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Before going down to the planet, John wanted a couple of volunteers to go undercover and investigate the dissidents. "Hey, I'm all for that," chimed in Krystal. "Undercover work, my specialty, heh heh," added Venor with a sinister laugh (though it was probably just a normal Betelgeusan chortle). Once on the ground, the main party split up into two teams, the laid-back Gonar and the hyperexuberant Jon, who mentioned that he had a secret plan to stop this whole uprising thing. No, can't mention it to you sir, but just give me the word and trust me it will work. John and Clancy were the third team, John wanting to keep the suddenly loose-cannon Clancy in sight at all times.

The first day was spent doing busy-work. Jon and Gonar were stuck in the sidelines. John and Clancy helped set up better security in New Farpoint Station in preparation for the orderly evacuation scheduled for the next day. Seismic sensors were set up and the pattern enhancers were bugged and left alone for vandals to abuse. Meanwhile, Krystal saw lots of graffiti about The Providers, which made her ask questions and come to the attention of some local cultists. Venor decided to blend in by commiting acts of vandalism and spouting anti-Federation slogans. This also resulted in contact with one of the more militant dissidents.

The following morning Venor learned that his splinter group was going to kidnap Gropler Zorn in a daring raid. He was able to warn John, who had Gropler Zorn evacuated to the Discovery, though not before Gropler Zorn warned the planetary police. Krystal was invited to a Provider seminar, held in the Underground of the city. A dimly lit chapel held dozens of faithful as a hologram of a giant jellyfish creature proclaimed that a new age was about to begin and that all the faithful should be ready to act. Jon and Gonar had security duty and not much was going on.
Meanwhile, the seismic sensors picked up significant movement, so John and Clancy transported to the sewer system and looked around. A band of rebels rounded the corner and a brief firefight ensued, wherein John requested an emergency beamout and they dematerialized as all but one rebel fell. Clancy immediately ordered the transported tech to beam him back and John followed. Unfortunately, the tech, in a hurry and also handling normal evacuation loads, missed a button and almost killed John, who materialized disoriented as Clancy was cuffing the rebels.

An explosion shook the base. Gonar went to investigate. Venor and his rebels rushed the government building. The hologram gone, the dissident leader proclaimed that the time was now to rise and attack their oppressors. Clancy ordered a beam in to the governor's office, where he was subdued by a police SWAT team before John had him transported back to the ship. Venor waited for the rebels to engage the police, then shot in the back, ending that threat. Krystal had the dissident leader transported to the ship, then used her oratory to calm the parish.

And so disaster was averted. After that SWAT team encounter, Clancy was almost back to normal. John on the other hand sought counseling. But who was really behind the rebellion? Later investigation discovered the holographic projector and the control room. Was it Gropler Zorn? Or was it some mysterious third party manipulating the Bandi? Questions to be answered in a future episode.
Copyright (c) 2001 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: January 22, 2004
Page Last Updated: January 22, 2004