kcw | star trek: the next generation campaign
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So they go around, talking to people, picking up some clues. They don't know what to do though since the adventure is not designed to have them *do* anything before the armistice treaty, just get a feeling of the situation and pick up some information. They try to contact Starfleet or the Federation Council to get food for these people, maybe even use their Orion favor. But in the end nothing seems adequate to feed a whole world.

We move on to the armistice ceremony. We all know something's going to happen so they all bring phasers and eight security guards to boot. Naturally, I can only blame myself for giving them the impression that they should do that. But really there was adequate local police to protect everyone. They also wanted the ship ready to use transporters, even after I mentioned at the start of the night that anyone who suggested using transporters to solve a problem would lose Initiative.

In any case, the rebels sprung a trap. Shannon had come home by now so his character was at the ceremony. Lots of phaser fire as dozens of rebels fought the guards. Meanwhile the ship was under attack by a Romulan Warbird so it couldn't send any reinforcements (all according to the episode writeup). I wanted to capture everyone which is the way the scenario is supposed to go, but it was getting late so I made it into a longer fight until Jon and Gonar were able to convince the rebels to surrender.
After that they talked to the rebel leader, released the rebels, and left the planet in an uneasy state of truce. The Romulans weren't defeated, just their rebel stooges, although for now everything looks fine on the surface. Once again I gave negative renown to most everyone. Eric for suggesting the guns, security, and transporters; Donald for not doing anything even though he led the mission; Chris for never correcting the natives that he was not one of their Romulan gods; Woo for using threats to win the final battle; Shannon for using a phaser (his character was barely there and I didn't want to penalize anywhere else since then he wouldn't have been promoted). Strangely, Chris said he liked the game. Go figure.
Copyright (c) 2000 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: January 21, 2004
Page Last Updated: January 21, 2004