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The Freshman Phaser Tag Tournament at Star Fleet Academy pits a few dozen teams against each other for the coveted Freshman Trophy. The tournament takes place in the Kirk Hall Holosuites, as each team searches for computer terminals to answer the questions therein. Meanwhile, everyone has low- powered phasers with which to shoot each other and keep the tournament exciting. The characters have either enrolled together or been assigned together as a team. Winning the tournament is a sure sign that the cadets are destined for greater things.

This scenario is designed for Freshman Year Cadets at Starfleet Academy. In my campaign these characters only have Species Template, Personality Archetype Points (5 DP), Early Life Package (5 DP), and Freshman Year (16 DP) of development. No one has an Energy Weapon skill, few have any useful skills, which is why all the tests are Routine.

The Teams

Each team is made up of a number of cadets of approximately the player group size (+/- 1 or 2). Each team member is given a special Phaser Type 1 that only fires at setting 1 (dmg = 2 + 2d6), 2 (4 + 2d6), or 3 (6 + 4d6). The phaser start out with ten charges, and can't be used on wide beam. The team is also given a hypospray with two (or for a large group four) doses of a stimulant to wake up stunned cadets. Each team can decide for themselves who will lead. Teams can't loot each other, although surreptitious cadets may be able to snag an item and get away with it (not be caught by the sensors) with a Routine (4) Sleight of Hand (Pick Pocket), or a Routine (5) Coordination test.

Holodeck Layout

The Holosuites are wired together to provide a very large playing area. Several floors divided into a maze of rooms, the floors being connected by ladders and stairwells, no elevators. Lighting can be bright to dim, varying from section to section. Hidden in the bottom floor are power packs with five charges each and extra doses of stimulant for the hypospray. The top floors have computer terminals scattered about, each cadet team must find four different terminals.


The objective is to score the most points. Points are scored by taking four different tests on four different computer terminals. Each test is four Routine (4) skill rolls, one for each skill. Success is one point, Dramatic Success is three points, Dramatic Failure is -1 point. Each skill roll is a Combined Test for the team. Skills marked with an asterisk (*) can't be used untrained.

Test 1: Freshman Curriculum

History: Federation
*Law (Starfleet Regs)
*Language: Federation Standard
Planetside Survival: (Any)

Test 2: UFP World Knowledge

Any four World Knowledge skills

Test 3: UFP Culture

Any four Culture skill

Test 4: Science and Engineering

Any four basic Engineering or Science skills (no specializations)

Taking a test takes one turn (5 minutes). The team can take an extra turn for preparation. Once the tests are taken they can't be retaken. Note that the cadets may try to "be creative" and hack into the computer terminal. This can be done with a Moderate (6) *Computer (Hacking) roll on each terminal. Once in, the characters can either try to reset the terminal to retake the test with a Routine (4) *Computer (Programming) test; or they can change their scores in this test to any result with a Moderate (6) *Computer (Programming) roll. Hacking in takes one turn and changing their scores takes another turn, resetting the terminal takes no time.
Copyright (c) 2000 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: January 16, 2004
Page Last Updated: January 16, 2004