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I've been quite tired lately. The last few weeks I've had less energy and I'm getting less done. Sleeping more than I should, maybe reading more than I should. Maybe I'm just way too fat. Maybe it's because I've started eating lunch like my parents want me to.

In any case, I've been getting more and more behind on my work. My Star Trek campaign is taking too much of my time. So the plan is to try to only run every other week. The problem is making that every other week be the week that Chris is gaming with us. This week he'll be gaming with us but I'm not going to run a game. Probably next week I won't run a game also. Start concentrating on work, put a little bit of time in getting the next adventure ready.

Speaking of which, with the number of players I'm expecting (like nine until people start cancelling) I'm worried that there won't be enough for people to do. Most of the Star Trek episodes are not designed for a lot of players. Low combat, high character interaction means that the episodes run better with a few people than with a lot of people.

One solution is to have a B plot and split up the characters. Four or five can work on the A plot while the rest can work on the B plot, or the B plot can be brought in to break up the action and give everyone a chance to roleplay. The other option is similar but uses two A plots. This is easier in that I'm using two prewritten episodes so there is less work for me to do (I don't have to create a B episode). But it does burn through two episodes at once, episodes that I can't really afford to burn in this way.

Nobody was promoted this year. There was a chance for Gonar and Krystal but that last adventure killed their minimal chance. Bad rolling all around kept everyone from getting any sort of perks, everyone other than our three lieutenants. John and Serin will get their Line Officer certification, which means that they can command small starships, or Delta shift of a large starship like the Discovery.

Krystal will become Department Head of the Medical Department. Like the other two, her advantage applies to a department of a small starship or department head during Delta shift of a large starship. After the last three adventures, I don't want to lean heavily on Krystal for command. Unfortunately this leaves me with only two effective leaders.

Ideally, this season I want Serin and John to each lead two missions, Krystal lead one mission, and someone else lead a mission (probably the holodeck adventure). I'm not too sure who I want to promote to replace Krystal. Gonar and Beltana haven't shown any leadership capabilities when they were given a chance. Jon is too unstable while Venor is too violent. Clancy looks like a promising candidate. Only problem is that I'd rather not have Shannon play yet another leader-type character. James is an unknown quantity, he might be a good leader. But if he doesn't show up the point is rather moot.

In terms of my promotion formula, Gonar, Beltana, and Krystal had the best chances while John and Venor had the worst. Although being aggresive doesn't hurt you that much, getting aggression renown means you're not getting renown in Starfleet renowns. After three episodes of hammering people with negative renown, it's time for me to be a bit more lenient. Krystal especially got hit hard. Donald doesn't show up for three episodes, then for the three he is there I'm trying to cut the characters down. Krystal's renown is quite a bit worse than it was at the start. Oh well, such is life.

Copyright (c) 2000 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: August 22, 2004
Page Last Updated: August 22, 2004