Kevin C. Wong

GORF #178/B&B #6 - Escape from Fox Island

Christopher: Busi Bunni the Runner
Christopher Jr: Eyeball the Squirrel (Grifter)
Corina: Mysti the Seer
Dave S: Huggy the Herbalist
Dave W: Pete the Maverick

Source: Bunnies & Burrows 3E module "Escape from Fox Island"

Main Plot:

1. PCs find themselves in media res, waking up on Fox Island after being captured by animal control.
2. Talk to Owlfeather (warren #6). Wants fishnet.
3. Talk to Thistlebark (warren #3). Wants dog whistle.
4. Meet fox. Eyeball convinces fox to help them for human food.
5. Talk to Collard (warren #4). Tells them Winterfat (warren #1) is a cruel slaver.
6. Back to fox. Convinces him to help them assassinate Winterfat.
7. Go to warren #1 and refuse to come in until Winterfat meets them.
8. While talking to Winterfat fox attacks. PCs hold down Winterfat until his guards are drive off then fox eats Winterfat.
9. Mysti picks up wrench and becomes leader of warren #1.
10. Backtrack and redistribute items.
11. Go to warren #5 and talk to Sloe. Wants bungee from warren #6 but PCs already have it.
12. Go to warren #2 and talk to Pokeweed who wants keys but PCs have that too.
13. PCs come up with plan to escape. Talk to warrens to see if anyone else wants to break out.
⁃ Warren #1 half go (25), mostly slaves (15) but some academics (4) and guards (6).
⁃ Warren #4 most go (40), traveling acting troupe (10) with support (10) and hangers on (20).
⁃ Warren #5 a few go, a band of tricksters (6).
14. PCs gather human food from trash can and leave it for guardian Badger.
15. While badger is busy eating that night, Pete uses wrench to unscrew gate.
16. Rabbits make their escape.
17. PCs have: sharp flint, keys, wrench, bungee.
18. AP = 6 (+6 for Dave S and Dave W)


Christopher: Free Point
Corina: Diplomacy
Dave S: Tactics
Dave W: Lockpicking