Kevin C. Wong

World at War Magazine Collection

World at War (Strategy & Tactics Press)

Aug/Sep 2008 Mag    WW2 #1 - Barbarossa: The Russo-German War
Oct/Nov 2008 Mag    WW2 #2 - Solomons Campaign
Dec/Jan 2008 Mag    WW2 #3 - The Bulge
Feb/Mar 2009 Mag    WW2 #4 - USAAF
Apr/May 2009 Mag    WW2 #5 - The Finnish Front, 1941-42
Jun/Jul 2009 Mag    WW2 #6 - Greater East Asia War
Aug/Sep 2009 Mag    WW2 #7 - A Greek Tragedy: Italian Invasion of Greece
Oct/Nov 2009 Mag        #8 - Arriba España: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-9
Dec/Jan 2010 Mag    WW2 #9 - The Destruction of Army Group Center
Feb/Mar 2010 Mag    WW2 #10 - Coral Sea Solitaire
Apr/May 2010 Mag    WW2 #11 - Afrikakorps (+ corrected counters for #10)
Jun/Jul 2010 Mag    WW2 #12 - 1940: What If?
Aug/Sep 2010 Mag    WW2 #13 - Guards Tank: Prokhorovka, 1943
Oct/Nov 2010 Mag    WW2 #14 - Invasion Pearl Harbor
Dec/Jan 2010 Mag    WW2 #15 - Soft Underbelly: The War in Southern Italy
Feb/Mar 2011 Mag    WW2 #16 - Partizan!
Apr/May 2011 Mag    WW2 #17 - Leningrad '41
Jun/Jul 2011 Mag    WW2 #18 - The South Seas Campaign, 1942-43
Aug/Sep 2011 Mag    WW2 #19 - The Hardest Days (Battle of Britain solo)
Oct/Nov 2011 Mag    WW2 #20 - Grossdeutschland Panzer Division (SE)
Dec/Jan 2011 Mag        #21 - The Rhineland War, 1936-37
Feb/Mar 2012 Mag    WW2 #22 - East Front Battles v2: Minsk '44
Apr/May 2012 Mag    WW2 #23 - Pacific Battles: Guadalcanal
Jun/Jul 2012 Mag    WW2 #24 - Sedan, May 1940
Aug/Sep 2012 Mag    WW2 #25 - Keren: East Africa 1941
Oct/Nov 2012 Mag    WW2 #26 - Race to the Reichstag: Berlin, 1945
Dec/Jan 2012 Mag    WW2 #27 - Operations Olympic & Coronet (SE)
Feb/Mar 2013 Mag    WW2 #28 - Green Hell: Burma 1942-1945
Apr/May 2013 Mag    WW2 #29 - Norway, 1940
Jun/Jul 2013 Mag    WW2 #30 - Hinge of Fate: France & Poland, 1939
Aug/Sep 2013 Mag    WW2 #31 - East Front Battle v3: Drive on Dubno, 1941
Oct/Nov 2013 Mag        #32 - Pacific Battles: Nomonhan 1939
Dec/Jan 2013 Mag    WW2 #33 - Operation Shingle: Anzio 22 Jan-3 Mar, 1944
Feb/Mar 2014 Mag    WW2 #34 - Famous Division: Guards Armoured (SE)
Apr/May 2014 Mag    WW2 #35 - Strike North, Japan Invades the USSR, 1941
Jun/Jul 2014 Mag    WW2 #36 - Winterstorm (Stalingrad, Dec 1942)
Aug/Sep 2014 Mag    WW2 #37 - Bloody Ridge (Guadalcanal, Sep 1942)
Oct/Nov 2014 Mag    WW2 #38 - Ghost Division (Bel/Fra, May/Jun 1940)
Dec/Jan 2015 Mag    WW2 #39 - France Fights On (Alt History, 1940)
Feb/Mar 2015 Mag    WW2 #40 - Rampage (Fr Aug/Sep 44); Stalingrad Cauldron
Apr/May 2015 Mag    WW2 #41 - Mare Nostrum (SE)
Jun/Jul 2015 Mag        #42 - Pacific Battles: Shanghai 1937
Aug/Sep 2015 Mag    WW2 #43 - Patton's Third Army
Oct/Nov 2015 Mag    WW2 #44 - Night Fight: Solitaire East Front Tactics
Dec/Jan 2015 Mag    WW2 #45 - Panzers East: AGC, Sum 1941 (solo)
Feb/Mar 2016 Mag    WW2 #46 - Yamato Unleashed (Samar, 25 Oct 1944)
Apr/May 2016 Mag    WW2 #47 - Crete 1941
Jun/Jul 2016 Mag    WW2 #48 - Duel in the North: Battle f Leningrad, 1941
Aug/Sep 2016 Mag    WW2 #49 - Operation Gertrud (What If Germany v Turkey)
Oct/Nov 2016 Mag    WW2 #50 - Zhukov's War (East Front 1942-1943) (SE)
Dec/Jan 2017 Mag    WW2 #51 - Pacific Vattles: Malaya 1941
Feb/Mar 2017 Mag    WW2 #52 - Sealion: Proposed German Invasion of England
Apr/May 2017 Mag    WW2 #53 - Strike & Counterstrike (AGC 1941-42)
Jun/Jul 2017 Mag    WW2 #54 - Midway Solitaire
Aug/Sep 2017 Mag    WW2 #55 - Butcher & Bolt - Commandos: Europe
Oct/Nov 2017 Mag    WW2 #56 - Bastogne
Dec/Jan 2018 Mag    WW2 #57 - Escape Hell's Gate: Korsun Pocket, 1944
Feb/Mar 2018 Mag    WW2 #58 - Stalin Moves West
Apr/May 2018 Mag    WW2 #59 - The Luzon Campaign, 1945
Jun/Jul 2018 Mag    WW2 #60 - Eisenhower's War
Aug/Sep 2018 Mag    WW2 #61 - Peaks of the Caucasus
Oct/Nov 2018 Mag    WW2 #62 - Spanish CW Batt: Belchite, Teruel, Alfambra
Dec/Jan 2018 Mag    WW2 #63 - Central Pacific Campaign 1943-44
Feb/Mar 2019 Mag    WW2 #64 - Rats of Tobruk
Apr/May 2019 Mag    WW2 #65 - Operation Typhoon
Jun/Jul 2019 Mag    WW2 #66 - Cruise of the Graf Spee
Aug/Sep 2019 Mag    WW2 #67 - Battle of Changsha (Sep 41 to Jan 42)
Oct/Nov 2019 Mag    WW2 #68 - France '40: Victory or Defeat
Dec/Jan 2019 Mag WW2 #69 - Breakout: First Panzer Army
Feb/Mar 2020 Mag #70 - Great Pacific War: Plan Orange
Apr/May 2020 Mag WW2 #71 - Forgotten Pacific Battles
Jun/Jul 2020 Mag WW2 #72 - Paratrooper: Palambang & Primosole Bridge
Aug/Sep 2020 Mag WW2 #73 - Spring Awakening (Hitler's Last Offensive, March 1945)
Oct/Nov 2020 Mag #74 - Munich War 1938
Dec/Jan 2020 Mag WW2 #75 - Centrifugal Offensive (Japanese Pacific Campaign 1941-42)
Feb/Mar 2021 Mag WW2 #76 - Operation Jupiter: Churchill's Plan to Invade Norway, 1942
Apr/May 2021 Mag #77 - Winter War (Finland vs The Soviet Union 1939)
Jun/Jul 2021 Mag WW2 #78 - Drive on Suez (Rommel Drives Deep, 1942)
Aug/Sep 2021 Mag #79 - Rising Sun Over China (1931-1937)
Oct/Nov 2021 Mag WW2 #80 - Hannut: France 1940
Dec/Jan 2021 Mag WW2 #81 - Balkans '44
Feb/Mar 2022 Mag WW2 #82 - Watch on the Oder: January 1945
Apr/May 2022 Mag WW2 #83 - Operation Causeway: Formosa 1944
Jun/Jul 2022 Mag WW2 #84 - Manstein's War (Western Europe May/Jun 1940)
Aug/Sep 2022 Mag WW2 #85 - Budapest Campaign (Oct 1944-Feb 1945)
Oct/Nov 2022 Mag #86 - Chaco War (1932-1935)
Dec/Jan 2023 Mag WW2 #87 - Netherlands East Indies, 1941-1942
Feb/Mar 2023 Mag #88 - War Comes Early (Czechoslovakia 1938)
Apr/May 2023 Mag WW2 #89 - The Crimean Campaign, 1941-42
Jun/Jul 2023 Mag WW2 #90 - The Great European War (WWII in Europe 1941-43)
Aug/Sep 2023 Mag #91 - Stalin's First Victory (1929) / The Battle of Taierzhuang (1938)
Oct/Nov 2023 Mag WW2 #92 - Narvik 1940
Dec/Jan 2024 Mag WW2 #93 - Baltic Offensive: Fall 1944
Feb/Mar 2024 Mag WW2 #94 - Kesselring's War: Decision in Italy 1943-1944
Apr/May 2024 Mag #95 - Khalkin-Gol War (What If: Mongolia 1939)
Jun/Jul 2024 Mag WW2 #96 - War Plan Z (What If: Germany had a navy in 1940
Aug/Sep 2014 Mag WW2 #97 - Campaigns in Europe v1: Drive on Leningrad, 1941