I'm watching the video for "From This Moment" and it
reminds me of
this short breakout that I read in some entertainment magazine.
Several disk jockeys were asked their opinions on Shania Twain's
CD "Come On Over", this was when "You're Still The One" was topping
the pop charts. The comment that stuck with me was the remark that
"From This Moment" is a great wedding song. That song was sung at
John Tomasetti's wedding, and it is a beautiful wedding song...
For most of today I've been watching CNN broadcast the New Year
celebrations from around the world. They've gone from timezone to
timezone, highlighting major cities as they reach midnight. The
most impressive one was London, which had a spectacular fireworks
display that lasted more than 15 minutes. They just showed the
spectacle without commenting, which was nice. In Washington DC,
there was this stream of fireworks that was *in* the reflecting
pool and circled the inner edge. Still a couple more hours for me...
I just noticed that USA Network is showing first season JAG episodes.
Darn it, I missed half of those, but there are still a few left in
the first season. Then I'll have to wait until it cycles through
the next 65 episodes or so. I'm also waiting for Moonlighting to
start next week, so it looks like my VCR will be kind of busy for a
while. Better not start taping any other programs...
Was thinking of catching a movie this morning, but I've already
reached the thirty movie mark so I'll wait until tomorrow. Probably
will see The Green Mile. Now is the time of year when I can look back
at 1998 and pick what was the best movie I saw. I wait at least a year
that way all the movies are equally forgotten, unlike the Academy
Awards which can favor movies released in during Holidays since they're
more recent to voting time and fresh in the voter's minds. Officially,
I'll wait until tomorrow...
My rent is going to go up to $925 on February. When I
think about it,
it's not really that much. A little annoyed since it's a $200 increase,
but it's not as if I can't afford it. Neighbor's rent is also going up,
by $215. A lot of improvements have been made, and I'm not ready to
get a house. One of my coworkers pays $2800 a month on his mortgage,
and although it's a nice house, that's all my take-home pay. Once in
a while I think it would be nice to move closer to work, but that's
just a small part of me. Too many reasons to stay right where I am...
Any last thoughts before the New Year? It's been a year of ups and
downs, much like any other year. I've taken on more responsibilities,
and yet failed on others. There have been times when I've wondered
what the point of it all is, and there are other times when I feel
priviledged to witness a particular event. I believe that the world
is truly becoming a better place for everyone as we slowly embrace
the fact that we live in a global gestalt, that nobody can afford to
isolate themselves.
I've witnessed a friend get married, had a good friend move away,
seen a couple of my other friends get girlfriends. And the more
things change with my friends, the more I cherish the friendship,
the more I appreciate how they've helped me grow, and how they've
kept me sane. Truly, these are good times, and I can only see more
of the same the future.