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Meanwhile, Clancy is in charge with a short crew. On getting the distress signal he contacts Dolak IV. Elrod Tain, colony administrator, answers and denies that any distress signal has been sent. But he's acting suspicious so Clancy decides to check it out. Meanwhile, now that stun can kill, Venor must find a way to abuse the system. This week he doesn't have enough time to finish his improved phaser.

Once in orbit around Dolak IV. Sensors reveal about 100 people at the camp, with a couple of dozen people five kilometers west of the colony. Warden Mulholland of the Penal Colony hails the Discovery and asks what is their business. Clancy is evasive. Clancy, Krystal, Venor and an altogether too large security detachment take a shuttle down to the planet. First stop is to check out the couple of dozen people west of the colony.

They sneak up on the people, hiding in a cavern system with two guards out front. Venor spots some colony guards preparing to attack the escapees. While the group discusses what to do, the guards attack. Clancy and the rest push forward and meet with Ray Crier, head of Dolak IV security. This is an internal matter, well under control, he explains. Starfleet is out of its jurisdiction, though Krystal points out a way to get around that (doesn't prevent you from getting negative renown though).

The escapees give up. Look who's leading them but it's Tom Paris. He explains that Romulans have taken over the base and are mind controlling the guard and administrators. They've also killed all the non-humans. Krystal scans Ray, getting the impression that he's under some sort of hypnosis, though still present with his faculties. Clancy decides that they'll all go see Warden Mulholland.
Back at the colony, Clancy and his two assistants meet with the warden. Everything is fine here, the prisoners escaped a few days ago but that is not Starfleet's problem. Clancy makes up an excuse about having to fully investigate any distress signal. Venor backs him up saying that they need to compare voice scans of the prisoners with the signal the Discovery received. The warden relunctantly agrees and assigns them quarters in the barracks.

Tricorder scans reveal that the hospital building has a sensor screen set up. Krystal, Venor, and two of the security guards visit the hospital with some made up illnesses. Krystal finagles a tour of the hospital while Venor sneaks out and looks for the source of the sensor screen. Krystal notes that the tour doesn't include surgery, which she insists on seeing the operation in progress.

The nurse takes her to the observation deck. There, to her horror, she sees Tom Paris strapped to a chair. A Romulan doctor is working on Paris while a subcommander (which Krystal recognizes as Major Sela of the Tal Shiar, obviously under cover) and two centurions stand guard. Transfixed by the scene, she almost fails to notice her danger sense as two more centurions burst into the room, spraying phaser fire.

Meanwhile, Venor traces the sensor screen to the generator room of the hospital. Outside are two human guards. Venor walks up to them, acting all friendly like, then he strikes like a snake and takes them down. Once in the generator room he proceeds to disable it, bringing down power and the sensor screen. Just then Krystal is calling for help on her communicator. Clancy picks it up, but the signal is very weak. Then it clears up for a few seconds before the secondary sensor screen comes up. Clancy and the three remaining security guards rush to the hospital.
Copyright (c) 2001 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: January 22, 2004
Page Last Updated: January 22, 2004