[20040103] Got
Divine magic from praying mantis spirit. I got Heal Body, Heal Wound,
and Resurrection. Travelled some more. Encountered a Bronze Golem that
chased after Nakaro and tried to kill him. We destroyed Golem. Tramor
says it was a guardian golem used by peopl's akin to Ga.
[20040110] Try to backtrack golem to whomever sent him so we can punish
them. Meet two cartographers (we've met them before, they argue about
topological vs sociological maps) who tell us what's around here. Meet
hunter rabbit who's after a nartroll. Apparently two other groups (ice
demons and [Dis's race]) are also after the nartroll. Hunter kills
nartroll and we loot it before the other groups get there. Head for
city to make nartroll armor. Meet a young Jambra Gazel Boalith who
"entertains" us in his tent.
[20040117] Krelga asked Boalith to summon our nemesis, the Naked Guy.
He and his buddies were teleported in unprepared and even magicked up
it was a tough fight. But we beat him, only to find out that they were
all simulacra. Damn Jambra Gazel.