Kevin C. Wong

Spot Reviews 04/02/21

Fruit Frangipane Tart [/] - Whole Foods didn't have a Fruit Tart so I got this instead. The crust is good. The topping is a bit more solid than I'd like. It's desert-y enough to be satisfying.

Video Game - Outriders (2021) [/] akaNemsko demo'ed this game on her stream. This is a co-op (3 players) third-person science fiction shooter set on a remote colonized world. Someone mentioned it was like Gears of War and I think that's because combat is a lot of being behind cover and popping out to shoot. You have classes with specific skills and you loot things to get better equipment. Looks like an ok game.

macOS - Apple Music app [/] It's vey iOS like which looks nice but unwieldy for someone with thousands of music files. I really miss browser view (which was my standard view). Song view has the same look without the ability to filter quickly down to genre, artist and album. Hopefully that will be re-added in the future. Otherwise it's a music keeper and player and it does it as well as any other app except this one has Apple Music and iTunes Store integration.