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Scenario Info

Author - Mark Costello
Source - Uprising! module for Prime Directive RPG
Players - High
Action - High
Special - Romulans

Roll Call

Donald Kubasak (Krystal Evensong)
Dave Pickering (Venor Pertham)
Eric Rowe (Jon Cabote)
Kevin C. Wong (Game Master)
Dave Woo (Gonar)


Section 1 (41:07, 4.7 MB, 08/26/00)
Section 2 (41:12, 4.7 MB, 08/26/00)
Section 3 (43:07, 4.9 MB, 08/26/00)
Section 4 (41:16, 4.7 MB, 08/26/00)
Section 5 (41:12, 4.7 MB, 08/26/00)
Section 6 (41:33, 4.7 MB, 08/26/00)
Section 7 (31:53, 3.6 MB, 08/26/00)


How can I describe what happened this Saturday? I guess I would say that the situation got out of control, tempers flared, I did not run what I would call an exemplary game. It all boils down to lack of preparation. I should have read the adventure one or two more times. With Rowe and Pick there is a greater chance for the characters to go astray. I was counting on Fulton to keep them in line, but he didn't show, leaving command to Krystal, and then I was in trouble.

Let's go back a bit and talk about the adventure itself. Uprising! is a module for the Prime Directive RPG. Thity-two pages, although half of that are the NPC writeups and combat maps and character handouts. This being for Prime Directive, Uprising! has several combats in it and the climax is one big battle. It also has a fair amount of talking and investigative work in the first half of the adventure, so I thought this would be a good adventure that combined role-playing with some fights. Something to make it more exciting after the last two episodes.

I read the adventure once. Federation personnel taken hostage, find the terrorists, rescue the hostages, find who is supplying the terrorists. Ok, sounds relatively basic. There are only a couple of clues that they need to get, which they can miss easily, but at least I had that in mind. Skim through the adventure again and take down notes. Important characters, plots points, scene summaries, things I need to remember.
Copyright (c) 2000 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: January 20, 2004
Page Last Updated: January 20, 2004