The Ultra-Humanite wants to be reknown as the world's best robotics
expert. At the Robotics Symposium held in Island City, he unleashes a
group of robots to kidnap the assembled scientists. His real goal is to
kill his only true rival, Riff.
Expected Roll Call
Rad, the Radiation Man
Ghost Girl
Encounter List
Encounter 1: Robotics Symposium
Encounter 2: Rise of the Robots
Encounter 3: Initial Investigations
Encounter 4: Rad Under Siege
Encounter 5: Super Snake
Encounter 6: MechaGodzilla!
Subplot List
Subplot 1: (Ghost Girl) Checkout Blues
Subplot 2: (Rad) Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Subplot 3: (Riff) Organize the Symposium
After Action Report
Roll Call
Ghost Girl (Donald Kubasak)
Rad, the Radiation Man (David Woo)
Riff (Eric Fulton)
Audio Log (MP3)
Tape 1 [7.0 MB] (1:02:13)
Tape 2 [7.0 MB] (1:02:08)
Tape 3 [7.0 MB] (1:02:11)
Tape 4 [7.1 MB] (1:02:07)
- Rad signs some endorsement contracts. Starts hamming
it up when there are witnesses.
- Ghost Girl searches for book and tracks it down,
- Riff hires Rad to provide security.
- During first attack robots disable DEVASTATRON.
- Conference moved to Island City Military Research
- Rad stops second attack cold.
- Rad and Ghost Girl fly out and disable giant snake
- Rad and Ghost Girl backtrack snake robot to abandoned
cargo ship.
- Riff brings all robots together.
- As Rad and Ghost Girl get back, Ultra-Humanite
reveals himself.
- MechaGozilla destroys most of ICMNRC before Ghost
Girl breaks into robot and forces Ultra-Humanite to self destruct it.
- Ultra-Humanite escapes.
- Riff is impressed with Van Den Haas.