I'm skipping
the first game session today because I don't feel like it. Actually I
was expecting to have to do some work over the weekend. But I worked
really hard the first of the week and burned out. Thursday and Friday I
got pretty much nothing done and this weekend looks to be much the same
as far as work is concerned.
Still, I did say I wasn't going to be there today and that's fine with
me. It's getting to be more and more of an obligation rather than
something that is supposed to be fun. I don't know, I'm just very
unenthusiastic right now. Probably will remain this way until
Christopher starts going to our gaming sessions.
Me being all
passive-aggressive, I've decided that I can't have my PowerBook
downstairs when I'm running my game. Usually I keep my PowerBook handy
because I have my game notes there and have the spare parts list on it
and a few other things. But lately Dave gets drunk and then he goes to
Homestar Runner and shows up their latest really stupid Flash
animation. All of which I hate hate hate. It wouldn't be so bad if it
was visual only but audio you can't ignore. And since I'm not going to
say "stop it" the solution is to not have a computer down there.
So I just got back from Papa Murphy's. Two workers there and I got in
just as the dinner rush was starting so it took a while to get my
pizzas. I ordered two deep dish pizzas though they don't look all that
impressive. Then again it'll get bigger when you cook it. $12 for their
large pizza. I'm not sure if that's a good prize or not, considering
they don't have the restaurant overhead.
Anyway, I went
to Borders and used Steph's coupon and bought a MechWarrior Dark Age
novel. I saw another MWDA novel I hadn't seen yet. So I go home and go
to the WizKids site and there's no mention of new novels, which I was
wondering about since the last novel I have I bought a few months ago.
Then I go to Penguin Books and search there are several novels I don't
have. Apparently WizKids isn't updating their novels list. Darn it.
The Papa Murphy's pizzas turned out fairly well. Freshly cooked made up
for the price and people seemed to like it so maybe we'll try again.
Next time I'm going to get chinese food since I've not ordered it for a
few months. Not that I have that much left in my entertainment budget
but I still have $20 the guys gave me to repay for the food.
Tonight's BattleTech session went fairly well. It's the 4 player Mechs
vs 6 vehicles and 2 helicopters. Unfortunately Max used plenty of edge
to shoot down both choppers. Yoni actually took down one of the
vehicles and Wrigley crippled another vehicle. In return I hit Max
pretty hard on two turns for a total of 40 points of damage. I also hit
Joey hard once and made her fall. And the guys wrecked two of their
weapons though the salvage from the dead vehicle may make up for that.
If I press them hard I might be able to take down one of the Mechs, or
at least do serious damage. Might be worth the last four good vehicles
I have. Certainly taking down one of their Mechs would make up for the
losses, and taking down two should be a scenario tie even if I lose the
rest of the vehicles.