Kevin C. Wong

Movie - Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022) [/]

Glass Onion is a sequel to Knives Out though it's a self-contained story. Tech mogul Miles Bron (Edward Norton) invites his influencer friends to his private island for a mystery party weekend. Unexpectedly private detective Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig) shows up apparently having gotten an invitation. Blanc comes to believe that one of the guests has it in for Bron but when guests start dying who is the killer?

Like Knives Out this is a movie with a set of unique characters doing their own subplots, you're shown a lot of things happening, and somewhere there you're shown enough to deduce what really happened. Knives Out though showed the reveal midway through then you get sort of behind-the-curtain stuff until the second reveal. Glass Onion the reveal seems more towards the end and then it's bang bang done so now you have to catch the clues over 100 minutes instead of over 45 minutes. Knives Out was more accessible and I liked it more which then makes Glass Onion a bit disappointing.