kcw | star trek: the next generation campaign
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Into Sick Bay barreled a team of crack Andorian security troopers. Venor and Clancy started firing immediately as Krystal backed away. The two medical assistants were immediately cut down, never knowing what the heck was really going on. But the troopers were using only their knives (I neglected to mention, this universe doesn't seem to have a stun setting on their phasers), a decided handicap against phasers, as Venor and Clancy cooly shot them down. One Andorian grappled with Clancy, twisted his hand and managed to shoot Clancy with it. Krystal hyposprayed one security guard and then the fight was over.

Krystal revived Clancy. "Get up sleepy head! No time to snooze on the job!" "Let's head for the shuttles, they won't be expecting us to get out that way," suggested Venor. "Sounds good," agreed a groggy Clancy. The three officers rushed to the shuttle bay as an intruder alert alarm blared within the ship. The shuttle bay was empty of personnel and shuttles, except for the Captain's Yacht.

"Well look at that pretty thing." "It doesn't have cables hanging out of it!" "And it's even painted correctly!" Indeed, the shuttle looked like a pristine work of art compared to the one they had held build a couple of years ago. "We must have this shuttle!" Clancy and Krystal went inside to prep it while Venor worked on overriding the security protocols.
Suddenly, Captain Gonar burst into the room, leading a squad of his crack Andorian bodyguards. "You won't get away, oink oink!" Phaser fire splashed across the shuttle bay as Venor got the bay doors to open. Then, before the pig and his cronies vaporized Venor, Krystal beamed him onboard the shuttle. Immediately Clancy had the shuttle out the shuttle bay, dodging phaser blasts as the Evil Discovery tried to destroy them.

"Look, they're using the Main Deflector to open the rift!" "Let's take it out!" With Clancy piloting, Venor firing, and Krystal jamming communications, the shuttle twisted and turned and fired, destroying the Main Deflector with four well-placed shots without being hit. Then, with the rift starting to close, Clancy plunged the shuttle through the hole, narrowly dodging the photon torpedoes flung by the Evil Discovery.

"That was close," commented Clancy a few hours later, after Krystal had synthesized and given the cure to everyone on board. "Aww heck, we had a good 20 hours to spare," replied Krystal. "Can you believe they had no stun settings on their phasers? That's like an ideal civilization!" quipped Venor as both Clancy and Krystal looked at him nonplussed. "What did I say?!?"
Copyright (c) 2001 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: January 22, 2004
Page Last Updated: January 22, 2004