Kiselia
52206 2022 .... ....... Upsetting the Balance
52207 2022 .... ....... Mission Briefs 6: Psychic Incursions
52208 2022 PDF Mission Briefs 5: Starbase Adventures
52209 2022 v1.2 PDF Mission Briefs 4: Trade Ledgers
52211 2022 .... ....... Mission Briefs 7: First Contacts
52212 2022 .... ....... Mission Briefs 8: Spacewrecks
52213 2022 .... ....... Mission Briefs 9: Mysteries
52214 2022 .... ....... Native Soil

52340 2022 PDF+HdC Star Trek Adventures Player's Guide
52341 2022 PDF+HdC Star Trek Adventures Gamemaster's Guide
52384 2021 PDF IDW Year Fire Tie-In

2022 PDF Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 Player Characters
2022 PDF Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 Player Characters
2022 PDF Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Player Characters
142105 2022 .... ....... Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Player Characters
142202 2022 PDF Star Trek: Discovery (2256-2258) Campaign Guide
142203 2022 PDF Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook
142217 2022 .... ....... Better Days
142218 2022 .... ....... Incident at Kraav III
142220 2023 .... ....... Mission Briefs 11: Lower Decks
142221 2023 PDF Star Trek: Lower Decks Campaign Guide
142222 2023 PDF Lurkers
142223 2023 PDF Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 1 Player Characters
142224 2023 PDF Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 2 Player Characters
142225 2023 .... ....... Mission Briefs 10: Ancient Civilizations
142301 2023 .... ....... Eight Layers Deep
142307 2023 .... ....... Star Trek Adventures: Captain's Log Solo Roleplaying Game
142308 2024 PDF The Federation-Klingon War Tactical Campaign
142309 2023 .... ....... Mission Briefs 12: Starfleet Academy
142310 2024 .... ....... Alternative Truths
142319 2024 .... ....... Synthetic Diplomacy
142320 2023 .... ....... Children of the Wolf
142321 2023 .... ....... Mission Briefs 13: Dangers in Space
142322 2023 PDF Star Trek: The Animated Series Supplemental Guide
142323 2024 .... ....... Mission Briefs 15: Khitomer Accords
142324 2024 .... ....... Mission Briefs 14: Cold War
142325 2024 .... ....... Mission Briefs 16: The Alpha Quadrant
142327 2024 .... ....... Mission Briefs 17: Beneath the Raptor's Wings
142329 2024 .... ....... Conflict of Values
142330 2024 .... ....... Ghosts in the Machine
142331 2023 .... ....... A Piece of Qo'noS
142334 2023 .... ....... A House by Any Other Name

Star Trek Adventures PDF Collection