Encounter 7: Status Report
The purpose of this scene is to bring up the map of Hawaii again.
"As you're finishing up with the Icicle one of the police officers
tells you that the Mayor wants to meet with you. You head over to his
office, and once again you pass through Central Plaza and walk over the
new map of Hawaii. You note that the flagpole representing Island City
already has some graffiti on it."
Mayor Huernot thanks the heroes for their help. He wants to know how
close they are to shutting down the nefarious Society. If the heroes
did not stop all three crimes he will be quite nervous and he will
become almost frantic if the heroes reveal the last warning from the
Society (about the three crimes tomorrow). He will want to declare
martial law and call up the State Militia.
If the heroes talk him down from such a drastic action (OV/RV 3/3 with
a +3 Column Shift modifier), then they should get a +1/2 Saving
Innocents bonus. If the heroes neglect to mention tomorrow's crime
spree, they should lose a -1/2 Role Playing Award.
Go To If the heroes know where the bomb is and want to disarm it, go to
Encounter 9, otherwise go to Encounter 8.