Twitch Game - Stream Raiders [+]
Apr 18 2022
Stream Raiders is a game built on top of Twitch. Much like Marbles on Stream, Stream Raiders is a game streamers can play on stream and have their viewers participate. Unlike Marbles this game requires a lot more thought from viewers.
This is a fantasy real-time combat game. Streamer chooses a mission (which belong to campaigns, dungeons and special events) and viewers (including the streamer) have 30 minutes to place units in one of the start areas. Each player can only place a unit once every five minutes and powerful units have a longer cool down (e.g. if it's 30 minutes you can only place one unit in the game, though you can spend in-app purchased meat to refresh a unit instantly).
Once battle starts it's all automatic. The streamer might have a spell or two they can cast during the battle but otherwise units move as a group and engage enemies. If you win you get a chest with some prizes and the streamer gets loot they can gift to whichever player they want.
Units get experience scrolls (one each time you place it, as prize or loot, or you can buy scrolls in the store). Unit types (not individual units, the type itself) level up all the way to 30 with milestone abilities every five or ten levels. Currently there are 20-odd unit types each with their own ability scores (HP, attack speed, range, damage, speed, what they attack) with melee, ranged, magic, explosive, ground, flying and other abilities.
It's kind of a fun low strategy game that's cooler because you're participating with a group of Twitch viewers and streamer.
This is a fantasy real-time combat game. Streamer chooses a mission (which belong to campaigns, dungeons and special events) and viewers (including the streamer) have 30 minutes to place units in one of the start areas. Each player can only place a unit once every five minutes and powerful units have a longer cool down (e.g. if it's 30 minutes you can only place one unit in the game, though you can spend in-app purchased meat to refresh a unit instantly).
Once battle starts it's all automatic. The streamer might have a spell or two they can cast during the battle but otherwise units move as a group and engage enemies. If you win you get a chest with some prizes and the streamer gets loot they can gift to whichever player they want.
Units get experience scrolls (one each time you place it, as prize or loot, or you can buy scrolls in the store). Unit types (not individual units, the type itself) level up all the way to 30 with milestone abilities every five or ten levels. Currently there are 20-odd unit types each with their own ability scores (HP, attack speed, range, damage, speed, what they attack) with melee, ranged, magic, explosive, ground, flying and other abilities.
It's kind of a fun low strategy game that's cooler because you're participating with a group of Twitch viewers and streamer.