Spot Reviews 10/04/24
Oct 04 2024
The Exchange (2021) [/] NZ or AUS film. Mexican foreign exchange student Annie (Mirene Castelltort) comes to stay with Sabina (Lucy Wyma) and her dad and her presence eventually causes Sabina to break up with her girlfriend Esther (Celine Dam) who in turn falls for Annie. A small indie film with no bad guys -- the three characters each have their own issues and Sabina and Esther would have probably broken up regardless. It is a slow story which picks up in the last third to finish with a satisfying ending.
Zookeeper World (2021) [/] Apple Arcade match-3 game with a meta-story about building a zoo. As you complete levels you get coins to buy zoo components and animals and attracting more crowds gives you passive income. The match-3 game play is typical of the genre. I like that you can place zoo components wherever you want on the grass and that you can walk around in 3rd-person view and interact with the zoo stuff.
Snapdragon Miso Ramen [/] Pretty typical cup of noodles. Does include a small an oil packet for a bit of extra flavor.
Zookeeper World (2021) [/] Apple Arcade match-3 game with a meta-story about building a zoo. As you complete levels you get coins to buy zoo components and animals and attracting more crowds gives you passive income. The match-3 game play is typical of the genre. I like that you can place zoo components wherever you want on the grass and that you can walk around in 3rd-person view and interact with the zoo stuff.
Snapdragon Miso Ramen [/] Pretty typical cup of noodles. Does include a small an oil packet for a bit of extra flavor.