Initiative Phase
Initiative roll:
PCs and NPPCs = 2d6 + Walk/Cruise + Piloting sk lvl + Tactics sk lvl NPCs = 2d6 + Walk/Cruise + 13 - Piloting base - Gunnery base Infantry = 2d6 + Walk + 2 + 2/Exp Level Above Green
Units go from highest initiative to lowest initiative. A unit
must go during its turn. A does not have to use all of its
actions, but any not used are wasted.
[19981227] Use the current WALK/CRUISE MPs in the above
equations. Heat and damage that reduce WALK/CRUISe MPs will
also lower a unit's initiative bonus.
Tie breakers:
1. Unit Type (Mech, Aerospace, VTOL, Hover, Ground, Track, Jump Inf, Mech Inf, Foot Inf) 2. Lowest Tonnage 3. 2d6 Die Roll
Action Phase
Each unit gets 2 Simple Actions (SA). A unit may only do one MOVE
action in its action phase. A unit may only do each action once
in its turn (i.e. units can't do two "fire" actions, they must
instead do a "fire" and a "2nd fire" action). A unit must complete
one action before performing another action (exception: Anytime
Actions). Units do not have to use all of their SAs.
Units resolve heat at the end of their turn as normal.
Heat from
opportunity actions are resolved immediately. Note that heat
dissipation is only done at the end of a unit's turn.
In the following descriptions modifiers are listed as
{Piloting Modifier/ Piloting Roll/ Gunnery Modifer/ Targeted Modifier}
Piloting Modifier = modifier to piloting skill targets until the unit's next turn Piloting Roll = pilot roll required with this mod Attacker Modifier = modifier to combat skill targets until the unit's next turn Targeted Modifier = mod to other units' gunnery skill targets when firing on this unit until this unit's next turn. TM doesn't include modifier for number of hexes moved.
Anytime Actions:
Anytime Actions (marked with a * in their SA cost) may be done
once per turn, at any point in the turn (including during someone
else's action phase or in the middle of a unit's action). Anytime
Actions that have a cost of greater than 1 can only be done if
the unit had leftover SAs after its turn. An Anytime Action can
be done during a unit's action phase at its usual SA cost.