Kevin C. Wong

Strategy & Tactics Magazine Collection

Strategy & Tactics  (Strategy & Tactics Press)

Wagner Publishing Company | Strategy and Tactics

Jan     1967 Repr   WW2 v1#1 - Remagen Bridgehead p1
Feb     1967 Repr   WW2 v1#2 - Remagen Bridgehead p2
Apr     1967 Repr   WW2 v1#3 - Remagen Bridgehead p3
May     1967 Repr   WW2 v1#4 - Remagen Bridgehead p4
Jun     1967 Repr       v1#5 - (no game)
Jul     1967 Repr       v1#6 - Siege of Bodenberg p1
Aug     1967 Repr       v1#7 - Siege of Bodenberg p2
Sep     1967 Repr       v1#8 - Siege of Bodenberg p3
Nov     1967 Repr       v1#9 - Siege of Bodenberg p4
Dec     1967 Repr       v1#10 - Siege of Bodesnberg p5

Project Analysis Corporation | Strategy and Tactics

Jan/Feb 1968 Repr       v2#1 (#11) - (no game)
Mar/Apr 1968 Repr       v2#2 (#12) - Rules for Naval Wargames p1
May/Jun 1968 Repr       v2#3 (#13) - Rules for Naval Wargames p2
Jul/Aug 1968 Repr       v2#4 (#14) - Rules for Naval Wargames p3
Jan/Feb 1969 Repr       v2#5 (#15) - Rules for Naval Wargames p4
Mar/Apr 1969 Repr       v2#6 (#16) -
May/Jun 1969 Repr   WW2 v3#1 (#17) - Schwepunkt: Rules for Armor

Poultron Press | Strategy and Tactics

Sep/Oct 1969 Repr   WW2 v3#2 (#18) - Crete (dtp, first issue with a game)

Simulations Publications, Inc. (SPI) | Strategy and Tactics

Apr 1971 Mag NAM #26 - Grunt: Company Commander in Viet-Nam (first issue with die-cut counters)
Jan 1972 Mag WW2 #30 - Combat Command (Platoon-Company, France 1944) [DNC]
Mar 1972 Mag #31 - Flying Circus [DNC]
Sep 1972 Mag #34 - Armageddon: Tactical Combat, 3000 to 500 BC
Nov     1972 Mag    NAM #35 - The Year of the Rat: Vietnam, 1972 [DNC]
Jan     1973 Mag    WW2 #36 - Destruction of Army Group Center
Mar/Apr 1973 Mag        #37 - Scrimmage: Tactical Professional Football
May     1973 Mag    WW2 #38 - CA: Tactical Naval Warfare i/t Pacific [DNC]
Jul/Aug 1973 Mag        #39 - Fall of Rome: Barbarian Invasions, 100-500
Sep/Oct 1973 Mag    WW2 #40 - PanzerArmee Afrika (Apr 1941-Nov 1942) [DNC]
Nov/Dec 1973 Mag        #41 - KampfPanzer: Armored Combat, 1937-1940
Jan/Feb 1974 Mag        #42 - The East is Red: The Sino-Soviet War
Mar/Apr 1974 Mag #43 - The American Civil War: 1861-1865

May/Jun 1974 Mag        #44 - Tank!: Armored Combat in the 20th Century
Jul/Aug 1974 Mag    WW2 #45 - Operation Olympic: The Invasion of Japan
Sep/Oct 1974 Mag        #46 - Combined Arms: Combat Operations 1939-70's
Jan/Feb 1975 Mag        #48 - Sixth Fleet: US/Soviet Naval i/t Med, 1970's
Mar/Apr 1975 Mag        #49 - Frederick the Great, 1756-1759
May/Jun 1975 Mag    WW2 #50 - Battle for Germany: Destruction ot Reich
Jul/Aug 1975 Mag #51 - World War 1: 1914-1918

Sep/Oct 1975 Mag        #52 - Oil War: American Intervention/Persian Gulf
Nov/Dec 1975 Mag        #53 - The Punic Wars: Rome vs Carthage, 264-146 BC
                              (-4 ctrs: 3 Roman Infantry 1, Roman Ship 1)
Jan/Feb 1976 Mag        #54 - Dixie: The Second War between the States
Mar/Apr 1976 Mag        #55 - 30 Years War - Breitenfeld, 1631
May/Jun 1976 Mag        #56 - Revolt i/t East: Warsaw Pact Rebellion, 70's
                              (magazine missing pages)
Sep/Oct 1976 Mag        #58 - Conquistador: T Age o Exploration, 1495-1600
Nov/Dec 1976 Mag    WW2 #59 - The Plot to Assassinate Hitler
        1977 Mag        #60 - Road to Richmond: Seven Days Battles, 1862
Mar/Apr 1977 Mag        #61 - October War: Yom Kippur Conflict [DNC]
May/Jun 1977 Mag        #62 - South Africa: Death of Colonialism
Jul/Aug 1977 Mag        #63 - Veracruz: US Invasion of Mexico, 1847
Sep/Oct 1977 Mag        #64 - Raid! Commando Operations i/t 20th Century
Nov/Dec 1977 Mag    WW2 #65 - Cobra: Patton's 1944 Summer Offensive France
Jan/Feb 1978 Mag        #66 - The Siege of Constantinople, 1453
Mar/Apr 1978 Mag        #67 - Stonewall: The Battle of Kernstown, 1862
May/Jun 1978 Mag    WW2 #68 - Kharkov: Soviet Spring Offensive, 05/1942
Jul/Aug 1978 Mag        #69 - Tannenberg: The Opening Guns, Aug 1914
Sep/Oct 1978 Mag    CRU #70 - The Crusades, 1097 and 1191
                              (-3 ctrs: Arnulf 1-1, Drogo 1-1, Str Pts 25)
Nov/Dec 1978 Mag    WW2 #71 - Battle for Cassino: Assaulting t Gustav Line
Jan/Feb 1979 Mag        #72 - Armada: The War with Spain, 1586-1588
Mar/Apr 1979 Mag    WW2 #73 - Panzer Battles: Tactical Armored Combat WW2
May/Jun 1979 Mag    NAP #74 - Ney vs Wellington: Quatre Bras, 06/1815
Jul/Aug 1979 Mag    NAP #75 - Napoleon’s Art of War: Eylau/Dresden
Sep/Oct 1979 Mag        #76 - The China War: Sino-Soviet Conflict i/t 80's
Nov/Dec 1979 Mag    WW2 #77 - Paratroop: Three Great Airborne Assaults
Jan/Feb 1980 Mag    WW2 #78 - Patton's 3rd Army, Nov/Dec 1944
Mar/Apr 1980 Mag        #79 - Berlin '85: The Enemy at the Gates
May/Jun 1980 Mag        #80 - GBACW v3 - Wilson's Creek, 1861
Jul/Aug 1980 Mag    WW2 #81 - Tito & his Partisan Army, Yugoslavia, 1941-5
Sep/Oct 1980 Mag        #82 - Central Front v1: Fifth Corps [DNC]
Nov/Dec 1980 Mag        #83 - Kaiser's Battle: German Offensive, Mar 1918
Jan/Feb 1981 Mag    WW2 #84 - Operation Grenade [DNC, No Rules]
Mar/Apr 1981 Mag    NAP #85 - Fighting Sail, 1775-1815 [DNC]
May/Jun 1981 Mag        #86 - GBACW v4: Cedar Mountain, Aug 9, 1862
Jul/Aug 1981 Mag    WW2 #87 - The Desert Fox (North Africa 04/41-12/42)
Sep/Oct 1981 Mag        #88 - Central Front v3: BAOR: The Thin Red Line
Nov/Dec 1981 Mag    WW2 #89 - Victory i/t West v3: Sicily, Race f Messina
Jan/Feb 1982 Mag        #90 - The Battle of Monmouth, Jun 28 1778

Tactical Studies Rules (TSR) | Strategy and Tactics

Winter  1983 Mag        #91 - Rapid Deployment Force, 1980's
Spring 1983 Mag WW2 #92 - Iwo Jima

Summer  1983 Mag        #93 - American Civil War
Fall    1983 Mag        #94 - Nordkapp (WW3/Norway) [PU, seller: complete]
Jan/Feb 1984 Mag        #95 - Soldiers of the Queen (Isandhlwana 1879)
Mar/Apr 1984 Mag    WW2 #96 - Singapore
Jul/Aug 1984 Mag    WW2 #97 - Trail of the Fox
Nov/Dec 1984 Mag        #98 - Central Command (Strait o Hormuz late 1980s)
Jan/Feb 1985 Mag    NAP #99 - Thunder at Luetzen, 1813
Mar/Apr 1985 Mag        #100 - Superpowers at War
May/Jun 1985 Mag        #101 - Cromwell’s Victory (Marston Moor 1644)
Jul/Aug 1985 Mag    WW2 #102 - Monty's D-Day, June 1944
Sep/Oct 1985 Mag        #103 - Road to Vicksburg
Nov/Dec 1985 Mag        #104 - 13: The Colonies in Revolt
Jan/Feb 1986 Mag    WW2 #105 - Ruweisat Ridge (1st El Alamein, Jul 1942)
Mar/Apr 1986 Mag        #106 - Pleasant Hill (GBACW Apr 9, 1864)
May/Jun 1986 Mag    WW2 #107 - Warsaw Rising, 1944
Jul/Aug 1986 Mag        #108 - Remember the Maine: Spanish-American War
Sep/Oct 1986 Mag        #109 - Target: Libya
Nov/Dev 1986 Mag        #110 - Hastings: 1066

Tactical Studies Rules (TSR) | Strategy and Tactics Special Edition

    Spr 1983 Mag        #1 - Strategic Weapons in the 80's (no game)
    Aut 1982 Mag        #2 - The Soviet Navy (no game)
May/Jun 1984 Mag        #3 - Overlord: The Normandy Invasion (no game)
Sep/Oct 1984 Mag        #4 - The Armored Fist (no game)

World Wide Wargames (3W) | Strategy and Tactics

Jun     1987 Mag    WW2 #112 - Patton Goes to War: Tunisia 1943
Jul/Aug 1987 Mag    NAP #113 - The Battle of Abensberg, Apr 20, 1809 [DNC]
Sep/Oct 1987 Mag    NAP #114 - The Battle of Eckmühl, Apr 21-22,1809 [DNC]
Dec     1987 Mag    WW2 #115 - Kanev: Parachutes Across the Dnepr, 1943
Jan     1988 Mag        #116 - Manchu (Taipeng Rebellion, 1850-1868)
Feb 1988 Mag #117 - North German Plain (NATO vs Warsaw Pact 1990's)

Mar/Apr 1988 Mag    WW2 #118 - Tigers are Burning: Campaigns f/t Ukraine
May/Jun 1988 Mag        #119 - Horse Soldiers (GBACW)
Jul/Aug 1988 Mag        #120 - Nicaragua! [DNC]
Sep/Oct 1988 Mag        #121 - Indian Mutiny: Sepoy Rebellion, May 1857
Nov 1988 Mag WW2 #122 - Pegasus Bridge

Holiday 1988 Mag        #123 - Campaigns in the Valley (1862, 1864)
Dec/Jan 1988 Mag    WW2 #124 - Fortress Stalingrad, 1942-3
Feb/Mar 1989 Mag #125 - The Far Seas (German Cruiser Ops in WWI)

Apr/May 1989 Mag        #126 - Beirut ’82: Arab Stalingrad
Jun/Jul 1989 Mag        #127 - Rush for Glory: War w Mexico 1846-47 [DNC]
Origins 1989 Mag    WW2 #128 - Africa Orientale, 1940-41
Aug/Sep 1989 Mag        #129 - Harvest of Death: Second Day at Gettysburg
Fall    1989 Mag        #130 - Tsushima: The Russo-Japanese War, 1905
Nov/Dec 1989 Mag        #131 - Donau Front (Central Front Series) [-1 ctr]
Jan/Feb 1990 Mag    WW2 #132 - Iron Cross, 1941-2
Mar/Apr 1990 Mag        #133 - Baton Rouge, Aug 5, 1862
May/Jun 1990 Mag    WW2 #134 - Anzio Beachhead
Summer 1990 Mag #135 - Sideshow: Campaign in German East Africa

Jul     1990 Mag        #136 - Borodino: Doomed Victory, 1812 [DNC]
Sep     1990 Mag        #137 - Men-At-Arms [DNC]
Oct     1990 Mag    NAP #138 - Napoleon at Eylau [DNC]
Nov     1990 Mag        #139 - Arabian Nightmare: Kuwait War, 1990
                               + Desert Sword expansion; 602 total ctrs

Strategy and Tactics Press (Decision Games) | Strategy and Tactics

    Feb 1991 Mag    WW2 #140 - Battles for North Africa: Objective: Tunis
    Mar 1991 Mag        #141 - Hannibal: The Second Punic War
    May 1991 Mag    WW2 #142 - Red Beach One: Tarawa [No Map]
    Jun 1991 Mag        #143 - Rio Grande: Battle of Valverde, Feb, 1862
    Aug 1991 Mag        #144 - Chad: The Toyota Wars, 1979-1988
    Sep 1991 Mag        #145 - Trajan: The Roman Campaign in the East
    Nov 1991 Mag    WW2 #146 - The Italian Campaign v1: Sicily
    Dec 1991 Mag        #147 - Holy War: Afghanistan (1978-1991)
    Jan 1992 Mag        #148 - Cropredy Bridge (June 1644)
    Feb 1992 Mag        #149 - The Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71
                               (missing pp 31-34: charts and tables)
    Mar 1992 Mag    WW2 #150 - The Italian Campaign: Salerno
    May 1992 Mag    NAP #151 - Vittoria; Friedland (Nap Battles System)
    Jun 1992 Mag        #152 - Case Green: War for Czechoslovakia, 1938
                               (missing pp 39-40: 1/2 of ACW article)
    Aug 1992 Mag    WW2 #153 - Zama (2nd Punic) // Operation: Felix (WW2)
    Sep 1992 Mag        #154 - The Russo-Turkish War 1877-78
    Nov 1992 Mag    WW2 #155 - The Italian Campaign: Anzio
    Dec 1992 Mag        #156 - White Eagle Eastward, Rus-Pol 1920 [DNC]
Jan 1993 Mag #157 - Roman Civil War

    Feb 1993 Mag        #158 - Red Sun/Red Star: Nomonhan Campaign, 1939
    Mar 1993 Mag        #159 - Zeppelin: Airships Over England, 1916-18
    May 1993 Mag    WW2 #160 - Medwar: Air & Naval Operations
    Jun 1993 Mag        #161 - Successors (War for Alexander's Empire)
    Aug 1993 Mag    WW2 #162 - Saipan (1944)/Clontarf (11th Cent)
    Sep 1993 Mag        #163 - Seven Years War
Oct 1993 Mag #164 - Balkan Wars
Dec 1993 Mag #165 - Caesar in Gallia

Jan/Feb 1994 Mag        #166 - Battles ot ACW: Savage Station and Olustee
Mar/Apr 1994 Mag #167 - Austro-Prussian War, 1866

    May 1994 Mag        #168 - Operation Shock Troop: Israel vs Syria, 73
Jul/Aug 1994 Mag        #169 - Battles ot ACW: Peachtree Creek, Jonesboro
                               (missing 16 counters, have jpg)
Sep/Oct 1994 Mag #170 - Battles of the American Civil War: The Atlanta Campaign

Nov/Dec 1994 Mag        #171 - On to Moscow (1700-1721) [DNC]
Jan/Feb 1995 Mag    WW2 #172 - Molotov's War: Russo-Finnish 1939-40 [DNC]
Mar/Apr 1995 Mag #173 - The Thirty Years War

May/Jun 1995 Mag        #174 - Indo-Pakistani Wars, 1965/71/90's
Jul/Aug 1995 Mag        #175 - Germania (Roman Empire, 50 BC - 150 AD)
Sep/Oct 1995 Mag        #176 - Blood on the Tigris: Iraq 1914-17 [DNC]
Nov/Dec 1995 Mag #177 - The Hundred Years War

Jan/Feb 1996 Mag    WW2 #178 - First Blood: Battle for Guadacanal [DNC]
Mar/Apr 1996 Mag        #179 - The First Afghan War, 1839-42
May/Jun 1996 Mag        #180 - The Schlieffen Plan: Reinforce the Right
Sep/Oct 1996 Mag    WW2 #182 - Balkans 1941
Nov/Dec 1996 Mag #183 - Byzantium (some magazine pages cut out)
Mar/Apr 1997 Mag #184 - Twilight's Last Gleaming: The War of 1812
May/Jun 1997 Mag #185 - First Arab-Israeli War

Jul/Aug 1997 Mag        #186 - Mons and The Marne (Over the Top) [DNC]
Sep/Oct 1987 Mag        #187 - Risorgimento (Italy 1848-1866) [DNC]
May/Jun 1988 Mag        #191 - Sea Devils (ACW) [no variant, errata ctrs]
Jul/Aug 1988 Mag #192 - The Great War in the East 1914-18

Sep/Oct 1998 Mag        #193 - Crimean War (1844-5)
Nov/Dec 1998 Mag WW2 #194 - Forgotten Axis: Murmansk, 1941 (+Sea Devils rev rules w counters)

Jan/Feb 1999 Mag    NAP #195 - Clash of Eagles: Borodino/Friedland [DNC]
Mar/Apr 1999 Mag NAM #196 - Vietnam Battles: Hue and Operation Pegasus (Khe Sanh)

May/Jun 1999 Mag        #197 - Grt Medieval Batt: Bannockburn/Tamburlaine
Jul/Aug 1999 Mag        #198 - Over the Top: Lemberg 1914 and Verdun 1916
Sep/Oct 1999 Mag    WW2 #199 - The Forgotten Axis: Finnish Campaign [DNC]
Jan/Feb 2000 Mag        #201 - Crimean War (Alma and Tchernaya River)
Mar/Apr 2000 Mag        #202 - Taipei: Comm Invasion of Taiwan, 2000 [DNC]
May/Jun 2000 Mag #203 - Xenophon: 10000 Against Persia
Nov/Dec 2000 Mag WW2 #206 - Forgotten Axis: The Romanian Campaign (Jakimivka and Kuban Gateway)
Nov/Dec 2001 Mag #208 - Back to Iraq 3E

S/O??? 2001 Mag        #211 - Operation Elope, 1918-19 [ctrs?]
Sep/Oct 2002 Mag        #212 - Rough & Ready (Mex-Amer War) [ctrs?]
Nov/Dec 2002 Mag        #213 - Spanish Civil War Battles
Jan/Feb 2003 Mag        #214 - Ancient Battles: Marathon & Granicus [DNC]
May/Jun 2003 Mag        #216 - Asia Crossroads: The Great Game
Jul/Aug 2003 Mag        #217 - The Lost Battalion: Meuse-Argonne, 1918
Sep/Oct 2003 Mag        #218 - Empires at War: Chancellorsville & Plevna
Nov/Dec 2003 Mag        #219 - Spanish Civil War Battles v2:
                               Guadalajara and Peñarroya
Jan/Feb 2004 Mag        #220 - Group of Soviet Forces Germany (cold war)
Mar/Apr 2004 Mag        #221 - Seven Years World War
May/Jun 2004 Mag        #222 - Ottomans: Rise of Turkish Empire, 1453-1571
Jul/Aug 2004 Mag        #223 - 1918: Imperial Germany's Last Chance [DNC]
Sep/Oct 2004 Mag        #224 - The Sedan Campaign, 1870 [DNC]
Nov/Dec 2004 Mag        #225 - Twilights Last Gleaming 2 (War of 1812)
Jan/Feb 2005 Mag        #226 - Mid-East Battles: Suez '56 & El Arish '67
Mar/Apr 2005 Mag #227 - Vinegar Joe's War: China-Burma-India Theater of Operations

May/Jun 2005 Mag        #228 - Old Contemptibles: Battle of Mons, 1914
Jul/Aug 2005 Mag        #229 - Khan
Sep/Oct 2005 Mag    WW2 #230 - DownFall: If the US Invaded Japan, 1945
Nov/Dec 2005 Mag        #231 - The French & Indian War, 1754-60
Jan/Feb 2006 Mag        #232 - Catherine the Great (Solitaire), 1762-96
Mar/Apr 2006 Mag    WW2 #233 - Dagger Thrusts: Patton or Montgomery, 1944
    May 2006 Mag        #234 - Lest Darkness Fall: Rome in Crisis (235-85)
    Jun 2006 Mag        #235 - Cold War Battles: Budapest '56/Angola '87
    Jul 2006 Mag        #236 - They Died with Their Boots On, Vol 1
    Aug 2006 Mag        #237 - No Prisoners! Lawrence of Arabia
    Sep 2006 Mag        #238 - Marlborough: War o/t Spanish Succession
    Nov 2006 Mag    NAM #239 - Winged Horse: The Vietnam War, 1965-66
    Jan 2007 Mag        #240 - 1066: End of the Dark Ages
    Mar 2007 Mag        #241 - Twilight of the Ottomans: WWI Middle East
    May 2007 Mag        #242 - They Died with Their Boots On v2
                               Mad Anthony (1791/4), Pershing (1917-17)
    Jun 2007 Mag    NAM #243 - Sealords: Vietnam War/Mekong Delta [DNC]
    Jul 2007 Mag    WW2 #244 - Drive on Moscow (SE)
Aug/Sep 2007 Mag        #245 - The Triple Alliance War (Paraguay 1865-70)
Oct/Nov 2007 Mag    WW2 #246 - Manila '45: Stalingrad of the Pacific
Jan/Feb 2008 Mag        #247 - Holy Roman Empire: Wars of the Reformation
Mar/Apr 2008 Mag        #248 - First Blood: Second Marne, 15 Jul '18 [DNC]
May/Jun 2008 Mag    NAP #249 - Forgotten Napoleonic Campaigns:
                               Russo-Swedish War and The Egyptian Campaign
Jul/Aug 2008 Mag        #250 - Red Dragon Rising: The Coming War w China
    Jul 2008 Mag    WW2 #251 - Cobra (double issue)
Sep/Oct 2008 Mag        #252 - Civil War i/t Far West: New Mexico, 1862
Nov/Dec 2008 Mag    WW2 #253 - Drive on Kursk, July 1943
Jan/Feb 2009 Mag        #254 - Hannibal's War
Mar/Apr 2009 Mag        #255 - First Battle of Britain, 1917-18
May/Jun 2009 Mag        #256 - Ramillies (1706) & Malplaquet (1709)
Jul/Aug 2009 Mag        #257 - Chosin: X Corps Escapes the Trap, 1950
Sep/Oct 2009 Mag        #258 - The Santiago Campaign, 1898
Nov/Dec 2009 Mag        #259 - Battle for China, 1937
Jan/Feb 2010 Mag        #260 - Black Prince: Battles of Crecy/Navarette
Mar/Apr 2010 Mag        #261 - The Kaiser’s War (1918)
May/Jun 2010 Mag        #262 - Frederick’s War: War ot Austrian Succession
Jul/Aug 2010 Mag        #263 - Cold War Battles 2: Wurzburg and Kabul ‘79
Sep/Oct 2010 Mag        #264 - Shiloh: Bloody April, 1862
Nov/Dec 2010 Mag    WW2 #265 - Operation Jubilee: Dieppe, August 1942
Jan/Feb 2011 Mag        #266 - Julian: Triumph Before the Storm (4th C BC)
Mar/Apr 2011 Mag        #267 - Russian Civil War, 1918-1922 (SE)
May/Jun 2011 Mag        #268 - When Lions Sailed
Jul/Aug 2011 Mag        #269 - Falklands Showdown
Sep/Oct 2011 Mag        #270 - The American Revolution: Decision in NA
Nov/Dec 2011 Mag    WW2 #271 - Second Kharkov: Strike & Counterstrike
Jan/Feb 2012 Mag        #272 - The Battle of Lepanto
Mar/Apr 2012 Mag        #273 - Reichswehr & Freikorps: USSR v Germ, 1920
May/Jun 2012 Mag        #274 - Sun Never Sets v2 (SE)
Jul/Aug 2012 Mag        #275 - Koniggratz (Austria vs Prussia, 1866)
Sep/Oct 2012 Mag        #276 - [Boots] Operation Anaconda, Afghanistan '02
Nov/Dec 2012 Mag        #277 - Ticonderoga: Battles f Lake George, 1755-8
Jan/Feb 2013 Mag    WW2 #278 - Tobruk: Operation Crusader, Nov-Dec 1941
Mar/Apr 2013 Mag        #279 - Reconquista! The Struggle for Iberia
May/Jun 2013 Mag        #280 - Soldiers: Decision in the Trenches, 1918
Jul/Aug 2013 Mag    NAM #281 - In Country: Vietnam 1965-1975 (SE)
Sep/Oct 2013 Mag        #282 - War ot Pacific, Chile vs Peru & Bolivia
Nov/Dec 2013 Mag        #283 - Fail Safe: Strategic Nuclear Warfare...
Jan/Feb 2014 Mag        #284 - Jackson's Shenandoah Valley Campaign
Mar/Apr 2014 Mag    WW2 #285 - Duel on the Steppe (Ukraine, Jan-Mar '43)
May/Jun 2014 Mag        #286 - Sparta vs Athens
Jul/Aug 2014 Mag        #287 - Goeben 1914
Sep/Oct 2014 Mag        #288 - Hinderburg's War (SE)
Nov/Dec 2014 Mag        #289 - War of the Austrian Succession
Jan/Feb 2015 Mag        #290 - Angola (1987-88)
Mar/Apr 2015 Mag        #291 - Warpath: Indian Territory in the ACW
May/Jun 2015 Mag    WW2 #292 - North Cape: Convoy Battles, Arctic 1942-5
Jul/Aug 2015 Mag        #293 - 1066: The Year of Three Battles
Sep/Oct 2015 Mag        #294 - World War I
Nov/Dec 2015 Mag        #295 - Gates of Vienna, 1863
Jan/Feb 2016 Mag        #296 - Korean Battles
Mar/Apr 2016 Mag        #297 - 1863 (Turning Point in the Civil War)
May/Jun 2016 Mag    WW2 #298 - Balkan Gambit, 1943-1945
Jul/Aug 2016 Mag        #299 - The First Crusade (1097-99) (Solitaire)
Sep/Oct 2016 Mag    WW2 #300 - Desert Fox Deluxe (Special Edition)
Nov/Dec 2016 Mag        #301 - Kaiser's War in the East (1914-1918)
Jan/Feb 2017 Mag        #302 - Great Northern War (SWE vs RUS 1700-09)
Mar/Apr 2017 Mag        #303 - War Returns to Europe: Yugoslavia 1991
May/Jun 2017 Mag        #304 - The American Revolution in the South
Jul/Aug 2017 Mag    WW2 #305 - Armies of the White Sun (Sino-Jap 1937-43)
Sep/Oct 2017 Mag        #306 - Agricola: Roman Campaign in Britain, 82-84
Nov/Dec 2017 Mag    NAM #307 - Cold War, Hot Armor (Vietnam)
Jan/Feb 2018 Mag        #308 - The War of Jenkins' Ear
Mar/Apr 2018 Mag        #309 - The War for Turkish Liberation, 1920-1922
May/Jun 2018 Mag        #310 - American Civil War
Jul/Aug 2018 Mag    WW2 #311 - Pacific Subs
Sep/Oct 2018 Mag        #312 - Alesia
Nov/Dec 2018 Mag        #313 - Windhoek (SW Africa 1914-15)
Jan/Feb 2019 Mag        #314 - Last Stand at Isandlwana
Mar/Apr 2019 Mag        #315 - Red Tide South
May/Jun 2019 Mag        #316 - Campaigns of 1777
Jul/Aug 2019 Mag    WW2 #317 - Moscow: Advance of AGC, Autumn 1941
Sep/Oct 2019 Mag        #318 - Constantinople
Nov/Dec 2019 Mag        #319 - Schlieffen's War
Jan/Feb 2020 Mag #320 - Sepoy Mutiny: The Great Indian Rebellion
Mar/Apr 2020 Mag #321 - Paratrooper: Great Airborne Assaults - Korea
May/Jun 2020 Mag #322 - Banana Wars: US Intervention in the Caribbean, 1897-1933
Jul/Aug 2020 Mag WW2 #323 - Rangers: Lead the Way (Pointe Du Hoc, 6 Jun 1944)
Sep/Oct 2020 Mag #324 - Fight the Fall: Faesulae AD 405 & Tricamerum AD 533
Nov/Dec 2020 Mag #325 - Italian-Ottoman War: 1911-1912
Jan/Feb 2021 Mag #326 - Mukden: Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905
Mar/Apr 2021 Mag #327 - The Suwa
łki Gap (The Baltic 2023)
May/Jun 2021 Mag #328 - Vicksburg: The Assault on Stockade Redan (May 1863)
Jul/Aug 2021 Mag #329 - Battle of Shanghai 1937 (Shanghai-Nanking Campaign)
Sep/Oct 2021 Mag #330 - Mediterranean Empires (Struggle for Middle Sea, 1281-1350 AD)
Nov/Dec 2021 Mag #331 - On To Baghdad: The Campaign in Mesopotamia & Persia, 1914-18
Jan/Feb 2022 Mag #332 - Thirty Years War Battles
Mar/Apr 2022 Mag #333 - Operation Unthinkable, From the Elbe to the Oder
May/Jun 2022 Mag #334 - Rio Grande War (What If? 1865)
Jul/Aug 2022 Mag WW2 #335 - Descent on Malta (What If? 1942)
Sep/Oct 2022 Mag #336 - First Punic War (264-241 BC)
Nov/Dec 2022 Mag #337 - Caporetto: The Italian Front 1917-1918
Jan/Feb 2023 Mag #338 - Russian Boots South (Conquest of Central Asia 1850's to 1890's)
Mar/Apr 2023 Mag #339 - Saddam Moves South (hypothetical Saudi Arabia 1990)
May/Jun 2023 Mag #340 - French & Indian War Battles
Jul/Aug 2023 Mag WW2 #341 - Return to Europe (Sicily and Southern Italy)
Sep/Oct 2023 Mag #342 - Carolingian Twilight
Nov/Dec 2023 Mag #343 - Operation Albion (Baltic Campaigns 1917-1918)
Jan/Feb 2024 Mag #344 - The Great Turkish War: The Balkans 1683-1699
Mar/Apr 2024 Mag #345 - Tanks of August (Georgia 2008)
May/Jun 2024 Mag #346 - Andrew Jackson's Battles
Jul/Aug 2024 Mag #347 - Operation Holland (Alternate Battles of the Bulge v2)
Sep/Oct 2024 Mag #348 - Siege of Jerusalem, 70 AD
Nov/Dec 2024 Mag #349 - Korea: The Mobile War, 1950-51
Jan/Feb 2025 Mag #350 - Reves de Gloire (Dreams of Glory, Europe 1805-1814)
Mar/Apr 2025 Mag
#351 - Bosnian War, 1992-1995