John Gilmore died, but his soul lived on, trapped in Ralkazan's body.
It took him years to research a spell to return to Earth, and in the
meantime, a century and a half had passed.
____Roleplaying Notes____
Hardened by years in other dimension
No tact
No care for luxuries
Trapped in demon's body
Magician's Code
bear the price of magic without emotion
may never take unfair advantage of another magician
may not share secrets of the Art except for apprentices
may never refuse hospitality to a visiting colleague
Gilmore's Protection from the Paparazzi (58)
Effect: Invisiblity 10 (90+160) FC 10, Rng S, Type A
FC: affects sight, hearing, smell/taste
FC: only vs devices, scrying, remote sensing
Casting Time: 0 (+1 FC)
Components: 5 APs (+0 FC)
Restrictions: Verbal, Somatic (-20)
Description: Subject is invisible to electronics (incl
most robots) as well as magical (e.g. Magic Sense) or
remote sensing powers (e.g. Life Sense). Subject
no shadow and has no reflection. Direct senses are
unaffected. (Nondetection)
Specific powers affected: Detection, Life Sense, Remote
Sensing, Magic Sense.
Gilmore's Baleful Possession (33)
Effect: Personality Transfer 15 (30+120) FC 3 Rng N Type D
FC: Physical body left behind
FC: Other personality trapped in gem
Casting Time: 0 (+1 FC)
Components: 15 APs (-3 FC)
Restrictions: Verbal, Somatic (-20)
Description: Caster's soul goes to gem. From there can
switch souls with targets in range. Must return to
in between possessions. (Magic Jar)
To Cast Roll: 17 in 1 phase, 6 in 15 minutes
Gilmore's Permanent Possession (63)
Effect: Permanency 15 (30+240) FC 6 Rng S Type A
Casting Time: 2 APs (3 phases) (+1 FC)
Components: 15 APs (-3 FC)
Restrictions: Verbal, Somatic (-20)
Description: Curr Possession becomes permanent (Permanency)
To Cast Roll: 17 in 1 phase, 6 in 15 minutes
33. [A1] Personality changes worry Rad and Dark Flame
44. [B1] Takes possession of Jenny's Book
of Ebon Bindings
47. [B2] Has Juvana's Knight of the Lance
49. [B3] Visit Ra's Al Ghul, ask about mind transfer research
33. Kobra and Screen Bandits Guild steal AlphaLoc Laser
[+24] Wealth -1+1 (5), Bank 1.
34. Lex Luthor, Ambush Bug, total control of Time and Space
[+36/3-47] BODY 6, Gilmore's Infernal Cloak
44. Jenny Jenkings uses Night Gaunts to attack Lost Boys.
[+20] Wealth +3 (8), Bank -1+3 (3)
Gilmore's Constricting Flames, Piercing o/t Hidden
47. Juvana seeks Riff's heart to power her Knight o/t Lance
[+28] Bank +3 (6)
49. Rescue Riff from Yuggoth.
[+27/3] Wealth 9