Kevin C. Wong

Disney Series - Moon Knight s1 (2022) [+]

Moon Knight season one is a six-episode origin and story arc. Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac) is a museum assistant archaeologist who has been suffering from strange sleep-walking dreams for months. But the dreams become all too real when he realizes that he becomes a different persona, the mercenary Marc Spector, who goes on missions and kills people for the monstrous Egyptian god Khonshu (voiced by F Murray Abraham).

Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke) and his followers are trying to free the goddess Ammit who will cleanse the world of evil (perhaps not in itself a bad thing except the evil deed can be in the future and Ammit is big into pre-crime). Khonshu wants Marc to stop it but Steven wants nothing to do with this. That is until Marc's wife Layla (May Calamawy) shows up wondering what kind of dangerous mission Marc is involved in...

Moon Knight is not a hero I'm that familiar with and from a distance he looked like an Egyptian mythology-themed Batman. But as presented in this series he is more of a vengeance killer/assassin type with various mystical powers.

Isaac's acting is really good, making both Steven and Marc come alive. The main story is pretty engaging and Harrow is a good sinister non-action villain. The Steven/Marc subplot is even better and the plot twists there are kind of cool. Layla is a suitably impressive character and action hero enough to protect Steven while being a useful sidekick to Marc.

This is a much better series than I expected.