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Our next author is one of the more prolific writers of Callisto fan fiction. Wight hails from Europe and is a regular contributor on the Hudson Leick Mailing List. His stories span from the short and introspective 'Last Light' to the longer action yarn 'Shadow of Light'.

As usual, the first twelve questions are standard and were asked to each author in this series. The other questions are specifically for Wight.

I urge people to read the stories at Callisto's Tales and write to the authors. They are all too happy to correspond with readers. Heck, they wrote back to me, so they must be starved for conversation. :-)

-- Kevin

[Kevin] What was your first Callisto story? Why did you write it?

[Wight] My first Callisto story was 'Last Light'. I had been writing battletech fanfic before that, and when I discovered the official hudson leick fan website, I was immediately captivated by the wealth of fanfic stories out there. I read through all of them, and then decided I wanted to write Callisto fanfic myself.

[Kevin] Have you written any other fan fiction besides those on Callisto's Tales? Were these written before/during/after the time you wrote your first Callisto story?

[Wight] Yes, I was in this online battletech league for a while, and wrote fanfic stories for them. This was before and during the time I started writing Callisto fanfic. When I quit the league, I quit writing those stories.

[Kevin] When you write, how far ahead do you plan? Do you have the whole story thought out beforehand, just a chapter, nothing planned?

[Wight] Just the events. Sometimes, not even that. I almost never know what the character is going to do though. So for instance, I would know what encounters the character wanders into, but not how the end result is going to be. When I get there, I just place myself in the position of my character and see how he/she would react. This sometimes causes unplanned story twists (in 'Forces of evil', I had planned for Abazar to die in the first four chapters, but he ended up being a key part to the story)

[Kevin] How would you summarize who Callisto is, what motivates her, what her goals are?

[Wight] Can I pass on this one ? :) No really, who she is would take an essay to write up, and what her goals are depends from story to story. Mostly, I think she wants to find peace, but how she tries to achieve that depends.

[Kevin] When you write your stories, do you prefer Callisto as a mortal, immortal, or Goddess? Do you feel any of those is substantially harder to write for?

[Wight] When I write ? It doesn't really matter to me. I have a slight preference for Callisto as a mortal, because that makes the story a little more challenging (obstacles are a lot easier to overcome if you wield divine power :). But I just go with whatever the situation calls for.

Copyright (c) 1999 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: March 24, 2004
Page Last Updated: March 24, 2004