


Based on RPGs

Blue Planet                 SJG-6721 GURPS Blue Planet                  S + C

Bunnies & Burrows           SJG-6060 GURPS Bunnies & Burrows            S

Call of Cthulhu             SJG-6070 GURPS CthulhuPunk                  C

Castle Falkenstein [RPGC]   SJG-6099 GURPS Castle Falkenstein +1        S + C

Champions                   Roleplayer #21 "Super System Switching"     C

Conspiracy X                EDN-004 GURPS Conspiracy X                  S + C

Deadlands [RPGC]            SJG-6760 GURPS Deadlands: Weird West +4     S

Hârn                        Roleplayer #26 "A Whole New World"          S

In Nomine                   SJG-6093 GURPS In Nomine                    S + C

Mage: The Ascension         SJG-6068 GURPS Mage: The Ascension          S + C

Pocket Fantasy              Pyramid v2 19990730 "GURPS in Your Pocket"  C

Star*Drive                  Pyramid v2 20000407 "New Frontiers"         S

Star Fleet Universe [WGC]   ADB-8401 GURPS 4E Prime Directive +3        S

  1. Star Trek Books

  2. Star Trek Comics

  3. Star Trek RPGs [RPGC: Modiphius Trek]

  4. Star Trek Video

Tékumel                     Pyramid #11 "GURPS Tékumel"                 S

Traveller [RPGC: Classic]   SJG-6600 GURPS Traveller +31                S + LC

Vampire: The Masquerade     SJG-6076 GURPS VtM +1                       S + C

Werewolf: The Apocalypse    SJG-6077 GURPS WtA                          S + C

Based on Tabletop Games

BattleTech                  Roleplayer #19 "Converting a Campaign to ~" S + LC combat

Car Wars                    SJG-6003 GURPS Autoduel +9                  S + C

Illuminati                  SJG-6016 GURPS Illuminati                   S

Ogre                        SJG-6097 GURPS Ogre                         S + LC combat

    S = Setting adaptation

    C = Conversion rules

    LC = Light Conversion rules

    LC combat = Light Conversion rules to base system combat

    RPGC = Active RPG Collection

    WGC = Active Wargame Collection

    WMC = Active Wargame Magazine Collection

Based on Other Media

Callahan's Crosstime Saloon SJG-6047 GURPS Callahan's Crosstime Saloon

Casey and Andy              SJG 82-0011 GURPS Casey & Andy

Conan                       SJG-6012 GURPS Conan +4

  1. Conan RPGs

Discworld                   SJG-8121 Discworld RPG +1

Hellboy                     SJG-8111 Hellboy RPG

Horseclans                  SJG-6007 GURPS Horseclans

Humanx Commonwealth         SJG-6009 GURPS Humanx +1

Lensman                     SJG-6067 GURPS Lensman

  1. Lensman Wargames

Planet of Adventure         SJG-6716 GURPS Planet of Adventure

The Prisoner                SJG-6030 GURPS The Prisoner

Riverworld                  SJG-6028 GURPS Riverworld

Solar Cycle [Gene Wolfe]    SJG-6096 GURPS New Sun

Uplift Universe             SJG-6035 GURPS Uplift

Viagens Interplanetarias    SJG-6080 GURPS Planet Krishna

Vorkosigan Saga             SJG 01-2490 Vorkosigan Saga RPG

War Against the Chtorr      SJG-6053 GURPS War Against the Chtorr

Wild Cards                  SJG-6026 GURPS Wild Cards +1

  1. Wild Cards RPGs

Witch World                 SJG-6008 GURPS Witch World

Based on Computer Games

Myth: The Fallen Lords      SJG-6095 GURPS Myth

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri  SJG-6717 GURPS Alpha Centauri


Girl Power

RPG Life

RPG Magazines

  1. Challenge

  2. Fantasy Gamer

  3. Journeys

  4. The Mech Factory/The Tech Factory

  5. Mecha Press

  6. Protodimension

  7. Pyramid

  8. Signs and Portents

  9. Space Gamer

  10. Stardate/StarDrive

DC Comics RPGs

  1. DC Heroes (1985)

  2. DC Universe (1999)

  3. DC Adventures (2010)


Admiralty Trilogy Group (Harpoon/CAS/FG&DN)         Tier 2

Australian Design Group (World in Flames)           Tier 2

Clash of Arms                                       Tier 2    Multi

Columbia Games                                      Tier 2    Multi

Miku Games (The Finnish Trilogy)                    Tier 3

Multi-Man Publishing                                Tier 1    Multi

  1. Tactical Combat Series [WGC]

  2. Operational Combat Series [WGC]

  3. Standard Combat Series [WGC]

  4. Battalion Combat Series [WGC]

  5. Line of Battle Series [WGC]

Schroeder Publishing & Wargames (Der Weltkrieg)     Tier 3

Solitaire Wargames

World War 2 Grand Strategy

Modern Warfare

Licensed Wargames

Science Fiction Wargames

  1. Babylon 5                      (+RPGs)

  2. Battlestations                 (+Semi-RPG)

  3. Honorverse                     (+RPG in development)

  4. Star Frontiers                 (++RPG)

  5. Starfire

  6. Starship Troopers              (+RPG)

Wargame Magazines

  1. Against the Odds               Tier 2 [WMC]

  2. Battles                        Tier 2

  3. Command                        Tier 3

  4. CounterFact                    Tier 2

  5. Modern War                     Tier 1 [WMC]

  6. Paper Wars                     Tier 2

  7. Strategy & Tactics             Tier 1 [WMC]

  8. World at War                   Tier 1 [WMC]

    Tier 1 = 5+ product per year

    Tier 2 = 1-4 products per year

    Tier 3 = No foreseeable products

    Multi = Company publishes multiple systems


  CRU: Crusades

  JPN: Shogunate Japan

  NAP: Napoleonic Wars

  WW2: World War II

  NAM: Vietnam War

  OPS: Special Ops

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