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The Play

The tournament is two hours long, with each team starting off somewhere in the middle levels of the arena. Each turn is 5 minutes of activity, so there are 24 turns in the game (combats lasting one turn). The three level areas are low, middle, and high. Going from one level to another takes a turn and Routine (3) Stealth (Stealthy Movement) tests to avoid other groups. Cadets can move two levels in one turn but the Stealth roll is now Routine (5).

In the low areas the cadets can look for power packs and hypospray doses. Each cadet can make Routine (5) Search rolls, roll a d6 to see what they found: 1-4 = power pack and 5-6 = hypospray dose. Power packs have 5 charges. In the high areas the cadets can look for computer terminals. This requires a Moderate (6) Search roll, with each cadet getting one roll each turn of searching. Note that when searching, failure doesn't make the next roll harder since it's not an additional attempt. When searching, cadets should make Routine (3) Stealth (Stealthy Movement) rolls to avoid other groups.


Missing a Stealth check may cause the cadets to run into another group. Roll one d6 for each failed check (like any other skill check) with a target of Moderate (6) to encounter another group. The first group encountered will have the same number of cadets as the player group. Thereafter the groups can be smaller at the GM's discretion.

For Dramatic Success on Stealth checks, make a skill check as above (assuming no encounters because of failed checks) and if a Moderate (6) is achieved, the cadets hear another group before the group hears them. This can be an opportunity for an ambush or to hide.

Combat will probably be at ranges of 15m or less, due to line of sight restrictions. There is plenty of cover in the area, characters can make make Search rolls of Routine (3), (4), or (5) to find +1, +2, or +4 cover. Cover is worth 6, 8, or 10 points of armor. Note that cadets may try to flank each other, or another group may happen upon the battle, at the GM's whim. Good groups will use have a point man to take the brunt of initial contact.

Cadets may not fire at unconscious cadets.

NPC Cadets

Fitness      2     Athletics     1
Coordination 2     Dodge         1
Intellect    2     Energy Weapon 0
Presence     2     Search        0
Psi          0     Stealth       0

Other Skill Uses

Athletics (Climbing) and (Jumping) can be used to take unusual routes. This would be a Routine (3) roll per level moved and reduces Stealth targets by one. (Running) is generally useful in the heat of combat. (Lifting) can be used to carry unconscious comrades.

First Aid can be used to revive unconscious comrades. Note that heavily stunned cadets are harder to First Aid.

Planetary Tactics (Small Unit) can be used in combat to determine if flank attacks (or other ideas) are successful. Don't use this skill to give the answers. Let the players tell you what they want to do, then the leader can make a Tactics test to see if the idea works.

Stealth (Hide) can be used to hide from another group. Maybe to ambush, or perhaps to avoid combat.
Copyright (c) 2000 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: January 16, 2004
Page Last Updated: January 16, 2004