Rebellion on Verthandi
May 3, 3025
Kirchbach Prefecture
Rasalhague Military District
Draconis Combine
The civil unrest that has gripped the world of
Verthandi for
the last year exploded into outright armed rebellion as forces
of the Free Verthandian Republic clashed with the local Combine
garrison units throughout the planet. The FVR has called upon
the Lyran Commonwealth for help in liberating their world from
House Kurita. Duke Ricol has warned the nearby Lyran worlds that
any aid to Verthandi will be viewed as an act of aggression and
dealt with accordingly.
Canopian Marketing Push
May 8, 3025
Canopus IV
Magistracy of Canopus
Rimward Periphery
The Canopian government started a massive marketing
to increase tourism into the Magistracy. The Ministry of Finance
has lent 20 Billion C-Bills in the last two years to businesses
so they could renovate hotels, casinos, and pleasure resorts
throughout the Magistracy. The Ministry of Tourism has begun
a marketing blitz in the Free Worlds League, with contests and
giveaways abounding.
Prince Davion Departs from Galtor
May 10, 3025
Galtor III
Raman Polymorphous Defense Zone
Draconis March
Federated Suns
Prince Hanse Davion departed today from Galtor III to
to New Avalon. The Prince spent over a month on the planet
reviewing the newly trained planetary militia and inspecting
the planetary defenses. Satisfied that Galtor is well defended,
Prince Davion has reassigned all but a small force of regular
AFFS troops to other worlds.
LCSAT Scores Drop Again
May 21, 3025
District of Donegal
Protectorate of Donegal
Lyran Commonwealth
The Ministry of Education announced that scores in the
Lyran Commonwealth Scholastic Aptitude Test have dropped by an
average of 1.2% throughout all grades. The biggest drops are in
the K-6 grades as their scores dropped an average of 2.0% Only
grades 9 and 11 showed any increase since last year. This is the
8th straight year that LCSAT scores have dropped.