Maximum Tech
Summary of Maximum Tech rule additions/changes to the BMR.
Unless noted in this document, no other MT rules are in
Climbing Backwards:
Units can climb 1 level/hex while moving backwards. Each
level change requires a piloting skill roll. Vehicles waste
the MP if they fail the roll.
Taking Damage:
Piloting skill roll for taking 20+ damage is modified by +1
for each 20 points of damage taken. Apply a Mech weight modifier:
WEIGHT CLASS PILOTING MODIFIER Light +1 Medium +0 Heavy -1 Assault -2
Kicking and Pushing:
Piloting skill rolls for kicking and pushing are modified by
the difference in weight classes of the two Mechs. Each weight
class difference is a +/- 1 modifier.
Attempting to Stand:
Modifiers to stand roll. +1/arm with missing or destroyed
actuators. +2/arm destroyed or missing. Mech using Walk
movement, having 2+ MP, and using all of its MP to stand
can apply a -2 modifier to the stand roll.
[19990207] Using a simple action to stand. -1 per action,
cumulative until piloting roll to stand is attempted.
Leg Damage:
Hip actuator damage now is a +2 Piloting Skill Roll Modifier and
-2 Walk to the unit. Hip damage no longer negates other leg
Floating Criticals:
When a 2 is rolled on the location table, roll again to determine
where the critical may go.
Quad/Prone Mech Hit Location Table:
ROLL FRONT REAR 2 Ct Torso (Crit) Ct Torso (R) (Crit) 3 Rt Leg Rt Arm 4 Rt Arm Rt Leg 5 Rt Arm Rt Leg 6 Rt Torso Rt Torso (R) 7 Ct Torso Ct Torso (R) 8 Lt Torso Lt Torso (R) 9 Lt Arm Lt Leg 10 Lt Arm Lt Leg 11 Lt Leg Rt Arm 12 Head Head