kcw | star trek: the next generation campaign
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What am I looking for in a leader? I keep in mind that this is a Next Generation campaign. Unlike the original series, ST:TNG is more about characters and drama rather than action. The episodes are set up to be resolved through a combination of problem solving and interaction with NPCs, without devolving into combat. Also, we should keep in mind that the Federation is about open ideals and IDIC, upholding the good without sacrificing your Federation principles. It's not about doing a mission successful, it's more important how the mission is conducted, how the characters behave.

In terms of my campaign, I want to see Initiative and self-reliance. Take charge and complete the mission with your alloted resources. Don't be a coward and call for help, but there may be times when that is your only choice so don't hesitate to call for help in those situations. Discipline: follow orders and the intent of those orders, keep your team under control and the same for yourself, handle situations logically and in the best traditions of Starfleet. Openness: don't stereotype people, treat each person as an individual, keep in mind other cultures and other standards of right and wrong. Starfleet is not here to impose Federation culture and every on every species. Commanders must recognize that our way is not the best way for everyone, just the best way for Starfleet and the Federation as a whole.

I don't treat Skill with much importance. Everybody is skilled so it's not as if characters will get negative Skill renown. The episodes are set up to be solved, sometimes rather easily. So it's hard to give out negative Skill renown. But because the episodes are relatively easy, how the episodes are handled by the characters is more important. As for Aggression, I don't mind too much if characters are occassionally aggressive. If you are consistently aggressive it'll tend to hurt your promotion chances, both because you become known for shooting rather than talking and because your openness tends to go down as aggression goes up.

So, keeping the above guidelines in mind, the character reviews follow. These are written by the Discovery's Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Arax Papaub. I'm going off of my memory and impressions from the second season, so at times I'll be wrong and I'm sure there are several details that I've forgotten. In general I think that the last episode of the season soured my view of some of the characters, but that's the way it is sometimes.

Copyright (c) 2000 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: August 22, 2004
Page Last Updated: August 22, 2004