kcw | star trek: the next generation campaign
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Scenario Info

Author - (Uncertain)
Source - A Fragile Peace
Players - Medium
Action - Medium
Special - Romulans

Roll Call

Shannon Appelcline (Clancy Evans)
Donald Kubasak (Krystal Evensong)
Eric Rowe (Jon Cabote)
Kevin C. Wong (Game Master)
Dave Woo (Gonar)


Section 1 (41:37, 4.7 MB, 12/09/00)
Section 2 (41:25, 4.7 MB, 12/09/00)
Section 3 (42:30, 4.8 MB, 12/09/00)
Section 4 (41:45, 4.7 MB, 12/09/00)
Section 5 (42:06, 4.8 MB, 12/09/00)
Section 6 (41:39, 4.7 MB, 12/09/00)


I guess I should write about what happened in episode 306 of my Star Trek campaign. First off we started late because Donald was doing who knows what. I called him at 19:00 and he was all "oops, I guess I should be there, huh?". So waiting for him to get dinner and find parking took the better part of an hour. In the meantime we did the final skill rolls for the season, promotion rolls, and building the deathtrap shuttle for the captain. Then Jon and Gonar went to the holodeck for a quick 5 minute adventure (Donald was here by then). Basically I ran the episode that Dave skipped and in five minutes the two of them, as co-commanders, managed to get the Romulan ship, wreck their own ship fighting another Romulan ship, and get half the bridge crew killed by sending them to the Romulan ship which had a deadly virus which needed the data from the other Romulan ship to cure. We concluded that Dave probably wouldn't have done any better, given his command style.

Anyways, this mission involved going to Psellus III to witness an armistice treaty between the ruling pro-Federation government and the pro-Romulan rebels. Krystal once again led, and once again Donald wasn't up to the challenge (he's done a good job once out of three tries). They went down to the planet and talked to the Federation ambassador, who was suspicious of the rebel motives and wanted the crew to investigate. So they looked around, saw the abject poverty and hunger on the planet, which the Federation could solve but they refused to since the planet is not a Federation member and is a politically unstable world. Jon met the rebels and although knew that they were wrong, did empathize since the Federation was also at fault.
Copyright (c) 2000 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: January 21, 2004
Page Last Updated: January 21, 2004