Kevin C. Wong

GURPS Zombies (2013) [+]

GURPS Zombies is a 160-page GURPS 4E sourcebook about zombies.


  1. Getting to Know Your Zombies - A rundown of zombie lore in history and fiction. And for the purposes of this book even mummies and 1950's atomic waste monsters can be viewed as zombie variants.
  2. Victims and Killers - PC information. Notes on how Basic Set attributes are used in a zombies campaign. PC and NPC templates. Zombie and survival gear.
  3. Zombies! - Note on how Basic Set attributes apply to zombies. Zombie-Maker (step by step designer). Instant Zombies (sample zombies as templates and monster stat blocks).
  4. Zombies in Play - Combat and how to abstract a zombie horde. Survival horror notes.
  5. Zombified Campaigns - Things to consider when designing a campaign. Ideas on adding zombies to other genres.

Zombie-Maker is pretty cool. Runs 19 pages. For each step it gives you a bunch of options, their cost, and how they affect your zombie.

The rest of the book is the usual GURPS goodness. A lot of GURPS specific information but a lot of ideas that can be used in other RPGs. I found it an interesting read.