kcw | star trek: the next generation campaign
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It was fun for a while, a couple of fights too long though. It did end kind of weirdly though. The final fight battling the Gabter King and his elite guards. John has his hands full with one guard so Clancy blows it away and takes the coins. For some reason John got mad at that and started attacking Clancy, but the game was over by then. Then Sweet insisted that John would have attacked Clancy for real.

But the weird part is that he wanted an Aggression point for attacking Clancy. It seems obvious to me that attacking your friends is a negative Openness. Aggression is not just random violence, it's excessive violence for the given situation. So fighting the minions of evil and killing them throughout this episode is not Aggressive. Torturing people can be seen as being violent, but it's more a being cruel and evil which translates more to Openness in my game. And attacking your friend is more cruel than violent to me.

Promotions. Donald and Shannon rolled well but I don't want to promote Krystal to Lieutenant Commander and Clancy has no departmental experience. So this season I gave Krystal Line Officer Training and bumped up her Department Head to Beta shift. Clancy was also given Line Officer Training and Department Head in the Beta shift (he rolled better). Gonar was given Line Officer Training and Venor was given a Department Head in the Gamma shift.

Once again John was not promoted. He didn't even roll well enough to get something minor. It's kind of disappointing that John never has a good chance at promotion. I really can't change the standards of my campaign and he's really hitting a wall that other people are avoiding. Oh well, such is life sometimes.
Which reminds me that I did calculate Karma for everyone. Really simply based on renown except negative renown subtracts from Karma. I had to tweak the initial formula to make Aggression more of a negative, to make Venor come out on the low end of the Karma scale. Just my way of giving a subtle hint to my players, although the ones that need the hint aren't the ones that notice those little details.

One more regular season left. Then maybe a bonus season, though it will play out much slower than regular seasons. It's been a good campaign so far. More ups than downs. It's been nice to give something back to my group, and even with all the frustrations and challenges it has been quite an experience.
Copyright (c) 2001 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: January 22, 2004
Page Last Updated: January 22, 2004