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We headed back South, for our new armor awaited us. After a week of nothing happening, something happened. Tev heard a group of dogs off in the distance, conversing. Something about "we've found their trail -- the Captain will be pleased." Could mean anything. We also met Tramor, a Vikul who had been looking for us in hopes of joining our little freedom force. Well, we let Reg in, so why not?

The next day we encountered a small pack of four dogs. They invited Tev to join them in a hunt, to stretch his legs and go back to his dog roots. For some reason Tev didn't want to go. I guess all that civilization has gone to his head. In any case, Tev claimed that any of us could beat the whole pack of mangy mutts. To which the dogs double-dared us to prove it. Interesting, the dogs were being led by a super janer.

Well, Krelga was all raring to go. But four dogs would rip her apart and Nakaro and I said so. Still, she insisted on going and stalked off. Tev, Tok and Nakaro followed her to make sure she didn't get into any trouble. The rest of us waited with the wagons to watch the foolishness.

But it was a trick. Once the four of them got close, the dogs and janer circled around and headed straight for the base camp. Krelga did manage to gut one of the dogs. Treacherous curs! The rest of us formed up around the wagon and I cast a Darkness spell. It doesn't matter if we can't hit them as long as they can't hit us -- we just needed to hold off the dogs until the others got back.
The bad guys ran off, with Tev and the others after them. After a long chase they ran them down and managed to kill another dog and the super janer. That was a strange encounter, but it was all cleared up for us when the retreating dogs yelled back "we'll bring back Tanarek Dell and then we'll see who gets the last bark!" Tanarek Dell! So, our old nemesis had caught up to us yet again.

Ok, enough running away. This time we're going to face him and his men and defeat him, in open combat (we couldn't find any ambush places). So we waited for him and the next day he showed up with his men. Tanarek Dell still disdained armor and had a motley group with him: the two remaining dogs, a fire-plug and four Vikuls obviously teeming with Chaos magic. How far had Dell fallen in his obsession.

They charged. Tok cast a Light Wall so we could fight behind it. Tev engaged one dog while Timroth engaged the other. Reg backed up. Gorg and Nakaro ran forward and engaged Dell, the fire-plug and a big Vikul. Soon we were going down left and right as one of the Vikuls kept casting Befuddle at us. I was quickly befuddled and then Timroth with me. Eventually I snapped out of it and healed Tok, but by then the battle was going well against us.

Gorg had already gone down. So had Krelga. Tok was fine, Nakaro was barely hanging on. Timroth and Reg were still Befuddled. Tev wasn't doing much. I was trying to get away long enough to heal people. But it was clearly a losing battle as long as the Vikul with the Befuddle continued to zap us. Then Nakaro was mortally wounded and Tramor immediately afterwards. All hope was lost and it was up to Nakaro's Divine Intervention to whisk us away.

An ignoble loss if I ever saw one...
Copyright (c) 2002 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: December 11, 2003 Page Last Updated: December 11, 2003